固定点,fixed point
1)fixed point固定点
1.Global Approximately Controllability and Finite Dimensional Exact Controllability for Parabolic Equation with Fixed Point Controls;固定点控抛物型方程的整体近似能控与有限维精确能控性(英文)
2.Via reading system variables fixed point of axes can be determined in machine coordinates system: Via reading system variables PLC state bit is condition of criterion as NC macro-program goto;Via transferring positioning function FC15 or FC18 control for PLC axis is finished.通过读取系统变量可以灵活地确定每一个轴在机床坐标系中的固定点;通过读取系统变量将PLC状态位作为NC宏程序跳转的判断条件;通过调用定位功能FC15或FC18完成对PLC轴的控制。
3.Ausubel,a cognitive educational psychologist of America thinks that,conformity and harmony is necessary in the course of learning new knowledge,using the learner s knowledge to be the fixed point of learing new knowledge,giving the learner proper directing materials to be the bridge of learing new knowledge and the learner will learn more efficiently.Ausubel)认为 ,学习新知识要注重知识的整合协调 ;要利用学习者认知结构中所具有的知识作为新知识的固定点 ,同化新知识 ;要给学习者提供合适的引导性材料 ,作为学习新知识的桥梁 ,便于学习者更有效地学习新知识。

1.A fixed point of reference.集中点作为参照的固定点
2.To revolve around a fixed point or axis.旋转绕一个固定点或轴转动
3.Motor vehicles--Safety belt anchoragesGB14167-1993汽车安全带安装固定点
4.Frobenius Morphism and Fixed-point Algebra of the Extension Algebra A(?)s B;扩张代数A(?)s B的Frobenius态射和固定点代数
5.congelation point thermometer测定凝固点用温度计
6.There are no fixed points in space.在宇宙中没有固定的点。
7.stationary radiant固定辐射点 -流星群
8.elevation of perm datum固定参考点海拔高度
9.attachment to three point linkage固定于三点悬挂装置上
10.testing method for freezing point of aviation fuels航空燃料凝固点测定法
11.testing method for freezing point of chemical products化学产品凝固点测定法
12.A Review of Three Kinds Determination Method for Melting Point, Crystallizing Point and Solidification Point熔点、结晶点和凝固点三种测定方法的评述
13.To convert(data) from floating-point notation to fixed-point notation.固定,定点化(把数据)由浮点数表示法改成定点表示法
14.testing method for freezing point s of high-purity hydrocarbons高纯碳氢化合物凝固点测定方法
15.Testing method for freezing point of plasticizersGB/T1663-1982增塑剂凝固点的测定
16.surveyed static itinerant hawker在固定地点经营的已登记流动小贩
17.Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon.她的眼睛固定在地平线上的一点。
18.The dead center, being a stationary bearing point, must be lubricated.由于是固定的支承点,死顶尖必须润滑。

fixed point固定点,定点
4)fixed singular point固定奇点
1.There are two kinds of finite time blow-up according to the qualitative theory: the pole of the movable singular point and the fixed singular point.有限时刻爆破点在定性分析中可分为两类:一类为可移性奇点中的极点,一类为固定奇点。
5)prescribed poles固定极点
1.In this paper,we considered the construction of rational Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula for space of rational functions with prescribed poles.讨论了具有固定极点的有理函数空间上有理Gauss-Lobatto求积公式的构造,并建立了它与单位圆上的有理Szeg求积公式之间的关系。
6)3-point fixtion三点固定
