1.Different caulking should be performed in the construction of joints according to their positions and functions.对施工阶段的不同接缝,应按其位置及所应具备的功能 来进行不同形式的嵌缝处理。

1.air drying neoprene sealant风干氯丁橡胶嵌缝
2.acoustical insulation and sealants隔(吸)音绝缘和嵌缝材料
3.preformed joint filler预塑式嵌缝板, 预制填缝料
4.The effects of variation in content of three fillers on properties of the material was studied and accelerating aging test was carried out as well.研究了三种填料含量变化对嵌缝材料性能的影响,并对嵌缝材料进行了加速老化试验。
5.Study on Seismic Behavior of Stone Wall Strengthened by Mounting Bards in Bed Joints嵌缝加固条石砌筑石墙的抗震性能初探
6.The slot seam is a decorative seam.嵌条缝是一种装饰缝。
7.The easiest form of inserting is that used for a piped seam.镶嵌最简单的形式就是采用嵌条缝(夹紧缝)。
8.For curved slot seams, both sides of the seam must be faced and underlay follows the same curve.弧形嵌条缝,缝的两边必须对称,垫层的弧度相等。
9.He have a morsel of food catch between one tooth and another他的齿缝里嵌进了一小片食物
10.Panel or vertical style seams: towards the Center.镶嵌或垂直款式缝:朝中心线。
11.Join the panels of faBric at the selvages.把镶嵌布料沿布边缝合起来。
12.Dovetail into严丝合缝地嵌进,切合,吻合
13.He had a morsel of food caught between one tooth and another.他的齿缝里嵌进了一小片食物。
14.I had to use a toothpick to remove the food that was stuck between the teeth.我不得不用牙签除去嵌在牙缝的食物。
15.open joint tile drainage pipe不嵌接头缝的陶土排水管
16.The mason flushed the joint with mortar.泥工用灰浆把接缝处嵌平。
17.cover ,built-in, for sewing-machine cabinets or stands嵌入式缝纫机机头柜或机架盖板
18.Design of Embedded Weld-seam Correction System Based on ARM;基于ARM的焊缝纠偏嵌入式系统的设计

3)Joint material嵌缝材料
4)caulking slot嵌缝槽
5)joint sealing plank嵌缝板
6)sealing paint filling嵌缝腻子

防水嵌缝材料  用于填充建筑物各种接缝的防水材料。建筑物各种接缝的防水处理是保证工程防水质量的关键,因此接缝部位需用适当的防水材料填充。常用的嵌缝材料有 4种:①沥青油膏。用石油沥青加入无机填充料,有时加入稀释剂制成的膏状材料,具有较好的防水性和粘结性,价格便宜,但耐热性和抗冻性较差,一般用于刚性防水屋面的分块缝。②沥青橡胶油膏。用磨细的再生橡胶粉和沥青熬制而成。③聚氯乙烯胶泥。主要用煤焦油和少量的聚氯乙烯树脂及其助剂制成。后两种材料的特点是有较好的塑性、低温柔韧性和耐热性等,适用于填充建筑物的施工缝、构件拼接缝和伸缩缝等。④止水带。用橡胶或聚氯乙烯树脂特制的一种带状材料,其截面中心有一管道状的孔,在混凝土现浇施工时将带的两翼埋置在接缝两边的混凝土中,可以适应接缝处发生的变形。止水带具有很高的强度和良好的弹性及耐腐蚀性,能承受1.0兆帕的水压,适用于地下建筑物的各种变形缝和防水要求较高的工程。此外,还广泛应用于水坝和隧道等工程。    近年来,还研制成用聚硫橡胶、硅橡胶等为基本原料的嵌缝材料,它们除具有非常好的弹性外,还具有防油、防老化、耐挤压、耐高温和耐磨等优良性能。