1.Main Archaeological Result and Its Application of Shangcheng Ruins in Yanshi City;偃师商城遗址的主要考古成果与开发利用
2.An Excavation of Three Tombs of Tang Dynasty at Yanshi City,Henan Province河南偃师三座唐墓发掘简报
3.In fact,"留邑" is situated on the site of Liu State Capital at Taojia Village,Yanshi,Henan Province.留邑的地望在今河南偃师南缑氏乡陶家村的刘国故城遗址。

1.Epitaph of Guo Xuji s Great Grandson Guo Can Discovered in Yanshi City,Henan;河南偃师市出土郭虚己曾孙郭傪墓志
2.On the Stray Fragment of the Book of History Carved on Stone Near JiaocunVillage, Luoyang;谈偃师焦村魏石经《尚书·无逸》残石
3.Ode to A Holy Poet--For the Museum of Du Fu in Yanshi;诗圣颂——为偃师杜甫纪念馆作霍松林
4.A Study of the Site of Building Complex Ⅱ in the Shang City at Yanshi, Henan;河南偃师商城第Ⅱ号建筑群遗址研究
5.Evaluation of Land Exploitation and Adjustment Potentiality for County Level--A Case Study of Yanshi City;县域土地开发整理潜力评价研究——以偃师市为例
6.On the Spatial Structure and Feature of the Capital of Erlitou Site in Yanshi;偃师二里头遗址的都城空间结构及其特征
7.Archaeological Obseration of the Relation between Zhengzhou Shang City and Yanshi Shang City;郑州商城与偃师商城关系的考古学观察
8.Shang City in Yanshi Is the Mark of the Founding of Tang Kingdom and the Terminus of the Chronological Division of Xia and Shang Dynasties;偃师商城是商汤建国的标帜与夏商断代的界标
9.A New Study on the Capital Yanshi which Shang Tang Founded in Shang Dynasty;汤都偃师新考——兼说“景亳”、“郼薄”(郑亳)及“西亳”之别
10.Main Archaeological Result and Its Application of Shangcheng Ruins in Yanshi City;偃师商城遗址的主要考古成果与开发利用
11.An Outline of Bulidings in the Shang City at Yanshi:Archaeological Data Unearthed from Building Ruins in 1983-1999;偃师商城建筑概论──1983年~1999年建筑遗迹考古
12.The Comparison of Sacrifice Remains in Zhengzhou Shang City with Those in Yanshi Shang City郑州商城和偃师商城商代祭祀遗存之比较
13.Study on Method of Land Use Updating Investigation Using the Technology of "3S"--A Case Study of Yanshi County;基于“3S”技术的土地利用更新调查方法研究——以偃师市为例
14.Research on Transfer of Surplus Agricultural Labor;农业剩余劳动力流转问题探析——基于河南省偃师市的调查分析
15.Comparative Studies on First Phase of Erlitou Culture and Xinzhai Phase;偃师二里头遗址第一期文化应比新砦期二里头文化为晚
16.Optical dating of tamped earth from the Yanshi walled city;偃师商城宫城建筑基址夯土的光释光测年初步研究
17."To the great joy of all, later finds recon firmed Sima Qian' s records of the earlier periods The Erlitou remains in western Henan bring. to light the massive scale of early Xia palaces."后来出土的文物才证实了司马迁的记述。河南偃师二里头出土了夏代庞大宫殿的遗址。
18.INFORMAL FACTORS, SME NETWORKS AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT--A Study of Textile Enterprises in Zhaizhen, Henan Province;非正式因素影响下的中小企业网络学习与区域发展——河南省偃师市翟镇针织业的研究

Yanshi city偃师市
1.In order to find out the tendency of the cultivated land change in a city effectively protect and rationally use the cultivated land resource,the writer analyzes the cultivated land spatio-temporal change in Yanshi city during the period from 1997 to 2004.为从县级层面上了解耕地变化的趋势特点,更好地实现耕地资源保护及可持续利用,笔者研究了偃师市1997—2004年耕地时空变化情况,并运用主成分分析法,对影响耕地变化的主要驱动力因子进行了定性与定量分析。
3)"Master Yan Offers Advice"偃师献计
1.The imaginary man-made actor in the story of "Master Yan Offers Advice" shows the creativeness of the ancient fable writer.《列子》寓言包含着某些科学幻想,寓言“偃师献计”故事所幻想的人工制造的演员,显示出古代寓言作家的创意之功。
4)Yanshi city of Shang dynasty偃师商城
1.Unearthing and studying Zhengzhou city and Yanshi city of Shang dynasty were an important research result in the Chinese archaeological history in the 20th century.郑州商城与偃师商城考古发掘研究,是20世纪中国考古史上的重大科研成果。
5)Shang city in Yanshi偃师商城
1.The Shang city in Yanshi, established in the period Ⅳ of the Erlitou culture, dating to ca.偃师商城为商灭夏之后所建最早之都城 ,始建于二里头文化四期 ,距今约 36 0 0年 ,为汤都西亳 ,亦为夏商文化分界惟一的界
6)Yanshi Dialect偃师方言
