1.Several irregular buildings with unparallel or out of the vertical each other is easily controlled by one irregular control net,including several attaching rectangle or irregular measurement control nets,as long as the axis has equal or perpendicular relationship with buildings.只要与拟建建构筑物的主要轴线发生平行或垂直关系,即可用一个不规则矩形测量控制网中包含多个矩形或不规则四边形测量控制网,同时控制多个互不平行(或垂直)的异型建筑。

1.A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base, or generatrix of the intersected cone.圆锥的一部分,其切面既不平行于轴和基面,也不平行于圆锥母线
2.the practice of being unjust or unfair.不公正不公平的行为。
3.An unjust or injurious act.不公平或不公正的行为
4.It is impossible to have equilibrium all the time without having it upset.净是平衡,不打破平衡,那是不行的。
5.an uneven pavement, floor高低不平的人行道、 地板.
6.The rough street was crowded.街道不平坦,行人很多。
7.unequal reduction for equal results为了公平的结果实行不公平的裁减
8.“No, no,” one of the others said, “that would be unjust.“不,不行。”另一个人说道,“那不公平。”
9.parallel lines never converge; concentric circles are parallel; dancers in two parallel rows.平行线从不相交;同心圆是平行的;平行的两排舞蹈者。
10.Inequality is another front on which the bank is ill-equipped to fight.不平等是世行战备不力的另一条阵线。
11.It is made up of short streets that pretend to run parallel to one another,几条不长的街道好像互相平行,
12.passing swiftly over rough stonewalls,敏捷爬行在那凹凸不平的石墙上,
13.A: No. What you need is balance.甲:不困难,只要能保持平衡就行了.
14.Parallel lines are, by definition, lines that never join.按照定义,平行 线即永不相交的线。
15.The car bumped along the rough road.汽车在高低不平的路上颠簸而行。
16.The troops were retarded in their advance by broken ground.军队因行经不平的地面而使前进缓慢。
17.The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.吉普车在崎岖不平的路上颠簸行进。
18.The bus jerked along the rough road.公共汽车在不平的路上颠簸行进。

3)in parallel imsalignment不行平度
5)parallel misalignment平行不对中
1.The dynamical equation of parallel misalignment rotor-bearing systems is derived,using Lagrangian dynamics.数值结果显示,刚性联轴节平行不对中时,故障特征频率主要成分为1X分量;振动经过充分衰减后,转子系统轴心轨迹是比较稳定的圆;随着质量偏心、平行不对中量的变化,驱动轴振动幅度可能大于从动轴振幅;平行不对中对支承刚度较小的转子系统的动态响应影响较大。
2.The object of this research aimed at the parallel misalignment fault of fixed rigid coupling(FRC).以水轮发电机组固定式刚性联轴器平行不对中故障为研究对象,从动力学角度推导不对中机理,建立平行不对中弯扭耦合振动微分方程。
3.Due to the universality of the vibration when the unit in the operation, the theoretical analysis of the vibration characteristics on hydro-generator shaft system is made, which studies the dynamic characteristics of two rotors connected by rigid coupling with parallel misalignment and the rotor rubbing under the axial thrust.考虑到振动问题在机组运行中的普遍性,本文对刚性联接平行不对中转子系统动力学特性、轴向推力作用下碰摩转子运动机理和水电机组轴系振动特性进行了系统的理论分析,同时对机组振动故障诊断策略进行了深入研究。
6)u nbalanced operation不平衡运行
