1.Effect of Primogeniture on Medieval Town Forming;论长子继承制在西欧商业城市形成中的作用
2.The causes that the primogeniture was carried out in property by the nobles in the medieval Western Europe was not only in the interest of the Over Lord.中世纪西欧贵族财产实行长子继承制,并非只是满足了封君的利益需要。

1.Effect of Primogeniture on Medieval Town Forming;论长子继承制在西欧商业城市形成中的作用
2.Approach the Relation between the Elder-son-system of Zhou Dynasty and Civil Wars in Chunqiu Era from 《Zuo zhuan》从《左传》看嫡长子继承制与春秋动乱之关系
3.The system of First Son of the Lineal Descents Inheritance was established at the turn of the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.嫡长子继承制是在商末周初确立的,它是传子制发展的必然结果。
4.Probe into the System of Primogeniture in Medieval EnglandPeasant Families;英国封建领主制下农民家庭中长子继承制度探微
5.The New Exploration about the Causes that the Primogeniture was Carried out in Property by the Nobles in the Medieval Western Europe中世纪西欧贵族财产实行长子继承制的原因新探
6.A special privilege accorded a first-born.长子继承的一种特权
7.The land is entailed on the eldest son.土地限定由长子继承。
8.The property will fall to the eldest son.这份财产将由长子继承。
9.The eldest son will inherit the title from his father.长子将继承其父之爵位。
10.The castle is entailed on the eldest son.这城堡限定由长子继承。
11.Formerly the right of inheritance vested in the eldest son.从前继承权归属长子。
12.The Limitation of Succession System in “Trueborn Eldest Son” from Zhao Dun’s “Reback Heirdom to Trueborn Eldest Son”;从赵盾“还嫡”之举看“嫡长子”继承制的局限性
13.The Continuance and Succession of the Ie--Try to analyse the eldest son successive system,the system of foster son and the patriarchal retired system“家”的继承与延续——试析日本武家的家督继承制、养子制与家长隐居制度
14.He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture.他凭着长子继承权,继承了他父亲的财产。
15.The house and estate are entailed on the eldest daughter.这所房子和地产限定由长女继承.
16.The estate is the birthright of the eldest son.长子对这份地产有继承权.
17.disinherit one's eldest son取消自己的长子的继承权.
18.The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate.长子继承了遗产的大部分.

system of primogeniture长子继承制度
3)Trueborn Eldest Son嫡长子继承制
1.Considering the limitation of Shang dynasty brother-system which only the king\'s brother has the right to inherit all political power after the king die,Zhou built a new Trueborn Eldest Son system,the rule was only the eldest son can inherit all political power.周代基于商王朝传弟制度的弊端确立嫡长子继承制,却并未真正避免争位之乱,除了复杂的社会政治原因外,这种制度并未彻底实施也是引起动乱的一个重要因素。
4)wife's eldest son's inheritance嫡长子继承
