1.Check on Amalgamation of nationality through north-dynastepitaphs;北朝碑志所见北方少数民族之汉化
2.As an important style in the china history, epitaph had been widespread used.碑志文作为一种重要的志墓文体在历史上曾经被广泛的使用,传统的碑志研究一直属于金石学的范畴,研究的思路大多以证“史”为主,对于碑志文学特性的探讨则相对较少。
3.The style of epitaph started in the pre-Qin dynasty and came to its settings in the Six Dynasty of Han,Wei,etc.碑志萌芽于先秦,定型于汉魏六朝。

1.On Innovation of Han Yu's Stele Script in Terms of the Style Evolution of Han and Tang Dynasty从汉唐碑志的文体演变看韩愈碑志的正与变
2.Tang Dynasty Surpassed Six Dynasty of Han and Wei in Epitaph Style试论唐代碑志对汉魏六朝碑志的发展与超越
3.These inscriptions can be divided into three categories: epitaphs, biographies and the others.这些碑传文可分为碑志文、状文和其他三类。
4.The Writing and Formation of Regular Script of Stone Inscription at the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties(隋唐五代)隋唐五代碑志楷书书写、构形状况论析
5.On the Punctuation Correctioo of “Carving Inscription Collected in Liaoning Museum”;《辽宁博物馆藏碑志精粹》标点勘误
6.The Confusion of the Forms of Stone Inscriptions in the Sui, Tang Dynasties (隋唐)and Five Dynasties(五代);隋唐五代碑志楷书中的形体混同现象
7.The inscription on the tablet records the spreading and evolution of Chinese calligraphy.碑志记录了中国书法艺术的流传与演变。
8.A Probe into the Art of Characterization in Yuan Haowen s Epitaphs;以事写人 形随事赋——元好问碑志文写人艺术探微
9.Suggestions on the voice enthusiasm of Intellectuals in the Early Song Dynasty;从欧阳修碑志文看宋初士人的“言事”热情
10.On Sayyid Omer Shams al-Din s Genealogies and Tablets;关于赛典赤·赡思丁身世事迹的碑志谱牒
11.The Geographical Reason of the Immigration into Zhen an County in Ming and Qing Dynasties and its instruction;碑志所见明清镇安县移民的地缘结构及其它
12.The Preserved Inscriptions on Ancient Bronzes and Stone Tablets on the Korean Peninsula and Transactions between China and Korea in Ancient Times--An Exemplification of the Relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the Xinluo;朝鲜半岛现存金石碑志与古代中韩交往——以唐与新罗关系为中心
13.Epitaph on the Monument to the Heroes of the People drafted by Comrade Mao Tsetung.这是毛泽东同志为人民英雄纪念碑起草的碑文。
14.An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.墓志铭刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭
15.I saw the monument that marks the spot.我参观了标志这个地方的纪念碑。
16.The Korean people set up a monument in memory of Comrade Luo Shengjiao.朝鲜人民立了一个纪念碑纪念罗盛教同志。
17.Here lie the mortal remains of George Chapman, eg as an inscription on a tombstone.乔治.查普曼的遗体葬於此处(如墓碑上的志文).
18.Historical Monument to the Theoretical Innovation;理论创新的历史丰碑——学习江泽民同志“七·一”讲话

1.The epitaphs written by Yuan Haowen portray the dead with narrations,so each one is a great success of biography.遗山碑志文以记叙事情为依托刻画人物,每一篇碑志文都是一篇成功的人物传记。
2.It is typical in Yuan Haowen s epitaphs "to portray a character in narrating events"."以事写人"是元好问碑志文的重要特色。
3.In The Complete Works of Yuan Haowen,99 epitaphs are included and can be classified into six categories according to the dead: ministers,generals,clerks,intellectuals,monks and Taoist priests,and others.元好问的碑志文,收入《元好问全集》的共99篇,以传主身份为标准,可以将其分为名臣、名将、良吏、名士、僧道、其他等6类。
3)inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets金石碑志
1.Preserved now on the Korean Peninsula are 233 inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets that are related to the Tang Dynasty.现存朝鲜半岛和唐朝关联的金石碑志共有233篇。
4)inscription innovation碑志革新
1.The factors accelerating Hanyu s inscription innovation are varied.促成韩愈碑志革新的因素是多重的 ,它既是碑志这一文体自身发展的客观要求 ,又深受古文运动的影响 ,同时与韩愈尚“气”的人格型态和尚“奇”求新的创作理念密不可分。
5)an inscription on a tombstone墓志铭, 碑文
6)There is an inscription on the tomb.墓碑上有墓志铭。

《文昌帝君阴骘文》  道书。简称《阴骘文》。以文昌帝君降笔(即扶乩)的名义编纂而成。成书年代不详。一说不晚于16世纪末。文昌帝君全称辅元开化文昌司禄宏仁帝君,或称梓潼帝君、梓潼神。相传为掌握人间禄籍之神,旧时士人多崇祀之。"阴骘"一词原为"默默地安定"之意,始见于《尚书·洪范》:"惟天阴骘下民,相协厥居。"后引申为修善积德,俗称积阴德。    《阴骘文》以"天人感应"和"因果报应"思想为依据,宣传儒家道德规范和道、释宗教戒条。首先以文昌帝君本身的"经历"和"救蚁中状元"等四则故事,说明广行阴骘,将得善报。其次,列举忠主、孝亲、敬兄、信友、矜孤恤寡、敬老怜贫、不谋人财产、不淫人妻女,不恃富豪而欺穷困、不倚权势而辱善良等数十项作为立身处世之准则。声称依此行事,则"百福骈臻,千祥云集",近则善报个人,远则福泽儿孙。    《重刊道藏辑要》有《阴骘文注》1卷;《昭代丛书别集》有《阴骘文颂》1卷;《三益集》有《阴骘文像》4 卷。另有刻本注本多种。内容通俗易懂。旧时民间流传甚广。