1."The Book of Songs" of Zisi School and its Moral Content;子思派《诗》学及其道德化倾向

1.Thought on the Relationship between Confucianism and Marxism对孔子思想与马克思主义关系的思考
2.The Idea of Confucius Mencius and Xunzi and the Study of Education of Idea and Politics;孔子、孟子、荀子思想与思想政治教育初探
3.The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour.海外游子思念家乡风味。
4.The enlightenment of quantum thinking mode on modern education;量子思维方式对现代教育思想的启示
5.Taoism, Pre-Taoism and Origin of Laozi′s Doctrine;“道家”·前道家思想·老子思想源头
6.Scarlett shed her bonnet and her cloak."思嘉将帽子和外衣脱了。
7.He has many strange ideas in his mind.他脑子里尽是奇思怪想。
8.Your head is full of silly notions.你满脑子都是糊涂思想.
9.Keith slid out from his seat.基思从椅子上腾出身来。
10.yelled the boy.'You're a thought-criminal!男孩子叫道:“你个思想犯!
11.Scarlett laid on the whip mercilessly.思嘉无情地用鞭子抽它。
12.the plastic mind of children孩子们易受影响的思想
13.Alice took up the fan and gloves.阿丽思拿起扇子和手套。
14.Monkeys are very amusing animals.猴子是很有意思的动物。
15.To serve the state my man's away. How can I not miss him night and day?君子于役,如之何勿思!
16.A true man and a thief think not the same君子和窃贼的思想不同
17.Ruan Ming sold ideas for money, Xiangzi accepted ideas for money.阮明为钱,出卖思想; 祥子为钱,接受思想。
18.The Dynamic and Strategically Flexible Thinking of Suntzu's Art of War《孙子兵法》的动态思维与战略柔性思想

1.The Bamboo-Slip Edition of Congzheng in Shanghai Museum and Zisizi;上博竹书《从政》篇与《子思子》
3)Zisi's Works子思子
4)Zhuangzi thought庄子思想
1.Enlightenment of the Zhuangzi thought for chinese modern packaging design;庄子思想对中国现代包装设计的启示
5)the remote man and the waiting woman游子思妇
6)Abrus precatorius相思子
1.Eight flavonoids have been isolated from the root of Abrus precatorius L.从民间药用抗肝炎药相思子(AbrusprecatoriusL。

子思Zisi子思  国战国初期哲学家。姓孔,名□,字子思,孔鲤之子,孔子之孙。鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜)人。约生于公元前481年,卒于公元前402年前后。相传曾受业于曾子。《中庸》大部分为子思所著。他将儒家道德观念“诚”(真实无妄之意),引申为世界的根本性质,说“诚者物之终始,不诚无物”。他把“诚”视为超乎时空独立自成的精神实体,又视之为社会伦理制度之准则。认为天地万物依赖它而存在,又说:“诚者,天之道也;诚之者,人之道也”,以“诚”为天人合一的理论依据。他被封建统治者尊为“述圣”,其思想对孟子和宋明理学都有影响。   (潘富恩)