1.Mazu Culture and the Development of Jiaxing Marine;妈祖文化与嘉兴海运业的发展
2.Two Ancient Long Novels Describing Mazu and "Trinity Denomination" of Lin Zhaoen;描写妈祖和林兆恩“三一教”的两部古代长篇小说

1.Mazu’s Function as Assistant of War Based on the Plaque of Taiwan Mazu Temples in the Qing Dynasty从清代台湾妈祖宫庙题匾看妈祖的助战功能
2.Mazu in Taiwan was referred to as "Goddess of Blessing Boatman" at the end of Ming Dynasty.明末随大陆移民入台的妈祖被称为“船仔妈”。
3.The Relationship between Mazu Incense and Socio-economic Culture--Based on the Longjing Mazu Incense of Tanbian妈祖香火与社会经济文化的关系——以潭边龙井宫妈祖香火为例
4.Mazu Worship in Taiwan and Its Impact on the Cause of Chinese Reunification;论台湾妈祖信仰特点及与祖国统一大业的关系
5.her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago, some like that.打从我妈祖父的祖父的祖父一千年前飘洋来定居开始,好像是这样。
6.Mazu culture is a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province.妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。
7.Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty.对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。
8.Fully Display Mazu Culture and Promote Prospect for "Three Minor Communications" in Penghu;弘扬妈祖文化与促进澎湖“小三通”展望
9.Understanding the Commoditization of Mazu s Folk Culture in Putian City;解读莆田妈祖民俗文化表述的商品化
10.Mazu Deity from the Perspective of Confucians since Ming and Qing Dynasties;论明清以来儒者关于妈祖神性的定位
11.Flourishing of Mazu belief in Fujian during the Qing dynasty:an explanation;论清代福建妈祖信仰的兴盛及其原因
12.New Thoughts of Mazu Cultural Tourism Development on the View of the World;全球眼界下妈祖文化旅游发展新思路
13.Trial states the goal,the significance and the content of "The Arrangement of History of Thousand Years The Ma Zu Culture ";试述《妈祖文化千年史编》的意义和内容
14.Anthropological Analysis on the Cultural Function of Mazu Belief;妈祖信仰文化社会功能的人类学分析
15.Dissemination of belief in Mazu within Chinese Hebei,Bejing and Tianjin;妈祖信仰在河北省及京津地区的传播
16.Mazu Belief and the Mutual Origin of Culture across the Taiwan Strait;妈祖信仰与海峡两岸的文化同缘关系
17.Overseas Chinese and Compatriots of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan from Quanzhou and Their Belief in Mazu Goddess;泉州海外侨胞、台港澳同胞与妈祖信仰
18.An Analysis on the Interpersonal Function of Mazu's Titles with the Appraisal System用评价理论分析妈祖封号的人际意义

Mazu belief妈祖信仰
1.Flourishing of Mazu belief in Fujian during the Qing dynasty:an explanation;论清代福建妈祖信仰的兴盛及其原因
2.On the Geographical Distribution Characteristics of Mazu Belief;妈祖信仰分布的地理特征分析
3.This paper mainly discusses historical Mazu belief in Zhapu,Zhejiang province by investigating and exploring historical data.通过调查和挖掘史料,论述浙江乍浦历史上的妈祖信仰,主要有妈祖庙宇数量多、妈祖诗咏丰富以及与闽商活动关系密切等三大特色。
3)poems in praise of Mazu妈祖诗咏
1.The belief possesses three characteristics such as the abundant Mazu temples,rich poems in praise of Mazu and its close relation with the activities of Fujian businessmen.通过调查和挖掘史料,论述浙江乍浦历史上的妈祖信仰,主要有妈祖庙宇数量多、妈祖诗咏丰富以及与闽商活动关系密切等三大特色。
4)the belief of Mazu妈祖信仰
1.The evolution of the belief of Mazu has unique feature - the localization of this belief in Ryukyu, which is now Okinawa, Japan.妈祖信仰起源于福建省莆田市湄洲岛。
5)Mazu culture妈祖文化
1.The Historical Dissemination and Geographic Distribution of Mazu Culture in Pan-Bohai Area;妈祖文化在环渤海地区的历史传播与地理分布
2.Mazu culture,in its thousand-year heritage,has become a distinctive and influential faith for its believers.凭借其独特的文化优势,妈祖文化从经济、政治、文化和社会建设等各个领域,对促进海峡两岸和平统一、繁荣海峡西岸经济区产生重大而深远的影响。
6)belief of Mazu妈祖信仰
1.Preliminary research on belief of Mazu in Zhixi village of Liancheng county;连城县芷溪村的妈祖信仰初探
2.Belief of Mazu have formed a circle of culture which is not only spreading from south to north in China, but also all over the world now.妈祖信仰目前已经形成了一个覆盖中国南北及国内外的“妈祖信仰文化圈”。
