1.The Contact with Envoys in Sino-Korea during the Shunzhi Dynasty;顺治时期中朝之间的使节往来
2.These parties of envoys were all exceptionally talented men who had received the best of educations,and the Jin often detained these scholars and officials,persuading and forcing them to work in the political service of their empire and their puppet states.赴金使节团体都是受过良好教育的优秀人才,金朝扣留大量使团以逼迫这些文人名士为金朝及其傀儡政权服务,虽然绝大多数使臣拒不仕金,惨遭流放,但在金朝滞留期间,他们都在客观上为儒家思想文化在金朝的传播做出了重要贡献。

1.Of, directed by, or authorized by a legate.教宗使节的(罗马教皇的)使节的,受使节派遣的或由使节批准授权的
2.The act of sending a legate.使节的派遣派遣使节的行动
3.She is a famous diplomatic envoy.她是世界著名外交使节
4.A papal ambassador or representative.罗马教皇的使节或代表
5.He exchanged ambassadors with China.他和中国交换使节
6.a diplomatic envoy accredited to Switzerland派往瑞士的外交使节
7.a peace envoy is accredited to China一位媾和使节受命来华。
8.He was not perhaps the ideal envoy.他大概不是理想的使节
9.An authorized messenger or representative.授权使节,授权代表
10.--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;一切涉及大使、其它使节和领事的案件;
11.Verifications on the Envoys Sent to Champa during Ming Dynasty(Xuan-De to Cheng-Hua)宣德至成化年间明朝出使占城使节
12.A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使
13.Vatican envoys usually stay longer en poste than secular ones (one nuncio was in Dublin for 26 years).梵蒂冈的使节通常比世俗国家的使节驻节时间更长(一名教廷大使曾在都柏林带了26年)。
14.separate at the joints, as of a chicken.指使小鸡关节部分脱离。
15.adjusting screen调节圆网(使对花准确)
16.Pep up an entertainment使文娱节目生动活泼
17.a senior Tang official learned the truth and Shi Cao was beheaded.大唐节度使怒斩恶人。
18.Be economical in expenditure and love the people. You should use them according to the seasons."节用而爱人,使民以时。」

1.As the Chinese who landed on the western world early, envoys of Qing Dynasty played a unique role in the cultural exchanges between China and the western world.作为较早踏上西方土地的一批中国人,清政府派驻外国的使节在中西方的文化交流中起到了极为特殊的作用。
2.Ever since the West Han and the East Han Dynasties, the number of envoys from different countries visiting the ancient China have reached a new climax in the Tang Dynasty.自两汉以降,古代来华的各国使节不断,数目众多,在唐代跃上了一个新的平台。
3.As the Chinese who landed on the western world early, envoys of Qing Dynasty played a unique role in the cultural exchanges between China and the western world.作为较早踏上西方土地的一批中国人,清政府派驻外国的使节在中西方的文化交流中起到了极为特殊的作用。
3)adjustment in use使用调节
4)emissary etiquette使节礼仪
1.Functions of ambassadors of the late Qing dynasty in introducing modern western sports;晚清驻外使节在引进西方近代体育中的作用

使节1.古代卿大夫聘于天子诸侯时所持符信。 2.使者。亦用以称派驻一方的官员。 3.今特指一国常驻他国的外交官,或派往他国临时办理事务的代表。