1.A Study of the Similarities and Differences between Solonian Economic Reforms and Lycurgan ;梭伦与莱库古经济改革异同论
2.Comparative Analysis of the Policy on the Nobles in Zi-Chan and Solonian Legislation;子产改革与梭伦立法对待贵族政策的比较分析

1.Why do you call on the name of Solon?你为什么叫梭伦的名字?
2.Which Class Does Solon Belong to? On Questions of Solon Strand for Which Class's Benefits in the Reform梭伦代表谁?——对梭伦在改革中代表哪个阶级利益问题的再探讨
3.Too much cleverness is folly.--Solon, ancient Athenian statesman过分聪明反而愚蠢。古雅典政治家梭伦
4.The Revolutionary Meaning of Solon s Reform in the Social Transition of Athens Civilization;梭伦改革对雅典社会文明转型的意义
5.Different Historical Value of Guan Zhong s Reform and Solon s Program;管仲改革与梭伦改革之不同历史价值
6.According the character the story was originally told to his ancestor Solon, by a priest during Solon's visit to Egypt.依照这个人物,这个故事最初是在他的祖先梭伦访问埃及期间,一位祭司告诉了梭伦
7.The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.梭伦软弱和轻信的特点使雅典人沦为奴隶。
8.Having laid the foundations of material prosperity, Solon turned to the constitution.在打下物质繁荣的基础后,梭伦便着手制定宪法。
9.Comparative Analysis of the Policy on the Nobles in Zi-Chan and Solonian Legislation;子产改革与梭伦立法对待贵族政策的比较分析
10.Whther there was currency existing in the Soloon s time in Athens StateA discussion with Mr.Huang Yang;雅典国家梭伦时代货币考论——兼与黄洋博士商榷
11.The Research Summary in the Last Twenty Years in Domestic Academic Circle on Solon s Reform;近20年来我国学术界对梭伦改革的研究
12.Call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate.--Solon, ancient Athenian statesman人不进棺材,谁也称不上幸福,而至多不过是幸运。古雅典政治家梭伦
13.The further political history of Athens up to the time of Solon is only imperfectly known.以后的雅典政治史,直到梭伦时代,知道得很不完全。
14.His task done, Solon travelled abroad for ten years.制订了一系列的改革措施后,梭伦到国外周游了10年。
15.The senate of400founded by Solon in ancient Athens.元老会古代雅典由梭伦创建的由400人组成的元老院
16.For all other purposes Solon divided the citizens into four classes according to their property in land and the amount of its yield:至于其它方面,梭伦把公民按照他们的地产和收入分为四个阶级;
17.Pisistratus: "Solon" Followed by Bodyguards--on Pisistratus Proper Place in History;庇西特拉图:带卫队的“梭伦”——庇西特拉图的历史地位谈
18.Usury on the security of mortgaged land, which had been rampant in the period before Solon, had been curbed, as had also the inordinate concentration of property in land.在梭伦以前的时代盛行的农村高利贷,以及地产的无限制的集中,都受到了节制。

Soloon's time梭伦时代
3)solon's reform梭伦改革
4)On Solon s Legislation梭伦立法论
5)Cotron loom科特伦无梭织机
6)The Reforms of Solon the Wise贤明的梭伦改革

梭伦  古代雅典的政治家。出身于没落的贵族。公元前594年被选为执政官,实行变法,以缓和氏族贵族与平民之间的尖锐矛盾。他同时又是一个诗人,用诗来描述当时社会政治生活中的现象。他以写哀歌和抑扬格诗见长,著名的有《萨拉弥斯》、《给雅典人的劝告》、《自劝》等。传说他曾不顾禁令,当众朗诵《萨拉弥斯》,激发同胞收复萨拉弥斯的爱国热情。他的诗带有道德教训的性质,对希腊悲剧有一定影响。