1.A family of translation 3-DoF parallel manipulators without plateform constraint singularities was obtained by three special orthogonal constrains provided by three limbs.利用三条支链对平台所提供的特殊正交约束,得到了一种彻底避免运动平台奇异的纯平动三自由度并联机器人。
2.Based on the examples of the translation of the rigid body,this paper points out that if the rigid body is simplified as the particle in physical teaching in senior middle school,it will bring us many disadvantages.本文从刚体平动的实例出发 ,指出在高中物理教学中将刚体简化成质点所带来的种种弊端 ,进一步说明新编高中物理教材中引进力矩概念的重要性。
3.The rotation of the earth can be neglected while discussing the tide generating force, it is reasonable that the orbit motion of the earth round the common mass center of the earth with the moon can be considered as a translation.把地球绕地月公共质心的运动直接看成平动是完全合理的。

1.V-T energy transfer振动-平动能量传递
2.Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD)平滑异同移动平均线
3.Automatic Turbine Start透平自动起动(装置)
4.translation gliding平移滑动, 直移滑动
5.Peace-keeping operation维持和平行动(维和行动)
6.movable work platforms可动工作平台 可动工作平台
7.smooth pursuit movement平稳跟随运动 平稳跟随运动
8.Research on Oscillating and Translating Flat-bottom Follower Disc CamM echanism摆动与直动平底从动件盘形凸轮机构
9.Non-automatic balance-Beam balanceGB/T4168-1992非自动天平杠杆式天平
10.Flat belt drive Belt and pulleys-widthsGB/T11359-1989平带传动平带及带轮的宽度
11.To ease the anger or agitation of.使平静,安抚平息…怒气或激动
12.Pax Christi, International Catholic Peace Movement基督和平会-国际天主教和平运动
13.a horizontal board that provides a supported surface for manual work.为手工劳动者提供的一个水平平面。
14.The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam.体操运动员在平衡木上保持平衡。
15.The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.袭击平民的举动公然违背了和平协定。
16.Wang Ping: Nevertheless, there is a great potential for raising the Asian sports level.王平: 但是,亚洲运动水平的潜力很大。
17.A Method of Dynamic Analysis of the Pressure of Horizontal Well with Horizontal Fracture;水平裂缝水平井的压力动态分析方法
18.Automatic-leveling system for base-plane of large-size photoelectric equipment大型光电设备基准平面自动调平系统

motion of translation平动,平移
5)translational kinetic energy平动动能
1.It is pointed out that translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy mutually transferred by sliding friction force, but it only has positive acting.讨论滑动摩擦力作功,说明了滑动摩擦力可以使刚体的平动动能和转动动能之间相互转换,但总是作负功。
2.The variation curves of rotational kinetic energy and translational kinetic energy changing with angle coordinate are drawn using MATLAB.建立了摆的动力学方程,导出了动能定理的微分表达式和积分表达式,用MATLAB软件编程画出了转动动能、平动动能与角坐标间的关系曲线,分析了平动动能对振动周期的影响。
6)average translational kinetic energy平均平动动能

刚体的平动  刚体内任一直线在运动过程中始终同原来位置保持平行的运动,又称移动或平行移动。例如,在平直轨道上运行的火车车厢上任一直线,在火车运行过程中,始终同它原来的位置保持平行。平动刚体内所有各点在每一瞬时都具有大小相等、方向平行的速度和加速度,各点的运动轨迹也完全相同,互相平行。图中A1B1∥A2B2∥A3B3。    刚体作平动时,其内各点具有相同的运动,故刚体内任意一点(例如重心)的运动可以代表整个刚体的运动。因此,刚体的平动又可归结为点的运动学问题。