1)Head injuries头部损伤
1.Through some theories of sports physiology,sports anatomy and sports training,the paper gives an analysis of the causes of head injuries in Sanda training and tries to puts forward prevention countermeasures against the injuries to provide help for teachers and students,thus to cultivate their interest in Sanda.其中,作为对方主要击打目标的头部损伤尤其要注意。
1.a convulsive epileptic state caused by a head injury.由于头部损伤而导致的痉挛性癫痫。
2.Head trauma, particularly the kind suffered in automobile accidents, may damage that part of the brain crucial to memory circuits.头部损伤,特别是车祸那一类的头部损伤,可能损害对记忆通路起决定性作用的那一部分。
3.Effects of Car-front-end Structural Parameters on Head Injury of Child-pedestrian轿车前部结构参数对儿童头部损伤影响分析
4.Many head injuries cause changes in the way a person acts.许多头部损伤都会引起人的活动方式的改变。
5.On Causes and Prevention of Head Injuries in Sanda Training散打对抗训练过程中头部损伤的原因及预防
6.A Study on Head-Brain Protections of Cylists in Vehicle-Bicyle Collisions;汽车—自行车碰撞事故分析及骑车人头部损伤防护技术研究
7.Accident Reconstruction and Research on Protection of Pedestrian Head in Vehicle-pedestrian Collisions行人—汽车事故仿真重建及行人头部损伤防护措施研究
8.Severe injuries to the head may cause more serious brain damage.头部重度的外伤能造成较重的脑损伤。
9.Results Complete tear of rotator cuff and injury of long head of biceps was seen in 5 cases (5/50).结果肩袖及肱二头肌长头腱完全损伤5例 (5/50),部分损伤17例(17/50);
10.Epidemiological analysis of 175 facial injuries175例头面部损伤的流行病学分析
11.Clinical analysis of hearing loss caused by head- face injury头面部外伤导致听力损失的临床分析
12.Pathological changes in 23 cases died of brainstem injury caused by palm and fist attack on head;23例头面部拳掌伤致脑干损伤致死病理学分析
13.Forensic assessment of mental disorder after head trauma:analyses of 204 cases.;头部外伤后精神损伤的法医学鉴定(附204例分析)
14.An injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward.鞭抽式损伤,头部受伤由于头颈突然猛拧的一个动作,或者向前或者向右,造成的对颈椎的损伤
15.injury to the brain caused by a blow; usually resulting in loss of consciousness.由于头部受击造成的大脑损伤;通常会失去知觉。
16.Assessment of the Local Mechanical Properties and the Damage Study for the Aluminium Alloy Welded Joints;铝合金焊接接头局部力学性能测试与损伤研究
17.The Study of Jinhu Cream in the Prevention and Treatment of Radiodermatitis in Patients with Head and Neck Cancers金虎膏防治头颈部放疗所致皮肤损伤的研究
18.The indemnification medical analyse about patients suffer from the contusion of the head and the optic nerve;头面部钝性损伤致严重视神经挫伤的赔偿医学分析
Head injury头部损伤
1.The output of head injury parameters corresponds well to the injury outcomes from clinical diagnosis.通过仿真计算得到儿童行人与车辆碰撞的动态响应过程以及头部损伤的相关物理参数。
3)Scalp and facial injury头面部损伤
4)Past-Head Injury头部损伤后
5)head injury criterion头部损伤值
6)head injury头部损伤/颅脑损伤
精子头部精子头部 解剖名。指精子前端膨大部分。呈卵圆形,长3~5μm,宽2~3μm,主要由细胞核浓缩而成,精子头含全部父性遗传基因。