1)non-uniform sediment非均匀沙
1.Study on mathematical modeling for non-uniform sediment transport in an irrigation district along the lower reach of the Yellow River;引黄灌区非均匀沙运动数学模型研究
2.Effect of grain shape on incipient motion of non-uniform sediment;泥沙颗粒形状对非均匀沙起动条件的影响
3.Study on laws of incipient motion for non-uniform sediment on sloping land;坡面非均匀沙起动规律研究
1.Research on incipient velocity of nonuniform sediment on slope of bend river bank河湾坡岸非均匀沙起动流速公式探讨
2.Experimental Study on Non-uniform Sediment Incipient Motion & Sand Dune Evolution and Corresponding Turbulent Characteristics;非均匀沙起动、沙垄演化及其相应湍流动力特性实验研究
3.The Effects of Magnus Force on Sand Flux and Energy and Threshold Wind Velocity to Non-uniform Sand by the Common Tangential AngleMagnus力对风沙流结构与能量的影响和以公切角表征的非均匀沙起动风速
4.The Numerical Method for the Model of the Mixture of Water and Silt in R~2;平面非均匀水沙模型的数值方法及理论分析
5.heterogeneous thermoelectric effect非均匀温度差电效应
6.solid fuel heterogeneous reactor固体燃料非均匀反应堆
7.Helmholtz inhomogeneous medium亥姆霍兹型非均匀介质
8.a woman of beautiful proportions身材非常均匀的女人
9.Sensitivity Analysis of Networks Including Uniform and Nonuniform Transmission Lines;含均匀和非均匀传输线网络的灵敏度分析
10.Energy-balanced WSN Uneven Clustering Routing Algorithm能量均衡的WSN非均匀分簇路由算法
11.Determination of Regional Land Surface Parameters and Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Landscape of Jiddah Area of Saudi Arabia by Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data卫星遥感确定沙特阿拉伯吉达地区非均匀地表区域地表参数和能量通量
12.Analysis of Positive Solutions for a Multiple Food Chain Model in an Unstirred Chemostat;非均匀chemostat中非单食物链模型正解分析
13.Studies on Transmission of Optical Pulses and Optical Waves in Inhomogeneous Fibers and Waveguides;非均匀光纤和非均匀波导中光脉冲和光波的传输特性研究
14.irregularly distributed load非匀布荷载;不规则分布荷载;不均匀分布荷载;不平匀分布荷重
15.Blend the oil and hot water together and add in the egg mixture.热水和沙拉有混合后加入蛋液,混合搅拌均匀后,筛入粉类拌匀。
16.Analysis of Misunderstanding in LED Roadway Lighting Luminaire's Photometric Design--Illuminance Uniformity is not Luminance UniformityLED道路照明灯具配光设计的误区分析——照度均匀性并非亮度均匀性
18.NUMA: Non-Uniform Memory Access ArchitectureNUMA:非均匀存储器存取结构
non uniform sediment非均匀沙
1.The incipient motion formula of non cohesive non uniform sediment particles under a steady uniform stream flow on generalized sloping fluvial bed is established by the research.推导了斜面上非均匀沙的起动条件。
2.Bottom flow structure is changed because of the existence of the non uniform sediment.通过考察水流结构的改变 ,研究了非均匀沙的起动。
3.Obvious differences of transport mechanism exist between the uniform and non uniform sediment.非均匀沙运动规律与均匀沙明显不同。
3)nonuniform sediment非均匀沙
1.Incipient probability of cohesive nonuniform sediment;黏性非均匀沙的起动概率
2.Incipient motion of individual fractions of nonuniform sediment;非均匀沙分级起动规律研究
3.Research on incipient velocity of nonuniform sediment on slope of bend river bank河湾坡岸非均匀沙起动流速公式探讨
4)non-uniform suspended load非均匀悬沙
5)non-uniform bedload sediment非均匀底沙
1.Mechanism of downstream coarsening in the transport of non-uniform bedload sediments;不断增加的野外证据和室内水槽试验的结果表明:在一定的空间尺度内,非均匀底沙在向下游输运的过程中会出现“径向粗化”的现象,即颗粒级配沿径流方向增大的现象。
6)non-uniform sediment非均匀泥沙
1.By considering concealing and revealing features of the non-uniform sediments, and using analytical method of theoretical mechanics, vectorial formulae for the competent velocity of sediments at arbitrary plane in both concealing and revealing states are given respectively.考虑非均匀泥沙的隐暴特性 ,采用矢量力学分析方法 ,本文导出了任意面上处于隐蔽和暴露状态下的泥沙起动流速矢量式。
2.Based on the reviews of current research, an 2-D horizontal non-uniform sediment numerical model is established according to the character of hydrodynamic and sediment transport in Yangtze estuary.本文以长江口为例在前人工作的基础上,通过分析长江口水流、泥沙运动特性的基础上,建立平面二维的非均匀泥沙数学模型,并对长江口的泥沙输运过程和输运机理进行了研究。
科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦药物名称:洛沙坦英文名:Losartan别名: 科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦外文名:Losartan, Cozaar, Novartis成分: 氯沙坦钾 适应症: 高血压。 用量用法: 通常剂量为50mg,qd,治疗3-6周后达到最大抗高血压效应。在部分病人中,每天剂量可增加到100mg。血容量不足的病人(例如应用大量利尿剂)起始剂量应该为25mg,qd。 禁忌: 儿童,妊娠和哺乳妇女。 不良反应: 轻微而短暂的头晕,剂量相关性体位性低血压。罕见皮疹、荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿(包括面、唇和/或舌肿胀)。腹泻及偏头痛。偶有高血钾,罕见ALT升高。敏感个体和动脉狭窄的病人可出现肾功能异常。 注意事项: 血容量不足的病人应先补充血容量,减少起始剂量。有肝功能损害病人应使用较低剂量。 规格: 片剂 50mg x 7片。 类别:抗高血压药