能量损失,energy loss
1)energy loss能量损失
1.Effect of flow resistance and energy loss to injection molding products;流动阻力及能量损失对注射成型制件的影响
2.Reduction of energy loss by bowed blades;弯曲叶片降低能量损失的涡动力学机制
3.Analysis on the energy loss in the flowing process of high pressure water jet;高压水射流流动过程中能量损失的分析

1.electron energy loss spectroscopy电子能量损失能谱法
2.characteristic electron loss phenomena特征电子能量损失现象
3.The energy losses are due to turbulence.能量损失起因于紊流。
4.relativistic rate of energy loss相对论性能量损失
5.Capacitor Energy Loss and Total Non-elastic Collision Energy Loss of Analog电容器的能量损失与完全非弹性碰撞能量损失的类比
6.charged particles energy loss by ionization带电粒子的电离能量损失
7.The result in either case is an energy deficiency.不论哪种情况结果都会导致能量损失
8.The Analysis of Energy Loss of Steam Line Network and the Optimization of Insulating Layer;输汽管线能量损失分析及保温层优选
10.Energy Loss of Quark in Nuclear Drell-Yan Process核Drell-Yan过程中夸克的能量损失
11.Energy Loss Compensation of Backscattering of the High-Energy Laser Energy Meter高能激光计后向散射能量损失补偿方法研究
12.Solar chimney power generation and its energy loss太阳能热气流发电系统透平发电及其能量损失
13.Higher voltage cables, which carry lower currents, lose less power, but the average is around 1 per cent loss.电压越高的电缆输送的电流强度就越小,损失的能量也就越少,但一般而言能量损失大约1%左右。
14.Each interaction produces an energy loss and deflection.每次相互作用都引起粒子能量损失和方向偏转。
15.At the same time broaden the spectrum as result of energy loss fluctuations.与此同时,电子谱由于能量损失的涨落而展宽。
16.A study of mass density effect on specific energy loss for H ̄+ ions in silicon质子在硅中能量损失的体密度效应的研究
17.The Theory and Application of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in Anisotropic Materials;各向异性材料中的电子能量损失理论及其应用
18.The corona gains and loses energy continuously.日冕总是不断地获得能量和损失能量。

energy losses能量损失
1.In this paper,the numerical simulation technique is used to investigating the effect of different swept depth of a turbine last stage blades with forward swept orthogonal designing on the energy losses of the cascades.采用数值模拟技术详细地研究了不同掠高的某蒸汽轮机末级叶片前掠正交设计对叶栅能量损失的影响。
2.Analyzed the changing of energy loss in turbine cascade with different backward wedge angles,and achieved the range of the backward wedge angles corresponding of the minimum energy losses on three typical sections in the turbine cascade.分析了叶栅能量损失系数随不同后楔角的变化,得到了在该涡轮叶栅内对应最小能量损失的3个典型截面上的后楔角的范围。
3.Analyzed the changing of energy losses coefficient in turbine cascade with different backward curved angles,and achieved the range of the backward curved angles corresponding of the minimum energy losses on three typical sections in the turbine cascade.分析了叶栅能量损失系数随不同后弯角的变化,得到了在该涡轮叶栅内对应最小能量损失的3个典型截面上的后弯角的范围。
3)expended energy损失能量
4)electric energy loss电能量损失
1.Investigation of monitoring system of electric energy loss and its application;电能量损失监控系统的研究与应用
5)energy loss rate能量损失率
6)rate of energy loss能量损失比
1.The method of computing energy loss for a given compress rate of the hidden image,and the empirical formula describing the relations between the compress rate and the rate of energy loss of the hidden image are presented.从图像能量的角度研究了基于Fourier变换的隐藏图像在JPEG压缩过程中的信息损失,提出了根据图像压缩比计算嵌入信息能量损失的方法,并且给出了表达图像压缩比与能量损失比之间关系的经验公式。
