1.Changes in behavior and spinal cord dorsal horn CGRP following chronic compression of DRG in rats;背根神经节压迫对大鼠痛行为及髓背角内降钙素基因相关肽的影响
2.Objective To determine whether chronic constriction injury (CCI) to sciatic nerve is associated with changes in the phosphorylation of CREB in dorsal root ganglia ( DRG) and superficial dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord.目的探讨背根神经节和髓背角磷酸化cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(pCREB)表达在慢性压迫性神经损伤(CCI)致神经病理性疼痛大鼠痛觉过敏中的作用。
3.The left L5 spinal nerve was exposed and ligated and cut.方法SD大鼠24只,随机分为3组,神经病理痛组:行左侧L5神经结扎并切断建立大鼠神经病理痛模型;假手术组:暴露左侧L5神经,但不行结扎和切断;正常对照组:不作手术处理,每组8只。

1.a saddle of lamb, venison, beef, etc羊肉、 鹿肉、 牛肉.
2.The vertebrate spine or spinal column.椎动物的椎或
3.repair of meningomyelocele膜膨出修补术
4.An injection into the epidural space of the spine.柱硬膜间的注射
5.of or relating to the spine or spinal cord.属于、关于柱或髓。
6.spinal column and cord operating instruments set髓手术器械包
7.Having a backbone or spinal column.有椎的有骨或者骨结构的
8.MRI features of spinal vertebra,spinal meninges and spinal cord tuberculosis椎、膜、髓结核的MRI表现
9.Of or characteristic of vertebrates or a vertebrate.椎动物的椎动物的或有椎动物特征的
10.any animal of the phylum Chordata having a notochord or spinal column.具有索动物或椎的索动物门的动物。
11.Shaped like or having a carina or keel; ridged.象或龙骨的,有或龙骨的;成状突起的。
12.Proteomics Studies of Spinal Cord and Cerebrospinal Fluid in Acute Spinal Cord Injury;急性髓损伤髓和脑液的蛋白质组学研究
13.pectoral gridle(椎动物的)肩背
14.A fish or fishlike vertebrate.鱼状椎动物鱼或似鱼的椎动物
15.They are vertebrates, that is, animals that have backbones.它们是椎动物,即有骨的动物。
16.having or shaped like a carina or keel.形状象或龙骨,有或龙骨。
17.single-host parasites of lower vertebrates and invertebrates.低等椎动物和无椎动物的寄生虫。
18.back rashers熏背肉薄片, 腌背肉薄片

1.The steady state composition profiles of ternary azeotropic mixtures in a continuous distillation column were investigated and calculated with feed compositions on the ridge or in the valley of the boiling temperature surfaces of the systems.通过对泡点温度面具有代表性的两个三元共沸系统的连续精馏实验,考察了在进料组成位于泡点温度面(谷)上的情况下沿塔高的浓度分布,结果表明浓度分布曲线越过了(谷),馏出液和釜液组成落在(谷)的两侧。
2.A new method of inter-harmonics analysis based on ridges of time-frequency plain is presented in this paper.针对电力系统间谐波分析的局限性,提出一种基于时频平面信息提取的间谐波分析新方法。
3.Then ridges are detected from time-frequency plain.该方法首先基于自适应最优核时频分布理论得到电信号的时频分布,然后进行时频平面信息的提取,从而得到电信号各频率分量频率随时间变化的特征。
1.Calculating the Waveguide Invariant by the 2-D Fourier Transform Ridges of Lofargram Image;利用LOFAR谱图的二维傅里叶变换计算波导不变量
2.The results show that the inner walls of the esophagus consist of longitudinal ridges, with teeth at the front tip.结果表明,中华稻蝗食道内壁由纵行组成,前端有齿。

脊脊 脊   ①脊背部。泛指人体背部包括脊柱、背肌等。《素问·热论》:“伤寒一日,巨阳受之,故头项痛腰脊强。”   ②背中,指脊椎骨(颈、胸、腰椎骨)及左右近侧。《素问·刺腰痛》:“足太阳之脉,令人腰痛,引项脊尻背如重状。”