正则变换,canonical transformation
1)canonical transformation正则变换
1.Canonical transformation of general classical Hamiltonian system by 2-dimensional general coordinate and corresponding quantum unitary transformation of it;在二维坐标系下的一般经典哈密顿系统的正则变换和对应于它的量子幺正变换(英文)
2.The quantization of a general mesoscopic RLC circuit with source by series-mounting is studied by using a new canonical transformation satisfied condition.通过引入一种满足条件的新正则变换,研究了介观有源RLC串联电路的量子化,得出了研究系统量子效应一般规律的态函数,并进一步研究了压缩真空态电荷和广义电流的量子涨落,提出了量子噪声可以加以利用的观点。

1.The damped harmonic Hamiltonian is infered from harmonic Hamiltonian, by introducing the canonical transformation.从线性谐振子哈氏量出发,通过正则变换,得到了受迫阻尼谐振子哈氏量。
2.Regularization without transformation for bilinear problems应用于双线性问题的无变换正则化
3.The maximal regular subsemigroups of singular order-preserving transformation semigroups奇异保序变换半群的极大正则子半群
4.Face Regularization Preprocessing and Evolvable Face Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform;基于小波变换的正则化人脸预处理和演化人脸识别
5.Regularity and Green's relation for semigroups of transformations partially preserving orientation in T_E(X)T_E(X)中局部方向保序变换半群的Green关系和正则性
6.wilson's renormalization group transformation威尔逊重正化变换群
7.Aluthge transforms of essentially normal operators本性正规算子的Aluthge变换
8.Under nomal viewing angles,the background looks dark,but when it is tilted extreme forward,it can be seen in a blue or green color.在正常的观赏角度下,可看到呈神秘黑色的背景,但当大幅度将设计前倾时,则会变换成蓝绿色。
9.Regularized Iris Image Restoration Algorithm of Noise Energy Estimation Based on Discrete Quadrature Direction Wavelet Transform基于离散多方向小波变换估计噪声能量的正则化虹膜图像恢复方法
10.In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.换言之,矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变。
11.“Where There Are Changes, There is Life”──On the Modern Transformation of Traditional Criticism;“变则通,通则久”──论中国古代文论的现代转换
12.A Reinspection on the Parallel Principle of Transformational Analysis对“变换分析平行性原则”的重新审视
13.Research on the Rules for the Transformation from PIM to PSM in MDAMDA中PIM到PSM变换规则的研究
14.While the formal rules can be changed overnight, the informal norms change only gradually.尽管正式规则能突然改变,但是非正式规则职能逐渐变化。
15.The Research and Realization of ZCT Push-Pull Forward DC/DC Converter;推挽正激零电流转换DC/DC变换器的研究与实现
16.Toggles regular expression searching on and off切换正则表达式搜索的状态—打开或关闭
18.a change of scene would Be just the ticket for us.环境的变换正是我们所需要的

unitary transformation正则变换
1.Starting from equation of motion of the active RLC circuit,we adopt the technique of the unitary transformation,transform the charge and current into the unitary variable and then have the quantization.从有源RLC电路的运动方程出发,对电荷、电流经正则变换后量子化;然后采用规范变换的方法,求解含时Schrodinger方程;最后对RLC电路中电荷、电流的量子涨落进行了研究,并对其结果进行了讨沦。
2.Starting from equation of motion of the active RLC circuit, we adopt the technique of the unitary transformation, transform the charge and current into the unitary variable and then have them quantization by making use of standard transformation, we try to solve the having time Schrdinger equation.首先从有源RLC回路的运动方程出发 ,对电荷、电流经正则变换后量子化。
3)canonical transformations正则变换
1.This paper demonstrates that the canonical transformations correspondi ng to unitary transforma-tions, by using the canonical transformations in classical mechanics and unitary transformations in quantum mechanics to transform a time-dependent quadratic Ha miltonian of the damping harmonic oscillator.对阻尼谐振子的含时哈密顿用经典正则变换和量子u变换两种方法进行变换 ,论证了两种变换间的对应关系。
2.The Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by canonical transformations.把耦合项为C(a+1a2+a+2a1)+D(a+1a+2+a2a1)的Hamilton量写成超矩阵相乘的形式,通过正则变换使其对角化。
4)regular transformation正则变换
5)canonical fransformation group正则变换群
6)canonicalization transformation正则化变换
1.By means of canonicalization transformation, we study the quantization of dissipative mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuit, and discuss the quantum fluctuations of charges and generalized currents in the system.通过正则化变换 ,研究了耗散介观电容耦合电路的量子化 ,并讨论了系统中电荷和广义电流的量子涨落 。

正则变换  由一组正则变量到另一组能保持正则形式不变的变量的变换。设某系统存在着一组广义坐标q1,q2,...,qN和广义动量p1,p2,...,pN,而变量变换式为:    式中t为时间。如果变换式(1)满足    ,  而且使系统原来的正则方程      ,  (i=1,2,...,N)变换到以K为哈密顿函数的另一组正则方程  ,(i=1,2,...,N)  (2)  则式(1)称为正则变换。式(2)中的K(Q,P,t)是新哈密顿函数。    根据正则方程与广义哈密顿原理的等价性,上述要求也可表述为:       (3)  如果上式同时成立,其被积函数应满足       (4)  式中F称为正则变换的"母函数"。由于4N个新老正则变量之间有2N个变换关系式相联系,可在其中选出2N个变量作为独立变量。 假定某类正则变换可以选择(q,Q)这2N个变量作为独立变量,则F可表达为(q,Q,t)的函数,并记为F1。于是有:     (5)  而      将上式代入(5)中,比较系数得:  ,  (6)式中F1称为"第一类的母函数",可以按要求适当选定。F1选定后,可自式(6)的第一式解出Q,再自第二式算出P,K可由式(6)的末一式求得。这样求得的Q,P,K一定适合正则方程:    。    在4N个新老正则变量中,如果对2N个独立变量的取法不同,则母函数的形式也不同。常用的母函数有F1(q,Q,t),F2(q,P,t),F3(p,Q,t),F4(p,P,t)。它们之间的关系可写为:        施行正则变换的目的是将正则方程变换成较易求解的方程。如选择正则变换,使变换后的新哈密顿函数,则这种变换后的新广义坐标全部成为可遗坐标。由式(2)得:    ,  故    Qi=αi,Pi=βi,  式中αi,βi分别为积分常数。    假定上述正则变换的母函数为F1,根据式(6)的末一式,应该有:            。    (7)     将F1写成S(q,Q,t),再把式(6)中的第一式代入式(7)中便得到:      这就是著名的哈密顿-雅可比方程,通过它的全积分可以找到满足上述要求的正则变换。    正则变换的研究在天体力学中有广泛的应用。