铜鼓,bronze drum
1)bronze drum铜鼓
1.Abundant Concentration of Lead on the Sample of Bronze drum in Viet Nam and Survey for Lead isotopic;越南铜鼓样品铅的富集与铅同位素测定
2.The Comparative Study on Tuning Technology Between the Chime and the Bronze Drum in Ancient China;古代壮族铜鼓与内地铸钟调音技术的比较研究
3.A large number of ancient bronze drums found in Vietnam provided valuable information for the production technique of bronze drums.铜鼓在中国和东南亚地区有着悠久的历史,越南发现的大量古代铜鼓,为研究铜鼓的制作技术提供了宝贵的资料。

1.A Re-understanding of Dongshan Bronze Drum of Vietnam and A New Classification of Bronze Drums越南东山铜鼓再认识与铜鼓分类新说
2.Music instruments: bronze drum, bronze bells, and small bells etc.青铜乐器:青铜鼓、青铜编钟、铃等等。
3.a person who plays the kettledrums.演奏半球形铜鼓的人。
4.An Investigation of Dapanjiang’s Buyi Bronze Drum and the Culture of Its Music;大盘江布依族铜鼓铜鼓曲的文化考察
5.On Culture of Bronze Drum in Perspective of Poetry Record;西江走廊地 铜鼓振金声——从诗文记载看铜鼓文化
6.a large hemispherical brass or copper drum with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it.带有可调整张力鼓膜的半球形铜鼓
7.The Miao, Yao and Bouyei nationalities use bronze drums, the relics from the Bronze age.苗族、瑶族、布依族的铜鼓舞(铜鼓是青铜时代遗物)等,
8.Southeast Asian Culture in the Bronze Age and a Summary of Ancient Bronze Drums;东南亚的青铜时代文化与古代铜鼓综述
9.They inherit from their ancestors the "Bronze Dance".他们不仅有"铜鼓舞"的流传,
10.Analysis of the chemical composition of the Vietnamese timbal and other objects越南铜鼓和其他器物成份分析报告
11.The programs include "The Frog Is Born", "Sacrificing for the Frog"and "Worshipping the Frog".其中有:"蟆拐出世"、"敬蟆拐"、"拜铜鼓"等舞蹈,
12."Lusheng"(a reed-pipe wind instrument) and "Bronze Drum"dances are of this kind."芦笙舞"、"铜鼓舞"都属于此类形式。
13.Research and Analysis of the Safety of Navigation of Tonggu Channel in Shenzhen Port;深圳港铜鼓航道通航安全分析与研究
14.Study on the Mechanism Construction of "Tonggu award"of Guangxi Literature &Artistic Creation;广西文艺创作“铜鼓奖”机制建设研究
15.The significance of the Anthropology of Hechi Folks Drums Bequeathed to Posterity;河池民间传世铜鼓使用的人类学意义
16.Wild Landscape Plant Resources in Tongguling and Its Utilization Evaluation铜鼓岭野生园林植物资源及应用评价
17.Research on the Origin and Distribution of Bronze Drums around Beibu Gulf Area环北部湾地区铜鼓的起源与分布探析
18.A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension.定音鼓一种大的半球形红铜或黄铜鼓,面为羊皮纸,能通过调整拉力调音

1.The Influence of the Smelting and Casting Technology's Development of Chinese Bronze on Timbal;中国青铜冶铸技术发展对铜鼓的影响
2.Analysis of the chemical composition of the Vietnamese timbal and other objects;越南铜鼓和其他器物成份分析报告
3)Bronze Drums铜鼓
1.Ancient bronze drums symbolized the peak of booming Bronze Age in Southeast Asia,whose trace can still be found in cont.古代铜鼓代表着东南亚青铜时代繁荣的顶峰,至今在东南亚社会仍可见其踪迹。
2.In the eight types of bronze drums,Shizhaishan bronze drum has the most elegant and neat decorative lines.石寨山型铜鼓在八种类型铜鼓中,纹饰最为精美、齐整,艺术风格最为严谨,却又处处彰显写实化、生活化,制作技术也最为精湛。
3.For more than 2000 years, bronze drums have been the common carrier of culture gradually formed through communication and assimilation of various forms among these countries and peoples.铜鼓广泛分布于中国南方和与之相邻的越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国及马来西亚和印度尼西亚等东南亚国家。
4)timpani;kettle drum铜鼓; 定音鼓
5)copper drum pattern铜鼓纹
1.By expounding on relevant fire patterns,the sun pattern and copper drum pattern in a specific way based on Yi ethnic people's worship for fire together with the application of fire patterns to costumes of Yi ethnic people,the article probes into the ethnic characteristics of fire patterns on Yi ethnic people's costumes in terms of types of fire patterns,art features and aesthetic values.从彝族对火的崇拜以及火纹样在服饰上的应用来阐述相关的火镰纹、太阳纹及铜鼓纹的类型,在火图纹的类型、艺术特点和美学价值上探讨了彝族服饰火纹样的民族个性特点。
6)Tonggu channel铜鼓航道
1.Research and Analysis of the Safety of Navigation of Tonggu Channel in Shenzhen Port;深圳港铜鼓航道通航安全分析与研究
2.Tonggu channel project which connect Dahao waterway and western ports of Shenzhen,accoss through Zhujiang estuary Chinese White Dolphin Nature Reserve.铜鼓航道是连接大濠水道与深圳西部港口、在原有铜鼓水道的基础上疏浚挖深与拓宽的深水航道,其航道路线穿越珠江口中华白海豚自然保护区,在对珠江河口水域进行生态环境与中华白海豚资源状况调查的基础上,根据中华白海豚的生理与生态特性,结合铜鼓航道工程建设内容、规模、施工方案、航道营运计划等情况,研究分析工程施工与营运分别可能对珠江河口中华白海豚种群及自然保护区生境造成的影响,并分别提出航道施工与营运期间对中华白海豚种群和保护区生境影响的缓解措施,以达到有效保存与保护中华白海豚保护区生境及该种群的目的。
3.In order to select the route of Tonggu channel, the sediment transport in Tonggu sea area has been conducted for both natural condition and after the completion of Tonggu channel project.针对深圳西部港区拟开辟新的出海航道———铜鼓航道选线这一问题 ,讨论研究了自然条件下铜鼓海区的动力地貌及滩槽演变规律、铜鼓航道开辟后冲淤演变及航道淤积计算 ,通过建立物理模型和数学模型计算、验证了航道开辟后对周围动力环境的影响 ,确定了铜鼓航道工程的技术可行性和航线选线方案。
