1.An Investigation & Research Report:shaking off poverty towards well-being of Ewenki;鄂温克族脱贫奔小康调研报告
2.On the Mode Characteristics of Ewenki folk songs论鄂温克族民歌的调式特点
3.Objective:To analyse the polymorphism of ACE gene in Ewenki.目的 :研究鄂温克族血管紧张素转化酶 (ACE)基因多态性。

1.the "Jishenhui"(Fair to Pay Tribute to the God of Mountain) of the Oroqen nationality, and the Bear Dance of the Ewenki nationality.鄂伦春族的"祭(山)神会",鄂温克族的熊舞等等。
2.The Economic Changes of the Reindeer Owenks;论驯鹿鄂温克族鹿业经济的历史变迁
3.The traditional Ewenki,Oroqen,and Daghur music viewed from modern perspectives;现代视野中的鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、达斡尔族传统音乐
4.The Contemporary Change of the Hunting Economy;狩猎经济文化类型的当代变迁——鄂伦春族、鄂温克族猎民生计调查
5.For example, Shaman of Oroqen and Ewenki nationalities always decorate their clothes with beast bones or teeth;例如:鄂伦春、鄂温克族萨满的服饰上,都要缀以兽骨、兽牙;
6.On the Urbanization of Ewinki Population:A Survey and Analysis of Ewinki in Huhehaote;关于鄂温克族人口城市化问题——呼和浩特市鄂温克族基本状况调查及分析
7.Shamanism is the traditional and ancient religious belief of Ewenki.萨满教是鄂温克族传统而古老的宗教信仰。
8.Meanwhile Shamanism is also the foundation of Ewenkis' myth.鄂温克族神话是以萨满教信仰为基础而形成的。
9.Research on Educational Strategies of Inheriting Ewenk s Traditional Culture;鄂温克族传统文化传承的教育策略研究
10.Research On the Land Use and Landscape Type Changes of Ewenke Autonomous County;鄂温克族自治旗土地利用景观格局变化研究
11.Strategic Thinking on the Economic Development in Aoluguya Ewenqi Nationality Village;敖鲁古雅鄂温克族乡经济发展的战略思考
12.Discussion on the Structural Pattern of the Mythology of the Marriage Between Man and Animal in Ewenki Nationality;试论鄂温克族人与动物婚配型神话的结构模式
13.A genetic study of 15 STR loci in Chinese E Wen-ke population;中国鄂温克族人群15个STR基因座多态性研究
14.Traditional Cultural Heritage Ewenki Strategy Study of Early Childhood Education鄂温克族传统文化传承的幼儿教育策略研究
15.Ewenki Folk Medicinal Plants and Its Comparison with Mongolian Medicine鄂温克族民间药用植物及其与蒙古医药的比较
16.The Traditional Music of the Ewenki,Orunchun and Daghur People in the Modern Field of Vision;现代视野中的鄂温克、鄂伦春、达斡尔族传统音乐
17.On the Change of Ewenki Language--A case study of Chabaqi Ewenki village鄂温克语变迁探析——以查巴奇鄂温克民族村为个案
18.Ethnological Investigation on the Ecological Immigration of Reindeer Ewenki;驯鹿鄂温克人生态移民的民族学考察

Ewenki people鄂温克族
1.The ideological connotations in folk songs of Ewenki people;论山林鄂温克族民歌的思想内涵
3)Ewenki nationality鄂温克族
1.Ethnobotanical knowledge which result from interrelationship between Ewenki nationality in Hulun Buir and plants are including the indigenous knowledge of food and drink, medicinal, forage, daily life and cultural use of wild plants.呼伦贝尔鄂温克族与植物之间相互作用而形成的民族植物学知识,包括野生植物的食用、药用、饲用、日常生活和文化利用知识。
1.On the Urbanization of Ewinki Population:A Survey and Analysis of Ewinki in Huhehaote;关于鄂温克族人口城市化问题——呼和浩特市鄂温克族基本状况调查及分析
6)E wen ke autonomy county鄂温克族自治旗
1.In the support ofRS and GIS,using remote sensing data in 1992 and 2002 as the data source,and some landscape feature indicators such as patch size,shape,preponderance degree,land use change and the conversion between the various landscape types and so on to study the landscape features and dynamic changes of E wen ke autonomy county from various levels.在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以1992年和2002年TM遥感数据为数据源,利用斑块面积、形状、优势度、景观破碎度、土地利用的变化以及各种景观类型之间转换等景观特征指标,从多个层面对鄂温克族自治旗景观特征及其动态变化进行了研究。
