1.Between the Ceremony Playact and Symbolic Meaning:The Civil-ritual of Gods Beliefs & Social Functions;仪式展演与象征意义:民间仪式中的多神信仰及其社会功能——三川土族“纳顿”节及多神信仰习俗的人类学考察
2.On Ideology and Ritual of Land-Reform Novels;土改小说:意识形态与仪式

1.stroboscopic instrumentatio频闪观测仪式检测仪表
2.Of, relating to, or used in a rite of purification.涤罪仪式的涤罪仪式的、与涤罪仪式有关的或在涤罪仪式中使用的
3.perform a ceremony, rite, ritual, etc举行典礼、 仪式等.
4.initiation ceremony [triad society]入会仪式〔三合会〕
5.(I) Olympic Ceremonies(一)奥林匹克仪式
6.The ceremony of consecration to the ministry.授神职的仪式献身于神职的仪式
7.of or relating to sacred rites.指宗教仪式或与宗教仪式有关的。
8.A service that includes the office of Vespers.晚祷包括晚祷仪式的一种宗教仪式
9.A Christian rite, especially the Eucharist.宗教仪式宗教仪式,尤指圣事圣餐
10.A rite or ceremony of dedicating.奉献仪式奉献和供奉的典礼或仪式
11.Of, relating to, or being a ceremony of breaking ground.奠基的奠基仪式的,与奠基仪式有关的
12.The sacrament or rite of ordination.神职仪式神职的任命或神职任命仪式
13.A secret rite of such a cult.秘密的仪式这种礼拜的秘密仪式
14.Ceremony and Drama;是戏剧还是仪式——论戏剧与仪式的分界
15.a ceremonial manner.遵守仪式的行为方式。
16.of or characterized by or adhering to ritualism.仪式主义的,有仪式主义特点的,或坚持仪式主义的。
17.A service held on Sundays or holy days that includes the office of vespers.礼拜仪式在星期天或者圣日里包括祈祷仪式的一种仪式
18.A customary rite or ceremony.一项习惯性的礼仪或仪式

1.Ceremony for Releasing Family Souls From Purgatory and Symbol Significance——Take the Dinghuang Village of Dahua County as an Example;家族超度仪式与象征意义——以大化县定皇屯为例
2.Life follows culture in ceremony ——On the ceremony created in Yu Qiuyu s cultural proses;生命,在仪式中皈依文化——论余秋雨文化散文营造的仪式
1.Morality is deeply implied in the rites performed at schools.道德是学校生活中仪式背后所蕴含的深层意义所在。
2.Cultural identity in Leslie Marmon Silko s novel Ceremony represented a common concern of contemporary American Indian writers.西尔科结合文化身份的“特性”与“建构”之双重含义,探讨了复兴民族传统和重构文化身份的问题,通过主人公治疗精神创伤、回归部落文明和重温部落仪式的经历,揭示了弘扬民族文化传统对于身份探求的重要性。
3.Study of violence is paid special attention to in anthropology and culture,and especially in rite theory.人类学及文化研究对暴力的研究越来越重视,在许多方面展现出独特的见解,尤见于仪式理论中。
1.By collective means of rites, games, and arts, Nanning International Festival of Folk Songs and Arts has reconstructed Nanning s culture as a modern ethnic urban culture that is open, classical, popular and souled with Zhuang culture.南宁国际民歌艺术节以仪式、游戏、艺术的集合体的方式,重构了南宁以壮族文化为灵魂的、视野开阔的、既古老又时尚的现代民族城市文化。
2.The article focuses on the role that tranditional rites and festivals play on the local time institution and space institution of a small village in Anhui province.以安徽贵池的傩戏等地方仪式为田野调查对象,通过对地方社会的节庆、仪式活动的历史考察和实地调查,论述了传统社会不同于现代社会的时间和空间制度,以及民间的仪式活动在对地方时空制度的塑造中怎样发挥不可替代的象征作用。
3.In their life,women have only two occasions to express themselves in public rites,namely the wedding lament and the funeral lament.在中国的礼仪文化中,妇女只有在男人举行祭祖仪式时,才会作为最微不足道的角色参与。
1.The paper explores the origin,formation and rituals of the Dong s Goddess Sha according to the author s field investigation,detailed and believable materials.文章对侗族萨神的来源、形成及对萨的祭祀仪式进行了探讨,多为作者实地调查所得资料,材料翔实、可信。
2.From past to present,rituals run through human activities such as marriage,funerals,holiday celebrations and litigation.从古到今,仪式一直伴随着人类社会。
1.Healer of Trauma as an Angel——On Silko’s Ceremony;治愈心灵伤痛的使者——由西尔科的《仪式》看印第安传统女性
2.Her novel Ceremony aroused many critics’attention because of its deep Native American culture and excellent narrative techniques.其代表作《仪式》自从1977年出版后就凭借其丰富的文化底蕴和精妙的叙事技巧而备受关注。

仪式【仪式】 (术语)作法也。法华经方便品曰:“如三世诸佛说法仪式。”八教大意曰:“顿渐秘密不定化之仪式。”