1.The Application of Dendrochronology in the Research of Tuyuhun and Tubo Tombs in Western Qinghai Area;树木年轮在青海西部地区吐谷浑与吐蕃墓葬研究中的应用
2.Study into the Origin of the Tus and Tuyuhun;土族族源与吐谷浑——读吕建福先生新作《土族史》札记

1.Tang Dynasty s Policies towards Nationalities from the Relations between Tang Dynasty and Tuyuhun;从唐与吐谷浑的关系看唐对吐谷浑的民族政策
2.The Tuyuhun Tribe in Guiyijun Regime Period as Described in Dunhuang Manuscripts;从敦煌文献看归义军时代的吐谷浑
3.The Application of Dendrochronology in the Research of Tuyuhun and Tubo Tombs in Western Qinghai Area;树木年轮在青海西部地区吐谷浑与吐蕃墓葬研究中的应用
4.Study into the Origin of the Tus and Tuyuhun;土族族源与吐谷浑——读吕建福先生新作《土族史》札记
5.The Nomadic Type s Commercial Economy of Tuyuhunand its Influence of Foreign Policy;略论吐谷浑的游牧型商业经济及对其外交政策的影响
6.The Human Ecology of Qinghai Lake Valley--The Management of Valley of Qinghai Lake by TUYUHU青海湖流域的人文生态——吐谷浑人对青海湖流域的经营
7.Tou-yu-houen as a minorrity ethnic group of north-west of our country, she had acted a important role in the history of China and foreign communication.吐谷浑作为我国4-7世纪西北地区少数民族政权之一,在中西交通史上占有重要的一席。
8.Contention of Nomadic Forces in the Tarim Basin and Its Influence on Traffic游牧势力在塔里木盆地的角逐及其对交通的影响——以柔然、吐谷浑、高车、哒为中心
9.He took a deep drag on the cigarette, then blew the smoke towards the valley.他深深地吸了一口烟,然后把烟雾吐向河谷。
10.) Three Dimensional Seismic Exploration Method Used in Tugulu Mountain in. the South Edge of Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地南缘吐谷鲁山地三维地震勘探方法研究
11.To vomit or experience vomiting.呕吐呕吐或经历呕吐
12.amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat.浑浑沌沌,形圆而不可败。
13.With my tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom.“我的吐啦噜,吐啦噜,吐啦噜,吐啦噜。”
14.Goodness me, you've got wet through!天啊,你浑湿透了!
15.He hesitated in replying.他在回答时吞吞吐吐。
16.He never halts in his speech.他说话从不吞吞吐吐。
17.The thief made a confession in bits and pieces.窃贼吞吞吐吐作了招供。
18.unBosom oneself (to)(对...)吐露心事

3)the Tuyuhun tribe吐谷浑人
4)Tuguhun Ji吐谷浑玑
1.The epitaph of Tuguhun Ji was excavated in Mount Mangshan, Luoyang, which offers us the important historical materials about his life and the relations between Tuguhun and Northern Wei dynasty.吐谷浑玑墓志出土于洛阳邙山 ,它为研究吐谷浑玑生平及吐谷浑国与北魏王朝的关系提供了珍贵的史料。
5)Tu Yu-hun Road吐谷浑之路
6)Tuguhun state吐谷浑部落
