1.Evolution from study-type-politics to politics-type-study,the argument between problem and doctrine is not only the slightest difference of the study, but conflict in the two thinking path.从"学理型政治"演绎为"政治型学理","问题与主义"之争不单是一个"学理"的细微差异,其本质上还是"问题"与"主义"分属的两种思想路径的冲突。
2.The debate on issue and doctrine was prompted at that time to adjust the theory of complete solution which were discussed in the society.“问题与主义”论战是适应当时探讨现实社会“根本解决”的理论而引发的。

1.Democracy and Education《民主主义与教育》
2.neopositivist Marxism新证实主义马克思主义
3.communist materialism共产主义的唯物主义
4.universalism-internationalism school普遍主义-国际主义学派
6.Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.形式主义也是官僚主义
7.structrualist Marxism结构主义的马克思主义
8.particularism-nationalism school特殊主义-国家主义学派
9.existentialist Marxism存在主义的马克思主义
10.realism,realistic film写实主义,写实主义电影
11.empiricism-pragmatism school经验主义-实用主义学派
12.Humanism:an Explanation on Its Ambiguity;Humanism:人文主义或人道主义
13.From rationalism to irrationalism and anti-rationalism --An inquiry on the western philosophy s development;理性主义、非理性主义与反理性主义
14.Naturalism:Medium from Realism to Modernism;自然主义:现实主义到现代主义的中介
15.The Realistic Socialism:Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism;现实社会主义:世界主义和国民主义
16.An advocate of democracy.民主主义者提倡民主主义的人
17.Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Haper& Row,1796, p.269.[5]熊比特:《资本主义、会主义和民主主义》,第312页。
18.What is Justice:Liberalism,Communitarianism and Others;何谓正义:自由主义、社群主义和其他

1.In the process of its development,Chinese new verse has been burdened with too many "non-poetic" elements in that various literary theories and doctrines have confused verse so much that the essence of verse is lost to insignificance.文艺理论上的各式各样的“论”,各式各样的“主义”,使诗歌疲于应付这些需要,弄得六神无主,至于诗的本体特征究竟是什么,反倒无关重要了。
2.Why Hu Shi provoked the argument of“problems and doctrines”was that he aimed to oppose all the doctrines including anarchism and Marxism.胡适挑起“问题与主义”之争 ,其用意是反对包括无政府主义、马克思主义在内的一切主义 ,“问题与主义”之争 ,是要不要旗帜之争。
3.The paper starts with the relationship between "problems" and " doctrines" to investigate Hu Shi\'s thoughts and implication,Li Dazhao\'s understanding and stand,Mao Zedong\' s opinion and advocation,and Deng Zhongxia\'s activities.本文从"问题"与"主义"关系的讨论入手,考察胡适当时的思想和矛头所指、李大钊的认识和表态、毛泽东的思想变化和提倡"问题研究"、及邓中夏的活动等,认为胡适的实验主义方法论在反对传统思想迷信方面以及主要针对无政府主义的《多研究些问题,少谈些"主义"!》,对于马克思主义在中国传播的初期和第一代共产主义知识分子的思想成长,客观上产生了主要是积极的影响。
1.In the recent 20 years the research on new poetry has changed its focus from "-ism"to the original text.近 2 0年的新诗研究经历了从“主义”到本文的嬗变 ,但至今仍没有出现一种关于新诗的“现代诗学”。
1."Isms" Dilemma and Avoidance in Our Native Utterance——with Modern Romanticism in China as a Case Study;“主义”本土言说的困境与规避——以中国现代浪漫主义言说为例
2.Deng advocated the entity of socialism and capitalism, the entity of the country sinterests, the interests of people on the two sides of the strait and the interests of every country, and the entity of the theme of the age and the development of the country.邓小平在思考祖国统一问题时始终坚持社会主义与资本主义的统一;坚持国家利益与两岸人民、各国利益的统一;坚持时代主题与国家发展的统一。
5)Express theory意义主义
1.There are long-term different views in theorists home and abroad between utilitarianism and deontologism.功利主义与道义主义是国内外学界长期各执一端的学派,二者的矛盾等同于功利目的论与道德义务论的争辩。

主义1.谨守仁义。 2.对事情的主张。 3.犹主旨,主体。 4.以解释词义为主。 5.形成系统的理论学说或思想体系。 6.一定的社会制度或政治经济体系。 7.思想作风。