1.The Exploration of Extraterrestrial Life and the Debate on Whether Is God from Cosmos;宇宙地外生命探索与有无上帝的辩论
2.The Image of "God" in Mu Dan’s Poems;穆旦诗歌中的“上帝”意象
3.Irony and Subversion——Comment on Vernon God Little;讽刺与颠覆——评DBC·彼埃尔的《弗农小上帝

1.God. Used with the.上帝上帝。和the连用
2.Man had to destroy God in order to achieve Him, equal Him.要当上帝,要与上帝一般无二,必先摧毁上帝
3."Heaven pardon me," cried Edmond, falling on his knees before his father.“噢,上帝饶恕我吧
4.Whut'll happen ter Maw an' Poke?啊,上帝,思嘉小姐!
5.And God said,"No problem!上帝说,“没问题!
6.Denounce himself, great God!自首,伟大的上帝
7.God bless ...God damn. --James Thurber, American humorist上帝会保佑上帝诅咒美国幽默家吐波
8.God is love, if i( ren zui). God will forgive me.上帝是爱,如果我认罪,上帝就会赦免我。
9.She has lost her belief in God, ie no longer thinks that God exists.她已不相信上帝(不相信真有上帝).
10.In the begin is word, and the word is with god, and the word is god.太初有道,道与上帝同在,道就是上帝
11.God, especially in Islam.阿拉上帝,尤指伊斯兰教上帝
12.My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?我的上帝,我的上帝,为何离弃我?
13.of or belonging to heaven or god.天堂或者上帝的,属于天堂或者上帝的。
14.God bless you, and God bless America."愿上帝保佑你们!愿上帝保佑美国!
15.God bless you all, and God bless America.愿上帝保佑大家!愿上帝保佑美国!
16.Prayer is speaking to God and mediation is listening to God.祈祷是对上帝说话,而冥想是倾听上帝
17.Oh for goodness sake!天啊,看在上帝的份上!
18.We go to church to praise God.我们上教堂去赞美上帝

the God上帝
1.Updike s novels revealed the crisis of faith in contemporary America: the old America protected the God,but the young America abandoned the God and tried to replace the God by sex.厄普代克的长篇小说意在揭示当代美国人的信仰危机:昔日的美国守护上帝,而年轻的美国遗弃上帝,并试图用性替代上帝的位置。
2.Meanwhile,they help to reveal the holy position and authority of the God in The Old Testament.同时,它们在客观上帮助体现出上帝在《圣经。
3)conversion to God皈依上帝
1.The pursuit thus proved to be a process of conversion to God.他从不接受身体和精神的和谐统一,到最后认识并且接受基督,整个过程形成皈依上帝的历程。
4)Their Eyes Were Watching God《凝望上帝》
1.Ecofeminist Criticism of Their Eyes Were Watching God;《凝望上帝》的生态女性主义解读
5)Kingdom of God上帝之国
