1.Defense Integration in the European Union: Process and Reflection;欧盟防务一体化:进程与反思
2.In order to strengthen the defense of the Great Wall and troops for commanding and deploying along it.为了加强长城的防务和指挥调遣长城沿线的兵力,明朝在长城沿线陆续建立了九个防守区——九边重镇,每镇设总兵领辖。
3.During the whole Ming dynasty, the northern defense was of vital importance to the prosperity and weakness of Ming dynasty.本文以明代中期的宣府大同军事防务区为时空背景,对从“土木之变”到“俺达封贡”(1449--1571)这一时期宣大地区的政治和军事形式等进行了料理,重点分析了宣大防务区的建立及对明蒙关系所产生的影响,以及该地区的卫所变迁状况,同时还对宣、大二镇的建立及后勤供应、武器装备等进行了考证分析,以期从中发现明中叶明蒙关系的走向和明王朝政治经济的发展趋势。

1.Emergency Defence Plan应急防务计划(北约)
2.Organ on Politics, Defence and Security政治、防务和安全机关
3.Defence Expenditure,Industry Structure and Optimum Defence Burden国防支出、产业结构与最优防务负担
4.Inter-American Defence Board of the Organization of American States美洲国家组织美洲防务委员会(美洲防委会)
5.The prime minister has upgraded the former defence agency to a ministry, with a seat in cabinet at last.首相提升之前的防务委员会为防务部,(其)终在内阁占有一席之地。
6.Fire Services Department General Orders《消防处常务训令》
7.Hong Kong Fire Services Medal for Meritorious Service [FSMSM]香港消防事务荣誉奖章
8.preventive medicine service预防疾病的医疗服务
9.Crime Prevention Bureau [Hong Kong Police Force]防止罪案科〔香港警务处〕
10.uncommitted apparatus未委派任务的消防车
11.Anti-riot Squad [Hong Kong Police Force]防暴队〔香港警务处〕
12.Guards must be used请务必使用防护装置
13.Hong Kong Fire Services Medal for Distinguished Service [FSDSM]香港消防事务卓越奖章
14.Marine and Offshore Islands Division [Fire Services Department]海务及离岛区〔消防处〕
15.duty of averting or minimizing losses防止和减轻损失的义务
16.Code of Practice on the Prevention of Major Hazards防止重大事故业务守则
17.countryside fire protection duty [Civil Aid Service]防止山火任务〔民众安全服务队〕
18.To Establish A Financial Warning System to Resist Financial Risks of Enterprises;建立财务预警机制 防范企业财务风险

3)ASD,antisubmarine defense防潜(艇)防务
4)preventive service预防服务
1.The demand for and utilization of community preventive services are influenced by the residents awareness of community preventive services.居民对社区预防服务的认知会直接影响到社区预防服务的需求和利用。
5)Preventive Care service防保服务
6)Air defense task防空任务
