1.Anti-culture Writing and Anti-writing Culture;反文化的写作与反写作的文化
2.Youth subculture,anti-culture and popular culture,though different with each other,are closely related to each other.青年亚文化与反文化、大众文化既相互区别,又密切相关。
3.It is embodied in five aspects: (1) anti-genres; (2) “game” and vanishing the profound history of “anti-culture”; (3) artistically expressing means: parody; (4) suspicion towards the existence of essence; (5) indeterminence of text’s language.从思维态势与艺术方法的角度去理解后现代主义,鲁迅的创作具备明显的后现代主义特征,具体表现为:(1)反体裁;(2)“游戏”与“反文化”的历史深度消解;(3)艺术表现手法:戏仿;(4)对本体存在的怀疑;(5)文本语言的“不确定内在性”。

1.A Study on College Students Anti-culture;大学生“异构文化”(反文化)现象研究
2.Simple Analysis of Constructing and Clearing up of Counterculture to Leading Culture;浅析反文化对主导文化的建构与消解
3.Anti-culture,Popular Culture and Youth Subculture of Contemporary China;反文化、大众文化与中国当代青年亚文化
4.Counterculture: an Important Phenomenon in the Construction of Campus Culture;校园文化建设中不可忽视的“反文化”现象
5.Cultural Utopian Global Village: To Think Cultural Globalization Critically;文化乌托邦的地球村——文化全球化反思
6.Cultural Evolutionism and Cultural Relativity: Critique and Reflection;文化进化论与文化相对论:批判与反思
7.To Reflect the Building of the Mainstream Culture in China from Copycatting Culture从山寨文化反思我国的主流文化建设
8.Value-Specific Genre and Translations: Cultural Fractures Reconsidered;价值特定文类与译品:文化断裂反思
9.Reflections on the Comment of Yu Qiuyu s Historical and Cultural Essays;余秋雨历史文化散文批评锋面的反思
10.Lingnan culture of the Tang Dynasty from the perspective of reflections of commerce in literature;从文学对商业的反映看唐代岭南文化
11.Rethinking on the "Turning to Culture Study" of Literary Theory;对文艺学“文化研究转向”论的反思
12.Reflection of Western and Chinese Cultural Differences in the Languages;中西文化差异在语言、文字上的反映
13.“Culture Hit" and Reflection of Contemporary Chinese Literature Research;“文化热”与中国现当代文学研究的反思
14.The ancient culture reflected from the “nü”radical in Shuowenjiezi;《说文解字》“女”部字所反映的古代文化
15.Asian Copper by HAI Zi:the Version of Cultural Introspection;海子《亚洲铜》:作为文化反思的文本
16.Revolution of Rational Civilization--A Reflection on Science and Technology Culture理性文明的变革——对科技文化的反思
17.The Chinese wine culture reflected by Chinese characters containing the structural part you(酉) in Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters《说文解字》酉部字反映出的中国酒文化
18.Americanization and a Cultural Interpretation of Anti-Americanism in Germany;“美国化”与德国反美主义的文化释读

1.The Western net counterculture appeared in the second half of 20th century and has developed from the radical net counterculture,illegal net counterculture to mass net cotmtercultures up to the pres- ent.网络反文化出现于20世纪下半叶,迄今为止已经历了激进反文化、非法反文化、泛众反文化三个阶段。
2.Complicated historical circumstances make the multiple value quality of counterculture.反文化并非“文化逆流”、“文化倒退”,而是与主导文化相对此而存在的范畴,要以主导文化与人类文化的进步性指向相契合与否来界定其价值。
1.They are the heterogeneous and disintegrating phenomena of counter-culture, which has universality and regularity.这些现象就是人类文化发展中误入歧途的、对文化提出挑战的反文化现象。
2.It depends on its opposite side——counter-culture .文化不是“无对”的,它的存在、运动及其变化过程都离不开自己的对立面———反文化
3.But counter-culture has not been studied.任何事物都有两面性 ,文化也不例外 ,但是以往研究中文化的反文化向度始终处于空缺状态。
4)Cultural reflection文化反思
1.Development Of Science & Technology and the Decline of the Value of Personality——Cultural Reflection of the Development of Science & Technology;科技进步与人的价值失落——对科技进步的文化反思
2.A Cultural Reflection on Movements of Ideological and Cultural Criticism in the Transitional Period;过渡时期思想文化批判运动的文化反思
3.From the angles of noumenon,awareness and value of life,this paper analyses the reasons for CAO Xue-qin s cultural reflection awareness.从生命本体论、生命认识论和生命价值论三个层次破读《红楼梦》"好了歌"及"解",分析曹雪芹文化反思意识生成的原因,检讨《红楼梦》语境中"他乡"、"故乡"概念的意义隐含,推究出曹雪芹诗性加神性的人生理想及对"人"的终极生命关怀。
5)culture reflection文化反思
1.From Extrinsic to Intrinsic: the Modernization of the Culture Reflection of Ba Jin s Fictions;从外向转为内向:巴金小说文化反思的现代化
2.Through the presentation of process of new sport curriculum,the paper points out that culture construction of sport curriculum is a culture reflection whose objective is exceeding and development.通过对建构体育新课程的生命形态和过程模式的阐述,指出对体育课程文化建构即一种文化反思观,其根本目的在于超越与发展。
6)cultural feedback文化反哺
1.Comments on the phenomenon of youth s "cultural feedback;浅议青年“文化反哺”现象
2.Cultural Feedback: The Parent-child Transmission of Rural Families in the Period of Reforming and Transformation;文化反哺:转型期农村家庭中的亲子传承
3.The contemporary young peasant workers have developed the basic capability of "cultural feedback",and they have the duty to promote the adaptability of rural adults in the modern society by "cultural feedback".“文化反哺”即“逆向社会化”,是一种自下而上的文化传承模式。
