1.Expanding of a Example in Common on Study of Electromagnetism;电磁学中一个常用例题的拓展
2.Examples Application in Higher Algebra Teaching;高等代数教学中的例题应用
3.How to appling example in solid peometry teaching;谈例题在立体几何教学中的运用

1.Pay Attention to Potential Problems in Examples--Two Cases in Computer Principle Teaching;重视例题中潜在的问题——计算机原理教学案例两则
2.Downloadable lecture notes and sample exams are available for this course.本课程备课程讲稿及测验例题供下载。
3.For example, consider payroll.例如,工资单问题,
4.exemplify the problems involved.举例说明所涉及的问题.
5.Such problems have come up before.这类问题早有先例。
6.Examples of leading questions include:引导性问题的例子如下。
7.This course includes problem sets and sample student projects.这门课包括问题集和学生专题范例。
8.Some Inverse Examples about the Converse Propositions of Two Propositions in Algebra;域的理论中两个命题的逆命题的反例
9.On the Pioneering Contribution of Poems with Paintings in the Tang Dynasty to the Stylistic Rules and Layout;唐代题画诗对题画诗体例的开创之功
10.Exanthematous pustulosis in an elderly patient: case report.例老年患者的泛发性脓疱疹:病例报告(题目)。
11.To clarify by serving as an example or comparison.举例说明运用例证或比喻把问题讲清楚
12.On the question of the legal status of the regulations on the exercise of autonomy and the specific regulations;论自治条例和单行条例的法律地位问题
13.Consideration of On-the-spot Surveys of 27 Dead Cases Caused by Adverse Drug Reactions/Events对27例死亡病例现场调查发现的问题的思考
14.The Issues of Globality in the Global Era--Taking the environmental matter as the example;全球化时代的全球性问题——以环境问题为例
15.All the questions must be answered without exception.所有的问题都要求无例外地予以回答。
16.This is an example illustrative of the issue under discussion.这是一个说明讨论中问题的例子。
17.To illustrate this, we take temperature for example.为了说明问题,我们举温度为例。
18.Could you illustrate this question with some examples?你能举些实例来说明这个问题吗?

1.From four key points, examples, exercises, practices and application of modern teaching techniques in assembly language teaching .汇编语言是计算机专业的一门非常重要的专业基础课 ,但由于最接近硬件 ,编程结构复杂 ,指令繁多 ,不直观 ,枯燥乏味 ,学生在学习中很容易丧失兴趣 本文总结了笔者在汇编语言教学中的关键环节 ,即例题、习题、上机和现代教育技术应用四个方面所进行的教材教法上的改进 ,增强了学生对汇编语言学习的兴趣和信心 ,收到了良好的教学效
2.In this paper, some examples are given to illustrate its application.詹禁(Jensen)不等式在分式不等式证明中有着广泛应用,通过不同例题来展示其应用。
3.The author describes the function of advanced algebra illustrative examples,methods for choosing and goals and means of solving examples.阐述了高等代数例题的作用,根据教学内容的需要选择例题的方法,讲解例题必须达到的目的和方法。
3)Examples and exercises例题与习题
4)theme legend主题图例
1.Research on the quickly loading method of theme legend by using Avenue with ArcView;利用Avenue程序快速加载ArcView主题图例方法的研究
5)typical example典型例题
1.This article argues the convergence and divergence of constant series,and gives some typical example.讨论了常数项级数的敛散性,并给出一些典型例题,在教学中对学生理解和掌握常数项级数这部分内容有较大的帮助。
6)problems of exemplification配例问题
