1.Technique of hydrolytic extraction of amino acid in nacre;珍珠母水解提取氨基酸工艺的初步研究
2.Study of the effect of Gamdir Vine and Nacre used with ZHUANGJING KANGFUJI in the treatment of vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis钩藤、珍珠母在配合壮颈康复剂治疗椎动脉型颈椎病中的效用研究
3.Based on the microstructure of the organic matrix layers in nacre, the effects of the mineral bridges on the Young's modulus and the crack resistance of the interfaces of organic matrix are studied.通过对天然珍珠母材料有机基质界面的微结构及其力学性能的研究,简要地分析了珍珠母有机界面的弹性模量以及裂纹阻力与其微结构的联系,由此说明在珍珠母所表现出来的优异力学性能中微结构所起的重要作用。

1.pearl shell珍珠母[贝], 夜光贝
2.mother-or-pearl blank, worked, for buttons珍珠母钮扣坯料,已加工
3.rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl镶嵌珍珠母的檀木床
4.rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀木椅
5.relating to or resembling or made of or adorned with pearls or mother-of-pearl.关于珍珠或珍珠母,或与之相似,或由其装饰。
6.the pearly lining of the dark shells is a source of mother-of-pearl.深色贝壳的珍珠状内部是珍珠母的来源。
7.case cigar or cigarette, of mother-of -earl珍珠母制香烟盒或雪茄盒
8.disc ,of mother-of-pearl (excl. button blanks)珍珠母制圆片(不包括纽扣坯料)
9.Mechanics Properties of Composite Materials Based on Stacked Microstructure of Nacre基于珍珠母堆垛微结构复合材料力学特性
10.an iridescent oil slick; nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl; a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster.彩色的浮油;看起来像珍珠母一样光芒四射的云彩;乳白色的、像珍珠一样的光泽。
11.ornamental object of mother-of-pearl, for personal adornment (incl. rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, brooches, earrings)珍珠母制饰物,个人饰物(包括戒指,手镯,项链,垂饰,胸针,耳环)
12.ornamental article of mother-or-pearl, for interior decoration (excl. collector' pieces and antiques)珍珠母制装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)
13.Covered or decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl.用珍珠装饰的以珍珠或珠母装饰的或遮盖的
14.He said that he had bought the pearl for his mother.他说他为他母亲买了那颗珍珠。
15.Pearl Farmer and Merchant珍珠农场主和珍珠商
16."Pearl: Concretion formed by a mollusk and consisting of the same material (called nacre, or mother-of-pearl) as the mollusk's shell."珍珠: 软件动物生成的结核,构成物质与软件动物的壳相同(称为珍珠质或珠母质)。
17.The colour varies with the mollusk and its environment.珍珠的颜色由于母体及其环境的不同而异。
18.Women’s Silence and Rebellion;女性的沉默与抗争──评赛珍珠的《大地》与《母亲》

concha margaritifera珍珠母
1.Methods Ischemia-reperfusion mice were treated with baicalin, geniposide, cholic acid and concha margaritifera respectively for 3 hrs, and then their brain tissue were taken to extract the total protein.方法黄芩苷、栀子苷、胆酸、珍珠母分别干预缺血再灌小鼠3h后,断头取脑,提取蛋白,用蛋白质芯片比较分析以上组分对小鼠缺血脑组织蛋白表达谱影响的差异。
2.Methods The adult,male rats were randomly divided into sham-operation group,model groupand 5 treatment groups including cholalic acid group,baicalin group,jasminoidin group,Concha Margaritifera group and Hefanggroup.方法成年雄性SD 大鼠,随机分成假手术对照组、模型组和给药组(胆酸组、栀子苷组、黄芩苷组、珍珠母组以及合方组)。
3)Concha Margaritifera珍珠精母
1.Studies on Effect of Concha Margaritifera,Inosine,Humanum Placentle and Herba Houttuyniae on Lipid Peroxide of the Rat Liver;珍珠精母、肌苷、人胎盘组织液、鱼腥草对大鼠肝脏脂质过氧化的作用
1.Purification of Taurine from Dicksoniaceae;珍珠贝母体中牛磺酸的提取
5)nacre conch珍珠母贝
1.This paper is concerned with the margarite which is the primary lime-micadiscovered for the first time in the Xinyang area, Henan Province, China.我们发现于信阳地区的珍珠云母是我国的首例原生钙质云母、该区的珍珠云母和白色云母与十字石都呈残斑共生于变余糜棱岩中,这表明它们是含珍珠云母的十字石云母片岩糜棱岩化后的变余矿物。

珍珠母【通用名称】珍珠母【其他名称】珍珠母 珍珠母 拼音名:zhenzhumu 英文名:CONCHA MARGARITIFERA 书页号:2000年版一部-186 本品为蚌科动物三角帆蚌Hyriopsis cumingii (Lea)、褶纹冠蚌Cristaria plicata (Leach) 或珍珠贝科动物马氏珍珠贝Pteria martensii (Dunker) 的贝壳。去肉,洗净, 干燥。 【性状】 三角帆蚌 略呈不等边四角形。壳面生长轮呈同心环状排列。后背缘向 上突起,形成大的三角形帆状后翼。壳内面外套痕明显;前闭壳肌痕呈卵圆形、后闭壳 肌痕略呈三角形。左右壳均具两枚拟主齿,左壳具两枚长条形侧齿,右壳具一枚长条形 侧齿;具光泽。质坚硬。气微腥,味淡。 褶纹冠蚌 呈不等边三角形。后背缘向上伸展成大形的冠。壳内面外套痕略明显; 前闭壳肌痕大呈楔形,后闭壳肌痕呈不规则卵圆形,在后侧齿下方有与壳面相应的纵肋 和凹沟。左、右壳均具一枚短而略粗后侧齿及一枚细弱的前侧齿,均无拟主齿。 马氏珍珠贝 呈斜四方形,后耳大,前耳小,背缘平直,腹缘圆,生长线极细密, 成片状。闭壳肌痕大,长圆形,具一凸起的长形主齿。 平滑。质脆,折断时成粉屑或小片状,半透明。臭微,味淡。 【鉴别】 (1) 本品粉末类白色。不规则碎块,表面多不平整,呈明显的颗粒性 ,有的呈层状结构,边缘多数为不规则锯齿状。 (2) 取本品粉末,加稀盐酸,即发生大量气泡,滤过,滤液显钙盐的鉴别反应( 附录Ⅳ)。 【炮制】 珍珠母 除去杂质,打碎。 煅珍珠母 取净珍珠母,照明煅法(附录Ⅱ D)煅至酥脆。 【性味与归经】 咸,寒。归肝、心经。 【功能与主治】 平肝潜阳,定惊明目。用于头痛眩晕,烦躁失眠,肝热目赤,肝 虚目昏。 【用法与用量】 10~25g ,先煎。 【贮藏】 置干燥处,防尘。