1.Emperor Tang Wenzong s Attempt to Destroy the Eunuch Power and the Eunuch Politics;唐文宗除宦与宦官专权政局
2.The eunuch s power strengthening and Prime Minister s power weaking in Tang Dynasty;论唐代宦官权势与相权的削长
3.Changes of the power of the eunuch since An-shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty;安史之乱前后唐朝宦官权势的演变

1.Another Side of the Relationship between Eunuch and Scholar-Bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty--Focusing on Eunuch Qianneng;明代宦官与士大夫关系的另一面——以宦官钱能为中心
2.The Analyse of the Eunuch System in Qing Dynasty and the Eunuch Incidents in the Late Qing Dynasty --Commenting Simultaneously on that Ding Baozhen killed Au Dehai;清代宦官制度与晚清宦官事件探析——兼评丁宝桢杀安德海
3.Deformed persons, and eunuchs, and old men, and bastards, are envious.宦官、老人、残疾者和私生子都好嫉妒。
4.A Brief Analysis of the Function of Eunuch in the Relation Between Northern Song and Western Xia Dynasty;北宋与西夏关系史中的宦官群体浅析
5.Discussing on the Power of Eunuch and its Political Influences in Mid to Late of Tang Dynasty;论唐代中后期宦官权力及其政治影响
6.On Two Powerful Official Governing Assistant Systems in Ming Dynasty-Cabinet and Official;论明朝的两大辅政系统——内阁与宦官
7.Emperor Zhu Made it and Destroyed it Himself --The Action of the Eunuchs Interfering in the State Affairs;自禁之又自紊之——朱元璋委政宦官之实
8.The Role Eunuch Played in Preserving the Central Authority in Middle and late of Tang Dynasty;试论宦官对维系唐中后期统治的作用
9.A Tentative Discussion of the Overall Characteristics of Palace Zaju in the Ming Dynasty;论明代儒臣与宦官在皇帝娱乐中的影响和较量
10.Analyzing the Eunuch s Belief in Buddhism in Beijing in Ming Dynasty through Inscriptions and Rubbings;从石刻拓本材料看明代京城宦官的崇佛之风
11.The Story of Heishanhui: Eunuch Politics and Popular Society during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;黑山会的故事:明清宦官政治与民间社会
12.Destruction of the Ming Dynasty Eunuch Politics of Economic Research明代宦官干政对国家经济的破坏之研究
13.In the Peking opera The Famen Temple, Chia Kuei is a trusted lackey of Liu Chin, a Ming Dynasty eunuch[2]贾桂是京剧《法门寺》里明朝宦官刘瑾的亲信奴才。”
14.Deformed persons, and eunuchs, and old men, and bastards, can often be differenct mentally from other people.变态了的人、宦官、老人和恶棍们常与别人想法不同。
15.A court official named Cai Lun was determined to develop a new and better writing material.当时一位名叫蔡伦的宦官决定发明一种更新更好的书写材料。
16.Cai Lun: A Chinese eunuch and prominent court official of the East Han Dynesty who invented papermaking in AD 105.蔡伦:东汉朝代的宦官。他在公元105年的时候发明造纸术。
17.Most of them were led by the famous eunuch admiral Cheng-ho.大多数使团都是由著名的舰队司令,宦官郑和率领的。
18.Other figures in the temple include four eunuchs and a few female servants in men's clothes.殿内的彩塑侍从人物,有四名宦官及几名男装侍女,

1.Due to the support of eunuchs in power,he fortunately got the kingship which he originally was not entitled to.作为唐朝除去武则天外的第19位君主,唐昭宗一生极具悲剧色彩,他本来已与帝位擦肩而过,可又在掌权宦官的拥立下幸运即位,虽然他攻书好文,尤重儒术,神气雄俊,尊礼大臣,梦想贤豪,但他年轻气盛,力图重振朝纲、毕全功于一役、压制强藩的做法,过于明显,从而触动了各个藩镇的利益,不仅难以成功,而且本人还被强藩首领朱温派人杀害,让后人为之扼腕。
2.The ranks of eunuchs in Southern Dynasty were much lower than those in Northern Dynasty,and as a result,the political and social status of eunuchs in Southern Dynasty was far incomparable to that of their counterparts in Northern Dynasty,and the display of eunuchs in military affairs in Southern Dynasty can be considered rare.南朝宦官的品秩要比北朝低得多,这就决定了南朝宦官的政治地位和社会地位远远不能和北朝宦官相比。
3.The Yellow-Door North Temple of the Eastern Han was a jail set up within the Imperial Palace, chiefly targeted at those among the literati and officialdom who were opposed to the monopoly of power by the eunuchs at court.东汉的黄门北寺狱是设在宫禁之内的诏狱,囚禁对象主要是反对宦官专权的朝野士大夫。
1.Some ancient historians appreciated emperor Zhu Yuan zhang′s (Tai zu) strict domination eunuches.历代史家在谈及明太祖朱元璋严驭宦官时 ,皆赞誉有加 ,认为明代重用宦官源于成祖朱棣 ,与朱元璋毫无干系 ;其实不然 ,明代宦官擅权的祸根在太祖 ,朱棣不过是“萧作曹随”而已。
2.The Eunuches’ intervention in the judicial proceedings in the middle and late days of the Tang Dynasty was a concrete expression of the monopolization of power on the part of the eunuches.唐中后期宦官参预司法是唐代中后期宦官专权在司法领域的具体表现 ,虽然在不同时期宦官用不同的名称和形式进行参预 ,但与唐代中后期宦官势力的消长是相辅相成的。
4)Imperial Servant Bureau宦官传
1.In the preface of eunuchs’ biographies in the Old Tang History, two of the five bureaus, belong to the Imperial Service Minister, is depicted as follows: Imperial Servant Bureau is in charge of providing the palace with curtains, lamps and candles, while Imperial Office Bureau takes charge of the supply and storage.《旧唐书·宦官传序》叙唐内侍省之"五局",云"内仆局掌宫中供帐灯烛,内府局主中藏给纳"。
5)eunuch and Waiqi外戚宦官
1.However, the direct cause of this disturbance was the activities carried out by the eunuch-group which intensified the conflict between the squire-group and the emperor right.而宦官集团的活动则成为这
