scale乘子,scale multiplier
1)scale multiplierscale乘子
2)multiplication and multiplicator乘法乘子
1.In the article, the author comprehensively describes the multiplication and multiplicator in the Dirichlet Space and draws the conclusion similar to Dirichlet Space, the results of which are theorem 1,2, and 3.对D irichlet型空间之间的乘法乘子进行了全面的刻画,得到了与D irichlet空间相类似的结论,并对结果进行了推广。
1.Coefficient multipliers into Bloch space;到Bloch空间的系数乘子
2.Properties of Cauchy-Stieltjes Integrals and Their Multipliers;C~n中Cauchy-Stieltjes积分及其乘子的性质
3.Taylor coefficients and multipliers of Cauchy-Stieltjes integrals;泰勒系数和Cauchy-Stieltjes积分的乘子

1.lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers拉格朗日不定乘子
2.lagrange's method of undetermined multiplier拉格朗日的待定乘子
3.Cauchy-Stieltjes Integrals and Their Multipliers;Cauchy-Stieltjes积分及其乘子
4.The Boundedness for Multilinear Commutator of Multiplier Operator乘子算子的多线性交换子的有界性研究
5.I'd better take the elevator.看样子我得乘电梯。
6.electronic binary multiplying computer二进制乘法电子计算机
7.The party separated into three cars.一行人分乘三部车子。
8.The dandy took advantage of the incident to make his escape.佳公子乘机溜走了。
9.Although the two numbers multiplied together are often called factors, they are also known as the multiplicand and multiplier, with the multiplicand being the number to the left of the multiplication sign.虽然相乘的两个数都叫做因子,他们也可以叫做被乘数和乘数,被乘数是乘号左边的数。
10.Dual Toeplitz Operators and Products of Hankel Operators in the Several Complex Variables;多变量的对偶Toeplitz算子及Hankel算子乘积
11.Multiplicative derivations on factor Von Neumann algrbras因子Von Neumann代数上的可乘导子
12.Passenger is asked to identify their suitcase.乘客被叫去识别他们的箱子。
13.Passengers are asked to identify their suitcases乘客被叫去识别他们的箱子
14.Children in our village go to school on the school bus.我们村的孩子们乘车上学。
15.The brave little admiral had steamed north.那勇敢的小个子上将曾经乘船北去。
16.Children of Daba Mountain have to go to school by boat everyday.大巴山的孩子每天要乘渡船去上学。
17.which are an easy target for criminals,这很容易犯罪分子有机可乘,
18.I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want to ride in the Danny Wheel, either.抱歉,我也不愿乘丹尼轮子。

multiplication and multiplicator乘法乘子
1.In the article, the author comprehensively describes the multiplication and multiplicator in the Dirichlet Space and draws the conclusion similar to Dirichlet Space, the results of which are theorem 1,2, and 3.对D irichlet型空间之间的乘法乘子进行了全面的刻画,得到了与D irichlet空间相类似的结论,并对结果进行了推广。
1.Coefficient multipliers into Bloch space;到Bloch空间的系数乘子
2.Properties of Cauchy-Stieltjes Integrals and Their Multipliers;C~n中Cauchy-Stieltjes积分及其乘子的性质
3.Taylor coefficients and multipliers of Cauchy-Stieltjes integrals;泰勒系数和Cauchy-Stieltjes积分的乘子
1.Multipliers and Isomorphism of WCC-Banach Algebras;WCC-Banach代数的乘子与同构
2.In this paper,we discuss a property of multipliers of Cauchy-Stieltjes integral on set S_(δ,k)(e~(iθ)), we obtain that if f(z)∈μ_(α,β)(1<a<β,β-a<<δ<1),then | f′(z)|~2 iS integrable with respect to area measure on set S_(δ,k)(e~(iθ))for every θ.讨论集合 S_(δ,k)(e~(iθ))上 Cauchy-Stieltjes 积分乘子μ_(α,β)的一个性质,得到若 f(z)∈μ_(α,β)(1<α<β,β- α<δ<1),则对于每个θ,|f'(z)|~2关于 S_(δ,k)(e~(iθ))上的面积测度是可积的。
3.In this paper,we discuss some properties of generalized Cauchy-Stieltjes integrals A α and their multipliersM α,β ,the estimates of integral means on A α are also discussed,give relations between A α and the Bergman spaceβ p .讨论推广的Cauchy-Stieltjes积分Aα及其乘子Mαβ的一些性质,对Aα积分平均的估计进行讨论,给出Aα与Bergman空间Bp的关系
5)scale-free propertyScale-free性
1.Scale-free issues of complex systems, including scale-free property of complex systems, analysis of power law distribution, the evolving mechanisms for scale-free property, scale-free phenomena of complex systems, and macro-control of scale-free property, are systemically researched in this paper.系统研究了复杂系统的Scale-free问题,包括复杂系统的Scale-free性、幂律分布的分析、Scale-free性的形成机制、复杂系统的Scale-free现象,以及复杂系统Scale-free性的宏观调控等问题。
2.There are three important structural features in complex networks: small-world effect,scale-free property and network\'s navigability.复杂网络具有3种重要的结构特性:小世界性、scale-free性和可导航性,反映它们的经典模型是:Watts-Strogatz模型、Barabási-Albert模型和Kleinberg模型。
6)scale-free phenomenonScale-free现象
