飞行轨迹,flight trajectory
1)flight trajectory飞行轨迹
1.In this paper,a method of target flight trajectory forecast based on α-β-γ filter is pointed out.文中提出一种基于α-β-γ滤波的目标飞行轨迹预测算法,介绍了算法的基本原理、数学公式,并通过仿真,验证了该方法的有效性。
2.The relative modeling and simulation techniques include flight dynamics environment modeling and re-entry flight trajectory parameter generating, strapdown inertia sensor modeling and putout signal imitating and real-time schedule arithmetic in Hardware-in–the-Loop simulation system.介绍了多机、多任务、实时再入飞行器捷联惯性控制器半实物仿真测试平台的构建,以及相关的建模与仿真技术,其中包括飞行力学环境建模与再入飞行轨迹参数的生成、捷联惯性传感器建模与输出信息模拟、半实物仿真系统实时调度算法。
3.Clear projection velocity and flight trajectory of explosion fragments in chemical industry parks help to reveal the Domino effect caused by the fragments.明确爆炸碎片的抛射速度及飞行轨迹是分析化工园区中爆炸碎片导致的多米诺效应的前提和基础。

1.Research Teaching of the Projectile s Flight Track by Application of Matlab;用Matlab进行抛射体飞行轨迹研究性教学
2.Optimization Research on a Period of Hypersonic Vehicle Skip Flying Trajectory;高超声速飞行器单周期冲越飞行轨迹优化研究
3.Optimization of Leap Trajectory of the Near Space Vehicles with Hypersonic Speed高速临近空间飞行器跳跃飞行轨迹优化研究
4.Trajectory tracking was completed through the outer loop.飞行轨迹的跟踪则通过外回路来实现。
5.Global 4-D Trajectory Optimization for Spacecraft航天器4维飞行轨迹全局优化(英文)
6.Research on Optimization of Helicopter Flight Following One-Engine Failure;直升机单台发动机停车后的飞行轨迹优化
7.Computed Simulation of Javelin Flight and Its Application in Throwing;标枪飞行轨迹的计算机仿真及实际应用
8.Projectile Track under Two kinds of Air Resistance Models两种空气阻力模型的抛射体飞行轨迹研究
9.Analysis Methods of Projection Velocity and Flight Trajectory of Explosion Fragments爆炸碎片抛射速度及飞行轨迹分析方法
10.The Maximum-range Trajectory Analysis of Hypersonic Glide-reentry Vehicle高超声速滑翔式再入飞行器最大航程飞行轨迹分析
11.The flight path would then either intersect the earth, or go off into space.飞行轨迹不是和地球相交,就是离开地球而进入宇宙空间。
12.the path of an aircraft or rocket through the air.飞机或火箭在空中飞行的轨迹。
13.Survey of numerical methods for direct aircraft trajectory optimization飞行器轨迹优化的直接数值解法综述
14.Reentry Trajectories Simulation of Sub-orbital Flight Vehicle in Atmospheric Environment大气环境中的亚轨道飞行器再入轨迹仿真
15.Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Fast-Reconstruction for Suborbital Launch Vehicle亚轨道飞行器上升段轨迹优化与快速重规划
16.The Terminal Area Energy Management Trajectory Designe and Guidance for a Reusable Launch Vehicle;可重复使用飞行器末端能量管理段轨迹与制导
17.Research on Trajectory Generation for Flying Robot for Overhead Powerline Inspection电力线路巡检飞行机器人轨迹生成方法研究
18.Reentry Trajectory Optimization for Manned Deep Space Exploration载人航天器深空飞行返回再入轨迹优化

flight paths飞行轨迹
3)flight path飞行轨迹
1.The reproduction of flight paths based on the data of digital flight data recorders is important to analyze flight accidents and improve pilots flying technique.给出根据DFDR记录数据运用预测校正法积分计算飞行轨迹和其他飞行参数,实现飞行过程再现的一种简单算法,并给出使用Matlab进行计算和绘图的算例计算结果,证明该算法简便有效。
2.One of the basic objects of a flight path planner is to plan a route through threat space to accomplish mission objectives, at the same time the route should satisfy mission planning constraints.轨迹规划的一个最基本目标是规划飞机通过威胁空间并实现任务目标的飞行轨迹
1.By means of dynamics equation and kinematics equation,trajectory of flying radar targets are calculated .通过动力学方程和运动学方程计算飞行动目标的飞行轨迹 ,利用飞行扰动模型计算飞行过程中的飞行随机抖动 ,将图形电磁计算的方法推广到计算飞行动目标的雷达散射截面 ,并比较了考虑随机抖动前后的计算结果。
5)flight track飞行轨迹
6)6DOF flight trajectory6DOF飞行轨迹

复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)instrument meteorological conditions flight fuza qixiangfe主xing复杂气象飞行(instrument meteorologiealconditions flight)见飞行技术。