
1.On top of her head is a flying phoenix with its tail curving upward.她头顶上有一只腾空飞舞的凤鸟
2."It (the pleasant music) enticed the phoenix and pheasants to dance", "all the animals started to dance after hearing it"."令凤鸟天翟舞之","以致舞百兽";
3.Phoenix Culture of Ancient Chinese People Reflected in the Shuo Wen Jie Zi;从《说文解字》看中国先民的凤鸟文化
4.The pleasant music made from the instruments enticed the phoenix and pheasants to dance.吹打起来,十分动听,凤鸟锦雉随着乐声跳起舞来。
5.From Phoenix to Mist-The Research about Pattern Alteration of Lacquer Wears during Warring States and Han Dynasty Period;论从凤鸟纹到云气纹:战国两汉漆器纹饰的流变
6.The Use of Riflebirds Skeches in Chinese Classic Wooden Architecture Designes;凤鸟图形在中国古典木架建筑屋顶中的运用
7.Yue embroidery has a wide range of designs, the most common ones being birds worshipping the sun, dragons and phoenixes.粤绣题材广泛,以百鸟朝阳,龙凤最多。
8.Any of several long-tailed, crested South and Central American game birds of the family Cracidae, related to the pheasants and domestic fowl.凤冠雉任一种产于南美洲和中美洲的凤冠雉科的长尾、有头冠的猎鸟,与雉鸟和家禽有亲缘关系
9.any of several large turkey-like game birds of the family Cracidae; native to jungles of tropical America; resembling the curassows and valued as food.凤冠雉科中形似火鸡的几种大型猎禽;原产于美洲热带丛林;与凤冠鸟形似,是贵重的食用鸟。
10.The phoenix worship is originated from bird worship, it is enrichment and development of chicken worship.凤崇拜起源于鸟崇拜,是鸡崇拜的丰富和发展。
11.The Aesthetic Characteristic and the Musical Exhibition of the Piano Music 100 Birds Singing in Homage to the Phoenix;钢琴曲《百鸟朝凤》的审美特征与音乐表现
12.The Phoenix was said to build its funeral pyre out of myrrh, frankincense, and other spices.凤凰(长生鸟)据说是用没药,乳香和其他香料来建立火葬。
13.Rosefinch, also known as "Zhu bird" physical may Phoenix, the ancient Chinese myth of the God of the South.朱雀,亦称“朱鸟”,形体似凤凰,古代神话中的南方之神。
14.The smaller female is Brownish and unornamented. Curassows have delicious flesh and are hunted as game.雌鸟不具装饰物,体型较小,淡褐色。凤冠雉是猎禽,肉味鲜美。
15.This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King."这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。"
16.Various origins of phoenix: a perspective on the bird worship among Yunnan ethnic groups;从云南少数民族的鸟崇拜看凤凰起源的多元轨迹
17.A Central American bird(Pharomachrus mocino) that has brilliant bronze-green and red plumage and, in the male, long flowing tail feathers.大咬鹃一种中美洲鸟(凤尾绿咬鹃),羽毛为鲜艳的铜绿色和红色,雄鸟有平滑的长尾覆羽
18.To entice others, I began growing their favourite plants -- fuchsia, bee balm, cardinal flowers, touch-me-nots.为了吸引其他蜂鸟,我开始载种它们喜爱的植物——呆钟花、蜜蜂花、红花半边莲、凤仙花等。

phoenix bird decorative pattern凤鸟纹
1.Why,however,can t the Shang dynasty cast a large number of phoenix bird decorative patterns,which are the main decorative designs on the Shang bronze wares? The Xizhou people have developed phoenix bird decorative patterns as a main decorative design.商、西周青铜器其纹饰种类繁多,但以玄鸟为祖先的商人为什么没能在商青铜器上大量铸有以凤鸟纹为主题的纹饰,而不是以玄鸟为祖先的西周人却极大地发展了以凤鸟纹为主题的纹饰。
3)100 Birds Singing in Homage to the Phoenix百鸟朝凤
1.The Aesthetic Characteristic and the Musical Exhibition of the Piano Music 100 Birds Singing in Homage to the Phoenix;钢琴曲《百鸟朝凤》的审美特征与音乐表现
4)Phoenix patterns decorative凤鸟纹样
5)Trogonoptera species [birdwing butterflies]鸟凤蝶
6)Anorrhinus species [brown hornbills; bushy-crested hornbills]凤头犀鸟
