1.Taking two representative events--Modern Reform Movement of 1898 and 1911 Revolution as the examples, the paper expounds the limitations existing in the political radicalism of reforming clique and the westernized system of emerging bourgeoisie.以近代戊戌变法和辛亥革命这两次极具代表性的重大历史事件为例,揭示维新派的政治激进主义、新兴资产阶级制度西方化等政治变革所存在的局限。
2.The changes of the social ecosystem,medium ecosystem and spirit ecosystem of mankind in 20th century lead to the fad of the radicalism,against which an radicalist tendency appeared in the new media arts,with the feature of anti-system,anti-control,and anti-vogue.20世纪人类社会生态、媒体生态和精神生态的变动促进了激进主义的流行。
3.Although conservatism,liberalism and radicalism constitute a tripartite value system,they all belong to the modern trend of thought,sharing common grounds on cognizing whether to realize modernization and accepting modernity,and on the four dimensions of immediacy,universality,individuality and secularity that embody modernity.保守主义、自由主义与激进主义虽为三个鼎立的价值系统,但均属“现代”思潮,三者在要不要实现现代化转型、要不要接纳现代性的认知上是共同的,在体现现代性的“当下性”、“世界性”、“个体性”与“世俗性”等四个重要向度上不难体会其共性;但三者对现代化道路的追寻、对现代性诉求的表达呈现出不同的特点,展示为“保守的现代性诉求——儒家资本主义现代化模式(东亚现代化模式)”、“温和的现代性诉求——欧美资本主义现代化模式”和“激进的现代性诉求——新民主主义与社会主义现代化模式”等三种不同类型;还可从现代化与反现代化、“前现代——现代——后现代”的坐标上分析三大思潮现代性诉求的区隔,文化保守主义是以“前现代”的美好凸现“现代”的弊端,激进主义超越西方现代性的思路可视为现代性的创新、也可视为“后现代性”。

1.Of, relating to, or engaged in activism.激进主义激进主义的,有关激进主义的或卷入到激进主义
2.Of, relating to, or being an activist.激进主义分子的激进主义分子的,有关激进主义分子的或为激进主义分子的
3.The doctrines or practices of radicals.激进主义激进的教条或行动
4.Consciously Dispel the Radical Trend of Thought--Retrospection of the radical trend of thought inside the United Front;自觉消除激进主义思潮——对统一战线内部激进主义思潮的反思
5.Conciliation and compromise are to get a chance, while flamboyance is out.激进主义开始势微,拆衷和安抚主义开始抬头。
6.The Controversy between Conservatism and Radicalism on the Dramatic Theory in 1920s;20年代戏剧理论的保守主义与激进主义之争
7.But activists are questioning the data.但激进主义者对此数据表示怀疑。
8.He roundly abused them for being a pack of Radicals.他严词申斥他们是一伙激进主义分子。
9.An inbred distrust of radicalism.激进主义与生俱来的不信任感
10.the failure of radicalism at the end of the 1980s中国80年代末期文化激进主义的失败
11.Diary of Activist Generation(1968-2008);激进主义一代的日记(1968—2008)
12.An Analysis of the Radicalism in the May Fourth Movement;对“五四”激进主义发展命运的另类解读
13.On the radical tendency of Zwingli s reformation;试析慈温利宗教改革的激进主义倾向
14.Influence of Radicalism Upon Chinese Literature of 20th Century (I);激进主义对20世纪中国文学的影响(上)
15.Political Radicalism in the Evolution of China′s History政治激进主义在中国演变的历史轨迹
16.The May4 th Movement of1919 was expedited by the radicalism and the liberalism thought tides.五四运动是由激进主义和自由主义两大思潮催生的。
17.radical or extremely liberal.激进的极端自由主义。
18.A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism,the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science;自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探

1.Reflected in her life, this best explains her activism for she has participated most actively in such activities ranging from the Civil Rights Movement to the latest attack on the explosion of World Trade Center and the Pentagon.折射到现实生活层面,则衍生为沃克的激进主义(activism),从早年投身的黑人民权运动到对9。
3)radical democrats激进民主主义者
1.The reformists,revolutionaries and radical democrats formed ideas of every description to save the nation and to build China into a powerful country thanks to the differences of their social foundation and the differences of the concrete conditions facing them,making their own choice while learning from the Western democratic system and thought.在帝国主义加紧侵略和民族危机加深的历史条件之下,维新派、革命派和激进民主主义者由于他们社会基础的差别和面临的具体形势的不同,在学习西方民主制度和民主思想时,做出了各自不同的取舍,形成了特色各异的关于救亡强国的民主思想。
4)radicalism and gradualism激进主义与渐进主义
5)radical feminist激进女性主义
6)ethical radicalism伦理激进主义
1.Thompsonian thought is an ethical radicalism.汤普森思想的本质是一种伦理激进主义,他不仅受到马克思主义的影响,也受到英国本土许多社会主义和非社会主义思想传统的影响。
