1.On Writers Akin in Zhejiang and Its Neighboring Areas in Song Dynasty;论宋代江浙家族型文学家群体
2.The regional distribution of the Chinese writers has been relatively centralized and changeable in the history due to the influences of cultural traditions,natural environments,regional economy,wars,transportations,and so on,which has made the development of literature relatively centralized and changeable in space.由于受文化传统?自然环境?区域经济?战争?交通等因素的影响,从古到今,我国文学家在地域分布上有相对集中和不断变化的特点,这一特点致使我国不同朝代各地文学发展出现了此盛彼衰、此衰彼盛以及不同的流派在不同的地域孕育发展的状况。
3.Ho Kyun (1569 —1618) was a well-known writers,a poetry critics,a Sino- Korea cultural exchange 's witness; an official,as well as a famous "heresy" of the Korea period.许筠(1569—1618)是朝鲜朝中期著名的文学家、诗歌批评家、中朝文化交流史上的重要人物、朝廷官员、著名的“异端”。

1.Sun Lan was a well-known Chinese geographer, astronomer, mathematician, historian, painter and calligrapher in the17 th century.孙兰是十七世纪中国著名地理学家及天文学家、学家、史学家、画家。
2."It really is too ugly," the astronomer said.“它是太丑了。” 天文学家说。
3.stars as the astronomers call them,即天文学家所说的恒星,
4.Female writer’s coronet: a comprehensive review of Zuo Fen’s literature achievement女文学家之冠冕:左棻文学成就综论
5.Zhang Dai was a literature, historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty.张岱是明清之际的一位文学家、史学家、思想家。
6.Mr. Lu Xun was a great writer and thinker.鲁迅先生是伟大的文学家、思想家。
7.Chen Liang is a famous ideologist and litterateur in South Song Dynasty.陈亮是南宋时期著名的思想家、文学家
8.Textual Research On the Biographical Sketch of Xu Bo, the Book Collector and W riter of the Ming Dynasty;明代藏书家、文学家徐火勃事略考证
9.contemporary literature [writers]现代文学 [作家]
10.a physicist who studies astronomy.研究天文学的物理学家。
11.ARSL (Associate of the Royal Society of Literature)皇家文学学会准会员
12.Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences荷兰皇家文理科学院
13.International Association of Literary Critics国际文学评论家协会
14.International Council of Literary Authors国际文学作家理事会
15.Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre-INSDOC印度国家科学文献中心
16.The judicial function of a literary critic.文学评论家的评判职责
17.Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science荷兰皇家人文和科学院
18.Protect the Hakka Culture--A Study of Hakka Literature and Arts and the Folk Literature;守护客家文化——兼论客家文化中客家文艺与民间文学的研究

1.Jean Paul Sartre,the Philosopher and the Writer;作为哲学家的萨特与文学家的萨特
2.This was not suitable for Qin Guan as a politician but significant for his being an unique writer.直率、任性、敏感和脆弱是秦观性格的基本特征,这样的性格不适合做一个政治家,却对秦观成为一个独具风格的优秀文学家起到重大作用。
3.This paper emphasizes that the research on the literary history should pay attention to the patterns, the centers, the causes, and the laws of the distribution of Chinese writers in all periods.本文着重探讨了中国历代文学家的分布格局、分布重心、分布成因和分布规律问题。
1.As a litterateur,Guo Mo-ruo looked forward to naivete,abhors fakeness in heart.然而,郭沫若文学家的精神气质,又使得他内心渴求"本真",厌恶"虚伪",于是在私人世界里,郭沫若显得焦躁、懊恼和痛苦不堪。
1.Functional values of language,namely cognitive value,aesthetic value and psychological function of language had been narrowly discussed and clarified by ancient minority literators,from which many brilliant expositions and incisive opinions were left and enriched the ancient Chinese literary theories. 中国古代少数民族文学家们对语言的功能价值,即语言的认知价值、审美价值和心理功能,做了多方面的探讨和深刻的阐述,留下了许多精彩的论述和精辟的见解,丰富了中国古代文学理论的宝库。
5)expert in literature文献学家
6)literature family文学家庭
1.This supplied the condition of making the literature family of Song Dynasty prosper.这就为宋代文学家庭的繁荣提供了条件。
2.One of the reasons why literature families are so prosperous in Song Dynasty is that economy of Song Dynasty is very developed,which provided wide topics for literature creation of literature family and created the condition for spreading literature works of literature family members.在中国封建社会的各个朝代中,宋代的文学家庭可以说是最多的。
