1.The Psycho-analysis of the Commoners in Tang Dynasty When Marrying Princess;唐代世人娶妻得公主之心态分析
2.On the Origin of Princesses in the Tang Dynasty;唐代和亲公主的出身问题
3.A Research on Princesses in the Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties;两汉魏晋南北朝公主研究

1.Princess, young princess. I am back.“公主,小公主。我回来了!
2.Good morning, Your Highness.“早安,公主殿下。
3.Young Princess, open up the door for me,@ says a voice.“小公主!帮我开门
4.Unable to do anything herself, she asked Princess Wencheng for advice.赤尊公主求计于文成公主
5.A woman regarded as having the status or qualities of a princess.公主被认为有公主身份或地位的妇女
6.Princess Quan was the eldest girl of Emperor Sun Quan of Wu Kingdom and the wife of Quan Cong.全公主乃吴主孙权的长公主,重臣全琮之妻。
8.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主与七个小矮人
9.Happily Snow White came to herself.幸好,白雪公主苏醒过来。
10.-What is it?-I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir.-谁﹖他找到谁-莉亚公主
11.The princess runs after the ball.公主追着那颗球跑,
12.Princess Bella was very happy.贝拉公主非常开心。
13.In the evening, however, when the princess was in bed,然而,当晚上公主就寝时,
14.Netscape Communications Corporation home pageNetscape 通信公司主页
15.On the Publicity of Sculpture Theme Parks From the Longevity Park;由长寿公园论雕塑主题公园的公共性
16.committee bureau offices委员会主席团办公室
17."Director, General Office"办公厅主任(省或部办)
18.Under-Secretary-General, Chef de Cabinet副秘书长兼办公厅主任

1.A Discussion On the Marriages of Princesses in Tang Dynasty;略论唐代公主的婚姻生活
2.Based on historical documents unearthed in Turban, which have plentiful records concerning the princesses, both of Turks, Han Chinese of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and of the Qu s of Kingdom Gaochang itself, all having played an influential role in the Kingdom, the paper investigates the identities and activities of these princesses that have been baffling historians for ages.麴氏高昌王国至唐前期的吐鲁番出土文书中,多次出现了“公主”的记载,包括突厥公主、隋唐的公主,还有高昌王国自己的麴氏公主,她们都对麴氏高昌王国产生过一定的影响。
3.Since last century, the academic field has studied several aspects of theprincesses in the Tang Dynasty and got some achievements.上个世纪以来,学术界对唐代公主的若干问题进行了有益的探索,并且取得了一些成就。
3)the princess公主
1.The paper analyzed a specia groups — the princess of Tang danasty, besed on the historycal data and literature.本文根据现存史料与文献,对唐代一个特殊群体——公主进行了分析。
4)princess line公主线
1.A study of the method of posture in the design of clothes,the separation of the princess line has been done based on the structure of human body.从人体的结构出发,探讨并研究服装设计中常用的造型手段——分割线中的公主线分割。
5)theme park主题公园
1.Theme Park of History The Cultural Predicament of The City Temple and Yu Yuan Garden in Shanghai;关于历史的主题公园 都市历史空间的文脉窘境:以上海城隍庙、豫园地段为例
2.Trend of the Theme Park Design Skill;浅析主题公园设计手法的发展趋向
3.Thoughts about the strategy of theme park planning &design;关于主题公园规划设计的策略思考
6)Theme parks主题公园
1.Research on the Inter-active Development of Theme Parks and Historic and Cultural City;主题公园与历史文化名城互动发展研究
2.This article analyzes the reasons for the failure of the theme parks in Guangzhou from two aspects, including the urban tourism recognition image and investor decision behavior, which influence the distribution of the theme parks.从城市旅游感知形象、投资者决策行为两个影响主题公园分布的因素,分析了广州主题公园失败的原因,并对广州主题公园发展提出了建议。
3.ZhuJiang delta is one of the main distribution districts of theme parks, with the introduction of the world-class Disney Park into HK, it will bring great impact on theme parks in ZhuJiang delta.珠江三角洲是我国主题公园集中分布区之一 ,但是随着世界级品牌的迪斯尼乐园入驻香港 ,将给珠江三角洲主题公园带来很大影响。
