1.From Demanding Trade to Military Conquest——Research on the adjustment of British foreign policy for China before the Opium War;从要求通商到武力征服——试析鸦片战争前英国对华政策的调整
2.This article is to analyze the negotiations on trade along the boundary between China and Vietnam before the Sino-France war,and discuss a series of trade treaties signed two years after the war.分析了中法战争前中法之中越边境通商问题的艰难交涉和中法战争后两国一系列商约的签订,中国被迫开云南、广西边境通商,云南、广西得以参与到世界经济交往圈中;揭示了中法双方交涉主体的不对等是近代中越边境贸易畸形繁荣的必然结果。
3.Under the leading of Chinese private merchants, they occupied the Shuangyu Harbor in Zhejiang as a base for international smuggling trade.然而,由于葡人在浙江沿海从事海盗活动,以及中葡商人的“商欠”纠纷,促使中葡关系不断恶化,并导致中葡之间的大模武装冲突,其结果是葡萄牙人被逐出浙江沿海,结束了在那里的通商活动。

1.The Commodity Policies of ZHU Yuan-zhang in Ming Dynasty;抑商与通商:明太祖朱元璋的商业政策
2."We should speed up the establishment of three direct links of mail, air and shipping services, and trade."要加速实现两岸直接通邮、通航、通商
3.They began to open commerce with neighboring countries.他们开始与邻国通商
4.He wanted to trade with neighboring states他想要跟邻近诸国通商
5.commercial fastness properties商业[通用]色牢度
6.General Principles Of Commercial Law:Develop & Abandon Separation And Integration Of Civil & Commercial Code;商法通则:扬弃民商分立与民商合一
7.General Principles of Commercial Law: Exceed the Unification and Division of Civil Law and Commercial Law;商事通则:超越民商合一与民商分立
8.resolve(a problem,etc)by discussio通过商谈解决(问题等).
9.Japan commercial data communication networks日本商用数据通信网
10.North American commercial data communicationnetworks北美商用数据通信网
11.capable of being passed or negotiated.可能被通过或被协商的。
12.strike or complete a bargain.通过协商买到便宜货。
13.commercial data communication networksin West Europe西欧商用数据通信网
14.Intelsat Business Services国际通信卫星商务服务
15.AGC (Associated General Contractors of America)美国通用承包商协会
16.Article 12 Notification and Consultation第12条 通知和磋商
17.Notice to Exporters [NE]致出口商(纺织事务)通告
18.The rate of interest may be arranged by consultation.利率可以通过协商解决。

commodity circulation商品流通
1.Analysis of the Change and Developing Trend of Commodity Circulation In China;我国商品流通的变迁与发展趋势
2.Commodity Circulation in Customs-house of Yangzhou in Earlier Stage of Qing Dynasty清代前期扬州关的商品流通
3)negotiation communication协商通信
4)Business Communications商业通信
5)business communication商务沟通
1.Non-verbal communication plays a very important role in cross-cultural business communication,accounting for about 70% of all communicative process.跨文化商务沟通中,非语言交际起着举足轻重的作用,占整个交际过程的70%。
2.Business communication (BC) is one of the most common communication activities in business context.商务沟通活动是目前商务领域中最重要的活动之一,沟通策略则是达到商务目的的最主要手段,并随着情景变化而灵活调整。
3.Therefore people are eager to learn how to utilize business communication to win the initiative in business.在现代商务活动中,商务沟通越来越显得重要,如何把握好商务沟通,赢得商机,已成为人们迫切关注的问题。
6)circulation of commodities商品流通
1.Study on fuzzy control theory applying in circulation of commodities;模糊控制理论在商品流通中的应用
2.In Ming Dynasty, Huai an was a well-developed city in circulation of commodities, thus becoming a very important city of trade on the seacoast of the canal, which was closely related to the convenient transportation between the south and the north.明清淮安商品贸易发达,成为运河沿岸重要的经贸城市,这种商品流通首先与运河的南北交通密切相关;而淮安商品流通的种类繁多,流通地区广泛;加上不同地区商人的参与,使南北商品地理交流呈现多样性的特点。
3.In order to maintain the order of the circulation of commodities, the state has adopted two different models to control the circulation of commodities:the administrative control model of the planned economic system and the legal control model of the market mechanism.新中国成立以来,国家对商品流通的管制采取了不同的模式,即计划经济体制下的行政管制模式与市场经济体制下的法制模式,实现了国家对商品流通秩序的维护。

通商1.互易商货。 2.多指国与国之间进行贸易。