1)Large Displacement大位移
1.Principle of virtual work for framed structures with large displacement;用于大位移情形的杆系结构虚功原理
2.Accuracy compensation for a kind of large displacement measurement mechanism;一种大位移测量装置的精度补偿
3.Multi rigid body discrete element method of large displacement elasto plastic analysis for plane frames;平面刚架弹塑性大位移分析的多刚体离散元法
2.Studies on Image Completion Based on the Large Displacement View基于大位移视图的图像修补技术研究
3.Design of Testing Circuit for Large-distance Eddy Current Sensor大位移电涡流传感器测量电路的设计
4.Drilling technology for Zhuanghai 8Es-H5 extended-reach horizontal wellZH8Es-H5大位移水平井钻井技术
5.Numerical Calculation of Lateral Parabolic Profile Design of the Extended Reach Well大位移井侧位抛物线剖面设计的数值计算
6.high-frequency displacement detection amplifier高频位移检测放大器
7.Surgical techniques and complication prevention of an orthotopic kidney transplantation model in rats大鼠原位肾移植模型的移植技巧及并发症预防
8.large mobile wet masher大型移位式湿饲料搅碎机
9.maximal-length FSR code最大长度反馈移位寄存器码
10.This restaurant is owned by an Italian settler.这家餐馆由一位意大利移民所有。
11.Such a displacement could have a significent bearing on conclusions.这种位移对其结论会产生重大的影响。
12.Study of refraction correction in three-dimension displacement surveying of a dam大坝三维位移监测中折光改正的研究
13.The larger the phase-shift, the more significant the amplitude of soliton pulse descended.相位漂移越大,孤子幅度下降越显著。
14.So thehorizontal displacements of a dam are normal as a whole.因此,大坝水平位移变化总体上正常。
15.The Control System for Horizontal Displacement Measurement of the Ground;大地水平位移测量仪控制系统的研究
16.The Progress of Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in Rats大鼠原位肝移植模型建立的研究进展
17.Design of micro-displacement amplifier based on flexure hinges基于柔性铰链的微位移放大机构设计
18.Research of Orthoconal Micro-displacement Amplifier with Piezoelectic Actuator一种正交型压电位移放大机构的研究
large deflection大位移
1.The self-oscillation frequency and optimization of FRP laminated plates under large deflection;大位移FRP铰支层合板的自振频率及优化
2.The numerical examples in this paper show that the method can be used to analysis large deflection of space trusses.计算表明本文方法可以有效用于空间桁架结构大位移问题分析。
3)extended reach well大位移井
1.New model for forecasting drag and torque in Extended Reach Well.;大位移井摩阻/扭矩预测计算新模型
2.Analysis on friction drag and torque from extended reach wells and the influence on well drilling depth;大位移井摩阻和扭矩分析及其对钻深的影响
3.Optimization design methods of drilling strings in extended reach wells;大位移井钻柱优化设计方法及应用
4)extended reach wells大位移井
1.In view of existing situation of the extended-reach wells (ERW), a new mechanics model for the torque and drag calculation of the whole drill-sting is established with gap element method in extended reach wells and it considers for drilling fluid, contact friction and local bending of drilling-string.针对吉林油田大位移井的钻井实际,建立新的大位移井整体钻柱摩阻力分析的间隙元模型。
2.To reduce the application of oil based drilling fluids in extended reach wells,water based drilling fluids was developed for Liuhua Oilfield.为了减少大位移井对油基钻井液的依赖,研制出适用于流花油田大位移井的水基钻井液。
3.Static pressure of fracturing fluid and wellbore frictional resistance in the procedure of fracturing the extended reach wells (ERW) is related to the wellbore trajectory, well deviation angle and operation condition etc.大位移井压裂过程中的流体静压力、井筒摩阻等与井身轨迹、作业条件等因素密切相关。
1.This approach was used to calculate and analysis the case of Liuhua 11-1-17 B3 ERW4 well.为适时监测井眼环空净化状况,结合国内外最新研究成果,建立了一套大位移井井眼净化监测和计算方法。
2.Based on regular method and characteristics of ERW, the distinction of hydraulics design of ERW was analyzed.基于常规水力参数设计理论,结合大位移井特点,对大位移井水力参数设计特殊性进行了分析;结合实际情况,对传统理论最小排量计算方法进行了修正,提出理论最大排量概念,进而提出更符合实际的优选排量范围确定方法;依据循环压耗计算原理,分析了大位移井循环压耗精确计算影响因素及其计算方法;在此基础上提出大位移井水力参数设计方法,并进行了实例分析。
3.A Three layer model for cuttings transport in ERW is proposed based on the law of mass conservation and momentum theorem.根据流体力学理论建立了大位移井三层稳定岩屑运移模型,模拟研究了环空返速、岩屑直径和井斜角等对岩床高度和环空压耗的影响规律,并与他人实验数据和模型进行了对比分析。
6)extended-reach well大位移井
1.Calculating model of torque and drag in extended-reach well;大位移井摩阻扭矩计算模型
2.Based on the comprehensive analysis of logging data,geological information and laboratory tests results,this paper studied the pore pressure,in-situ stresses and rock strength of Liuhua 11-1 oil field,analyzed the borehole stability during the drilling of shale and limestone payzones for extended-reach wells,and calculated the safe mud density window for the extended-reach wells.大位移井钻井的主要技术难点之一是如何保持井壁稳定,井壁稳定与否是关系到一口井成败的关键。
3.Casing wear is one of the inevitable problems during the drilling process, especially more serious in deep wells, ultra-deep wells, high-angle wells, and extended-reach wells, etc.深井、超深井、大斜度井、大位移井等高难度井逐渐普及,其钻柱工作时间的延长以及井眼轨迹的变化使得套管磨损问题日益突出,而磨损位置的不同会对套管强度降低的程度产生重要影响。
超声波电机驱动的精密位移机构为了解决上述问题,采用全新的驱动器——超声波电机来驱动位移机构。超声波电机原理和结构完全不同于传统电磁式电机,没有绕阻和磁场部件,不是通过电磁相互作用来传递能量,而是直接由压电陶瓷材料实现机电能量转换的新型电机,其结构简单,具有单位体积出力大、响应性能优良等特点。超声波电机位移机构主要由控制系统、超声波电机和附着有摩擦材料的精密滑台组成。控制系统是根据需求对超声波电机提供高频功率源。超声波电机是由压电驱动体和弹性振动体组成,是利用压电陶瓷的逆压电效应直接将电能转变成机械能,其工作频率一般在20 kHz以上。精密滑台根据实际需要可以是直线滑台或旋转台。直线位移机构是由超声波电机的压电振子在预压力作用下保持与工作台端面的摩擦片接触,借助摩擦力推动工作台运动。旋转位移机构是由超声波电机的压电振子在预压力作用下保持与旋转台的环形摩擦盘接触,借助摩擦力驱动圆工作台旋转运动。压电振子压着摩擦片给位移机构提供一个位置保持力矩。超声波电机驱动的位移机构可以达到很高的定位精度,直线型精度达到10纳米级,旋转型精度达到秒级。其行程在理论上是无限的,只与机械结构有关,可根据实际需要设计位移机构的行程。其灵敏度高,频率响应最低可达到20 kHz,即应答时间为50 µs,基本无迟滞现象,可以实时响应。 超声波电机驱动的位移机构具有优异的低速平稳性,其速度的动态变化范围宽广,可实现10~250 mm/s;其结构简单,只有驱动部件和运动部件,没有复杂的传动系统;易与计算机接口,给该种位移机构配用合适的控制系统,可用于超精密加工误差的动、静态补偿,可作为超精密加工的微进给机构,还可用于低速大转矩非连续运动机械、机器人等。