1.A research in the composition of traitors during the Opium War;鸦片战争时期“汉奸”人员构成问题研究
2.The group led by Wang Jingwei betrayed our country and became traitors, who have been despised by people in the world.汪精卫集团叛国投敌做汉奸,为世人所不齿。
3.This paper gives an account of the compositon of traitors and the counter measures of the government in the Qing Dynasty.汉奸是鸦片战争中的一个特殊群体。

1.Traitor!--Collaborationism and Anti-espionage Activities in Shanghai During the War汉奸!——战时上海的通敌与锄奸活动
2.Weed out traitors from the army.肃清军队中的汉奸分子。
3.Sixthly, traitors must be sternly suppressed.第六、严厉地镇压汉奸
4."Don't let the Japs or traitors take you alive.“不要叫敌人汉奸捉活的。
5.treason is rewarded and traitors are jubilant over their new appointments and honours.卖国有赏,汉奸弹冠相庆。
6.The Nepotism of Wang Jingwei Traitor Group汪精卫汉奸集团繁衍中的裙带关系
7.they are anti-Communist, and so are you;敌人汉奸反共,你们也反共;
8.The traitors are still very active, and very few of them have been killed.汉奸还是很活跃,杀死的也很少。
9.The Chinese traitors and the Japanese imperialists.应该杀死汉奸,杀死日本帝国主义者。
10.But wouldn't that look suspiciously like turning traitor?但这岂非有点当汉奸的嫌疑吗?
11.9. Weed out traitors and pro-Japanese elements and consolidate the rear.九、肃清汉奸卖国贼亲日派,巩固后方。
12.Trial to the Chinese Traitors by the National KMT Government after the Anti-Japanese War (1945~1949);战后国民政府对汉奸的审判(1945~1949)
13.A research in the composition of traitors during the Opium War;鸦片战争时期“汉奸”人员构成问题研究
14.The evaluation of Chen Du-xiu’s speech on the Anti-Japanese War after the “traitor” event;陈独秀在“汉奸”事件后的抗战政见评析
15.On the Issue of Common People Serving as Traitors during the Opium War;鸦片战争时期平民充当汉奸问题探析
16.The Japanese and the traitors wanted the New Fourth Army disbanded, and you ordered it to be disbanded;敌人汉奸要解散新四军,你们就解散新四军;
17.they do not want you to defend the Yellow River, and so you abandon its defence;敌人汉奸不希望你们保卫河防,你们就丢弃河防;
18.Traitors and anti-Communist elements are the only people disqualified from participation in these organs of political power.只有汉奸和反共分子才没有资格参加这种政权。

Traitor Theory汉奸理论
3)Hanjian Literature汉奸文学
1.From the perspective of the colonization context and the literary history of the Japanese invaded areas of China, this paper investigates the"Hanjian 汉奸 (Traitor to the Chinese people) Literature"and analyzes the differences of"Hanjian Literature"in three different colonization systems.从殖民语境和沦陷区文学研究史角度,对"汉奸文学"加以辨析。
4)the "traitor" event"汉奸"事件
1.The evaluation of Chen Du-xiu’s speech on the Anti-Japanese War after the “traitor” event;陈独秀在“汉奸”事件后的抗战政见评析
5)Japan Guizi汉奸地主
6)punishing the traitor惩治汉奸
