1.Applied calculation method for penetration of projectile into rock;射弹在岩石介质中的侵彻实用计算方法
2.Study on the Simulation Model of HE Projectile Fragment Field;HE射弹破片场仿真模型研究
3.Numerical simulated research on characteristic of supercavity form around underwater high-speed projectile;水下高速射弹超空泡形态特性的数值模拟研究

1.submarine-launched ballistic missile潜艇发射弹道导弹(潜射导弹)
2.projectile aeroballistics射弹航空弹道学(指炮弹或导弹)
3.The lateral deviation of a projectile or bomb.炸弹或射弹的侧位偏差
4.ballistic trajectory(火箭的)放射弹
5.Projectiles of this kind considered as a group.发射物一组这样的射弹
6.Terminal Ballistics deals with the impact of projectiles on a target.终点弹道学研究的是射弹的弹著作用。
7.Such a projectile in a metal casing;a cartridge.弹药(筒)装在金属盒中的射弹。弹药
8.Ordrat (ordnance dial recorder and translator)试射弹信息处理计算机
9.elastic scattering and inelastic scattering弹性散射和非弹性散射
10.Bullet-proof glass stops bullets from passing through it.防弹玻璃子弹射不透。
11.Impenetrable by bullets.防弹的子弹射不透的
12.To make an emergency exit from an aircraft by deployment of an ejection seat or capsule.弹射出利用弹射座椅或弹射座舱从飞行器紧急出口弹射出来
13.catapult ,for launching aircraft发射发行器的弹射器
14.radiative inelastic scattering cross section辐射非弹性散射截面
15.shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult.向外射,似从弹弓上发射。
16.the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb.导弹的弹头,用于发射原子弹。
17.ground-to-ground silo-launched ballistic missile发射井发射的地对地弹道导弹
18.Research of the Effect to the Characteristics of Vertical Eject Launch by the Static Stability of Missile导弹静稳定度对弹射式导弹发射特性影响研究

1.The sample variability coefficients and population variability coefficients of the falling points of projectiles were defined.给出了射弹落点样本变异系数的概率密度函数,分析了变异系数的分布规律,建立了计算样本变异系数概率分位数的模拟方法。
2.The method of ALE arithmetic of LS-DYNA was used to simulate the initiation process of shelled explosive by projectiles.利用非线性有限元程序LSDYNA对射弹冲击引爆带壳炸药作用过程进行了数值模拟,得出了不同材料、长径比射弹冲击引爆不同厚度壳体炸药的临界阈值速度。
3.This paper discusses the effects of an impact on concrete barriers caused by similarly shaped but not necessarily proportional projectiles.该文讨论了形状类似的射弹侵彻相同混凝土厚靶问题,假定已知经验公式在不完全相似条件下仍成立,研究了原型和模型实验的侵深比、弹长比、弹径比和弹体质量比之间的关系。
3)bomb ejection cartridge炸弹弹射弹
1.The feasible catapult project on high-velocity missile has been given,intcrior ballistic parameters were calculat- ed and the results have been displayed in this paper.针对高速动能导弹提出了可行的弹射方案,建立了内弹道参数的模拟计算和优化方法。
2.Through plenty of historical materials, from function of the origin of catapult, type of bow, balls of catapult and its skills, catapult martial skills are textual studied.征引大量历史资料 ,从弹射溯源、弹弓的形制、弹弓的弹丸、弹弓的技法及弹弓的功用等几个方面对弹射武技予以考证论述 ,力图对弹射武技有一个较为全面的认
1.Design and Realization of the Control System of the Ejection Seat Training Simulator;基于PLC的飞行弹射模拟器控制系统设计
2.A Microcomputer Controlled Dynamic Property Measuring System of Pilot Ejection Simulator;微机控制飞行员弹射练习器力学测量系统的研究
3.By strictly deducing and contrastly proving, a new method to realize high speed ejection is developed.轮扫掠力检测实验台用于测量车轮与轨道之间的作用力,该实验台中包含有高速弹射机构。
6)Projectile trajectory射弹弹道
