1.Study on bullet-proof property of ceramics/composite armor;Al_2O_3陶瓷—石墨/超高分子量聚乙烯杂交纤维复合材料装甲抗弹性能研究
2.The Investigation on Might Capability of Shaped Charge of Two Side Anti-armor Sub-mines;双向反装甲子雷聚能装药威力性能研究
3.The Experimental Investigation on Might Capability of the New Type Anti-armor Sub-mines;新型反装甲子雷威力性能试验研究

1.group of vehicles protected in this way装甲车辆,装甲部队
2.a protected cruiser(有装甲甲板的)装甲巡洋舰
3.an armoured column, division, etc装甲纵队、 师等.
4.panzer troops装甲[机械化]部队
5.(German) equipped with armored vehicles.(德语)装备有装甲车。
6.Of or relating to an armored division.装甲师的属于或关于装甲师的
7.equipped with armor heavy enough to provide protection from light-arms fire.装备有足以抵抗轻武装火力的装甲
8.UETA (Universal Engineer Tractor-Armored)通用装甲工兵牵引车
9.SADARM (Senes and Destroy Armor)检测和摧毁装甲车辆
10.armor that protects the wearer's body.保护穿着者身体的装甲
11.Armour - plate can fend back bullets.装甲钢板可以挡住子弹。
12.e armoured transporter特种战争装甲运输车
13.an attack by infantry and armour步兵和装甲兵的进攻.
14.Armor plate is impenetrable by ordinary bullets.装甲板普通子弹打不穿。
15.Allied M8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25.美军M8装甲车的装甲升级所需弹药资源减少25。
16.Loaded on Deck(货物)装于甲板上
17.deck-arrestor gear for aircraft飞机甲板着陆拦阻装置
18.To cover or armor with mail.用铠甲覆盖或武装…

1.The damage patterns of armour steels and rod penetrators in the course of 93W105 simulated rod penetrators with 1?400m/s velocity penetrating into four kinds of tempered 603, 675 and 685 steels were researched.研究了用 93W 10 5模拟弹以 14 0 0m/s左右的速度侵彻四种回火状态的 6 0 3、6 75、6 85钢装甲和弹体的破坏方式。
3)armor equipment装甲装备
1.In allusion to the actual obsolete measure method of armor equipment complex parts,the article has presented a approach to measure by using three-dimensional coordinate instrument,what greatly increased in precision and efficiency of measure,offered strongly guarantee and support to maintain armor equipment.针对目前装甲装备零件检测方法的陈旧,提出了利用三维坐标量仪进行检测的方法,大副度的提高了检测精度和检测效率,为装甲装备的维修提供了强有力的保障和支持。
4)armored equipment装甲装备
1.The Design and Implementation of Armored Equipment Information Management System;装甲装备信息化管理系统设计与实现
2.In littoral the armored equipment is eroded by the special ocean environment.沿海地区特殊海洋环境造成装甲装备的严重腐蚀,为了研制一种新型的耐蚀有机涂层,该文作者研究了有机硅改性环氧树脂的化学反应,并对改性树脂的性能进行了测试分析。
3.In Littoral area, the armored equipment is severely eroded due to the special ocean en- vironment.沿海地区特殊海洋环境造成装甲装备的严重腐蚀,为了研制一种新型的耐蚀有机涂层,特研究了有机硅改性环氧树脂的化学反应,并对改性树脂的性能进行了测试分析,结果表明,改性树脂克服了环氧树脂的耐温性差、亲水性强以及盐水渗透率高等性能缺陷,为进一步制备该地区装甲装备防腐涂料奠定了基础。

“蜜獾”8×8装甲补给车“蜜獾”8×8装甲补给车它是在“蜜獾”6×6车型的基础上,加装了一对前轮制成,变成了8×8驱动型式。战斗全重增至29吨,车体长8.74米,比6 x 6车型长了1.53米。发动机的最大功率增大至430马力,最大行驶速度为86千米/小时。车上仅装l挺用于自卫的12.7毫米机枪。该车主要用于在战场上运送军用物资。采用多用途的集装箱结构,并有起吊能力4.6吨的液压吊车配合工作。集装箱的标准尺寸为l米×1.2米×1.2米,可运送弹药、5人用篷布套件、活动厕所、活动淋浴室、800升水、冷冻冷藏室等。不用说,这套家什是很受南非部队官兵欢迎的,往往能解他们的“燃眉之急”。