1.liu Xie was born in Jingkou (today s Zhenjiang), lived in Southern Dynasties and died in Ding Lin Temple of Zhongshan , Nanjing, but he never went to Ding Lin Temple of Ju County.刘勰本人生于京口(今江苏镇江),活动于南朝,死于南京钟山定林寺,从未到过莒县定林寺。
2.The thesis carries out research on historical fact of long settlement of his family\'s generations in Jingkou(nowadays Zhenjiang),analyzing the course of young Liu Xie\'s education and formation of his ideology as well as exploring the stories in his political career and his book Liu Z通过考证认定《文心雕龙》的作者刘勰及其家族世居京口(今镇江)的历史史实;探析刘勰少年时期学业、思想的形成;探考他从政的事迹及其著作《刘子》。
2)Nankou wind-blown sand areas北京南口
3)Jingkou Culture京口文化
4)the local colloquialism in Beijing北京口语

1.The Usage of Er-hua Words in 1980’s Beijing Spoken Language;20世纪80年代北京口语儿化词的使用情况
2.Topic markers in Beijing dialect during the period between the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China;清末民初北京口语中的话题标记——以100多年前几部域外汉语教材为例
3.Oral Words of Beijing Dialect in the Chinese Textbook in Japan during Meiji Reform;明治期间日本汉语教科书中的北京话口语词
4.The Later Qing Dynasty Colloquial Words of Beijing Dialect in Yuyan Zierji and Its Contributions;《语言自迩集》中的清末北京话口语词及其贡献
5.A Study on the Current State of Spoken Lexicons in the Old Beijing Dialect;老北京方言部分口语词汇使用现状之分析
6.The Variance of the Neutral-tone Syllable in Daily Spoken Language in 1980 s Beijing;80年代北京日常口语中轻声音节的变异
7.The Chinese dialect of Peking.北京语一种北京的中国方言
8.Right now my household registration is in Beijing.我现在的户口在北京。
9.The population of Shanghai is more than Beijing.上海的人口比北京多。
10.Beijing's bid motto is "New Beijing, Great Olympics".8.北京申奥的口号是什么? 北京申奥口号是"新北京,新奥运。
11.Professor of English, Peking University北京大学英语系教授
12.the Beijing dialect uses four tones.北京方言有四种语调。
13."Ah, Beijing," he said quietly to himself.“哦,北京,”他小声地自语道。
14.Reflections on the Current Evaluation System of Spoken Chinese Teaching in TCFL对目前汉语口语评价体系的思考——以北京大学对外汉语教育学院为例
15.There are many univesities and colleges in Beijing,for example,Beijing University,Qinghua University and Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages.北京有许多大学和学院,例如北京大学,清华大学,和北京外国语学院。
16.Fortunately,my teacher came from Beijing,so I learned good standard Chinese accent,not Cantonese accent.幸运的是,我的老师来自北京,所以我学到了很好的标准汉语口音,而不是粤语腔调。
17.Curriculum Reform for French Majors at BLCU;北京语言大学法语专业课程设置改革
18.Study on Discourse Markers "Jiushi" and "Fanzheng" in Beijing Vernacular北京话话语标记语“就是”、“反正”研究

Nankou wind-blown sand areas北京南口
3)Jingkou Culture京口文化
4)the local colloquialism in Beijing北京口语
5)population of Beijing北京人口
6)the Jingkou Group京口集团
