1.Records of Emperors of Han History records numerous disasters of various types and unbalancedly distributed,which had great impact on the society.帝纪》中记载了大量的灾异现象。
2.The concept of Fuyao is the result of ancient Yinyangwuxing and disaster concept.“服妖”观念是古代阴阳五行学说和灾异学说的产物,而“服妖”现象中又蕴藏着中国古代服饰文化的丰富内容,唐代以前“服妖”现象与服饰流行、儒家礼仪规范以及民俗禁忌观念之间都存在密切的关系。
3.From Han to Early Song, there were many records about disasters and remedies in Wu-Xing-Zhi of past dynasties,which was used in exhorting monarchs.从班固开创《五行志》到宋初,历代《五行志》都记载了大量灾异和事应,并作出解释,以此劝诫帝王。

1.On the purposes of LIU Xiang s disaster and abnor mality theory;刘向灾异论旨趣探微——兼论刘向、刘歆灾异论旨趣的不同及其成因
2.On the Auspicious Sign and Calamity from the Perspective of the Political Culture in Ancient China中国古代政治文化视野中的祥瑞灾异
3.Liuxin s Views on Calamities and Abnormal Phenonmena Based on the Records Preserved in WuXingZhi of HanShu;从《汉书·五行志》看刘歆的灾异
4.Discourses on Celestial Omens and Disastrous Occurrences in the Political Context of the Northern Song;北宋政治变革中的“天文灾异”论说
5.Interpretation and Discussion of the Calamity and Abnormal Phenomena in Yi Lin Quoted from "Zuo Zhoan"《易林》所引《左传》灾异林辞考述
6.The theory of the interaction between the heaven and the man and the relief works in modern China:based on the study of the great drought in early Guangxu's reign天人感应灾异观与近代灾荒救治——以“丁戊奇荒”为中心
8.Analysis of Social Ideology in Western Han Dynasty Based on Disaster Records in Records of Emperors of Han History;从《汉书·帝纪》中的灾异记录看西汉社会思想
9.Departure and Return: The Dilemma of Wang Kaiyun s Decoding Disaster in The Spring and Autumn Annals;离舍与回归:王闿运解说《春秋》灾异的两难
10.A Probe into the Theory of Yin-and-Yang by Military Commanders--Taking the Calamity,Divining and War from Zuozhuan as Study Cases;从《左传》灾异、占卜、战争记载看兵家阴阳思想
11.A big earthquake is a catastrophe.大地震(对人类)是异常的灾祸。
12.Her heart prophesied all sorts of catastrophes.她的心理有各种异常灾祸的预感。
13.Research of Remote Heterogeneous Disaster-Tolerant Technology for Massive Database;海量数据库的远程异构容灾技术研究
14.Analysis of Abnormal Drought in Sichuan and Chongqing During the Period of 1935-19371935~1937年川渝异常旱灾分析
15.Practicing Different Design for Improving Grid Ability against Calamity推行差异化设计以提高电网抗灾能力
16.Web-based remote disaster tolerant system一种基于Web管理的异地容灾系统
17.Relationship between stratospheric circulation anomalies and extended snow storm2008年雪灾同平流层环流异常的关系
18.T Effects of Differences of Hazard-Bearing Bodies on Earthquake Disasters--A case study on Baotou earthquake and Yao'an earthquake城乡承灾体差异对地震灾情的影响——以包头地震和姚安地震为例

calamity and abnormal phenomenon灾异
1.The prosperity of the long memorial on the calamity and abnormal phenomenon is based on the philosophy of the harmony between man and nature in Western Han Dynasty.西汉灾异奏疏是以当时天人合一的哲学为思想基础的,它的兴盛同西汉中晚期的国事日非,社会混乱有密切关系。
3)calamities and abnormal phenomena灾异
1.Thus,a special phenomenon came into being that calamities and abnormal phenomena were turned into political resource.明朝时,“天人感应”思想影响至深,在统治者脑子里根深蒂固,导致灾异演变为政治资源,出现对灾异进行人为操作的现象。
2.Later, people gradually formed the modeof thinking, which created a correspondence between the nature phenomena-calamities and abnormal phenomena and Man.此后,人们逐渐形成把天象——灾异与人事相对应的思维方式。
4)Disaster historical documents灾异史料
5)disaster tolerant异地容灾
1.Design and implementation of distributed disaster tolerant system;一种异地容灾系统的设计与实现
2.Among the current resolutions of the disaster tolerant system, some need extra communication devices, such.而衡量一个容灾系统关键在于,此系统是否能够保证原有的应用生产系统的稳定性和健壮性,即是否能提供一个有效的机制,在生产应用系统发生故障或灾难时,容灾系统能够迅速采取相应措施,提供连续性的服务,使外界觉察不到服务的中断,具有较好的恢复时间指标(RTO, Recover Time Object),保证系统的稳定性;在对生产应用系统进行异地容灾时,是否能支持无需专人值守下进行日常管理、维护、监控等工作,保证系统的健壮性,并且降低系统运行成本。
6)Data disaster异地冗灾
