1.Steam Bubble Collapse of Thermal Pipeline in Nuclear Power Plant;核电站输热管系中蒸汽泡溃灭模拟实验
2.Numerical calculation of the laser induced bubble collapse激光空泡溃灭过程的数值计算
3.The collapse time of the bubble on the wall was shortest in the high speed water and longest in the stationary water.通过数值仿真计算,模拟近壁面以及附壁面气泡在静止流场和高速水流中的溃灭过程,研究气蚀作用机理。

1.Numerical Study of Underwater Bubble Collapse Dynamics Processes水下气泡溃灭动力学过程的数值研究
2.Numerical Modeling of Noise Generation During Collapse of Single Bubble单空泡溃灭及其空化噪声的数值模拟
3.Numerical Analysis on Growth and Collapse of Cavitation Bubble空化空泡发育和溃灭过程的数值分析
4.Effect of Liquid Parameters on Expansion and Collapse of Laser-induced Cavitation Bubble液体参量对激光空泡产生和溃灭的影响研究
5.The Evolution and Collapse Characteristics of Bubble and Bubble Cluster in Venturi文丘里管内空泡及空泡群的演变及其溃灭特性
6.Simulation of Bubble Growth and Collapse in a Water Jet Flow空泡在水射流中初生和溃灭的数值计算
7.Experimental study of the growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles near a rigid boundary固壁旁激光空泡生长和溃灭特性的实验研究
8.Surface Tension Effects on the Growth and Collapse of Cavitation Bubbles near a Rigid Boundary表面张力对固壁旁空泡生长和溃灭行为的影响
9.and thereby imagine, what the pains of death are, when the whole body is corrupted and dissolved;由此再想那使人全身腐败溃灭的死亡其痛苦更当如何。
10.Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease.在其力量被更进一步地以恶魔邪术予以强化后,砸烂溃灭敌人对他来说有若砍瓜切菜之易。
11.Oppose fighting merely to rout the enemy, and uphold fighting to annihilate the enemy.反对击溃战,承认歼灭战;
12.He is verging on ruin [a breakdown].他正濒临毁灭 [精神崩溃] 。
13.The enemy main battle then broke and was massacred.这时敌军的主力就崩溃,而被歼灭了。
14.It might mean anything: defeat, breakdown, the redivision of the world, the destruction of the Party!可能的后果是不堪设想的:战败、崩溃、重新划分世界、党的毁灭!
15.Hence, we can win final victory and avert subjugation, while the enemy will ultimately be defeated and will be unable to avert the collapse of his whole imperialist system.所以我能最后胜利,避免灭亡,敌则将最后失败,而不能避免整个帝国主义制度的崩溃。
16.So, in the very first day, you will vibrate with the illusion of mass illness and seemingly devastating disruption.因此,就在第一天,你将以大众疾病的幻影振动而且似乎是毁灭性的崩溃。
17.Like everyone else, the Spanish Government was staggered by the sudden downfall of France and the expected collapse or destruction of Britain.正如所有的人一样,西班牙政府对法国之突然沦陷和英国之可能崩溃或毁灭,大吃一惊。
18.Studies have shown it can cause prostate and pancreatic cancer cells to kill themselves. It also helps prevent and heal stomach ulcers.研究发现,辣椒素可以使前列腺癌和胰腺癌的癌细胞自我毁灭,还能够预防和治疗胃溃疡。

bubble collapse空泡溃灭
1.The bubble collapsing process was described and analyzed, and the second bubble collapse theory was verified.在电脉冲空蚀实验装置上,设计加装了压电传感系统,成功地监测记录了空泡溃灭对金属表面的作用力,对气泡的溃灭过程进行了描述和解释,验证了气泡的二次溃灭理论。
2.Assumed that bubble walls were free surfaces and traced by Youngs' method (one of volume of fluid methods with higher interface construction accuracy), cavitation erosion caused by bubble collapse is numerically studied through directly solving primitive Navier-Stokes equations.计算发现空泡溃灭产生高压脉冲相对于高速射流对空蚀形成起主导作用 ;空泡在流场中位置不同 ,高压脉冲对固壁上的空蚀破坏结果不同 ,并给出了距离界
3.A dynamic model was developed for a two-bubble system which neglects fluid compressibility to analyze two-bubble collapses and cavity noise generation.空泡溃灭时会产生很大的瞬时压强,造成流体机械装置的空蚀破坏并产生噪声和剧烈振动。
3)Zhikuimieyou decoction止溃灭幽疡
1.Objective:To observe the effect of Zhikuimieyou decoction on H.结论 :止溃灭幽疡是治疗 HP阳性活动期十二指肠溃疡较为理想的方药。
4)growth and collapse生长和溃灭
5)ruin[英]['ru:?n][美]['ru?n]v.毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁灭,崩溃;(pl.)废墟,遗迹
1.On Algorithms of the Mo and Mie in Calendrics of Ancient China;论中国古代历法推没灭算法的意义
2.The calculations of Mo and Mie in ancient Chinese calendars were invented by the St fen Calendar of the Eastern Han Dynasty(A.中国古代历法推没灭术始创于后汉《四分历》(公元85年)。
