1.Concerning the problem of the provison storehouse of the garrison system in Hexi region of the han Dynasty, the researcher has already affirmed its independent position, but there is also lack for the concrete judgment and the systematic investigation.关于汉代河西屯戍系统粮的问题,研究者多已肯定其独立地位,但就一些具体的论断和系统性的探究而言,尚有欠缺。
2.The market follows many principles, which are storehouse principle, principle of unconditional deal, equivalent principle, principle of speculation, principle of control, principle of competition of price and principle of stability.期货市场是为解决“卖”与“买”的矛盾所形成的一种系统市场模式 ,它在运行中所遵循的房原理、无条件交易原理、等效原理、投机原理、支配原理、竞价原理、稳定性原理等 ,使其各要素联结为整体最优的市场系统。
3.There are many strategy and debates in the existing studies on the storehouse of the garrison system of Hexi region in Han dynasty the bamboo slips.学者们对简牍所见汉代制的认识存在一些错误,可补充纠正如下:居延的驻地在居延都尉府,而不在瓦因托尼;汉简中所见的部还有卅井候官的孤山燧,第廿六、第廿五是燧而不是部;候官不存在长及丞,屯戍系统的管理离不开候、将转守尉、士吏、令史、尉史、候长、候史、燧长、燧卒等传统意义上非人员的参与;廪给程序中所谓"下发通知"是不存在的,的等级考核在汉简中也没有体现。

1.Boatswain Store甲板部库,水手长
2.customes warrant海关库货物出
3.data warehouse数据库,[台]资料
4.Bunker [coal]料斗,浅 [煤]
5.A bin or tank especially for fuel storage, as on a ship.燃料库,尤指船上存放燃料的
6.Add &to Repository...添加到库(&T)...
7.warehouse of material(hardware warehouse)材料库(五金库)
8.warehouse of material(steel warehouse)材料库(钢材库)
9.warehouse of material(auto parts warehouse)材料库(汽配库)
10.The Bonded goods/warehouses/zone保税商品/库/区
11.Delivery we can have in August as our warehouse is open.当8月我们的库开时我们能交货。
12.A storage installation for military equipment and supplies.军备库存放军事装备及物资的
13.After the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed.库爆炸后,库保管员感到昏昏然。
14.On Whiplash Effect of Earthquakes for Multistorey Attic Storage Structure多层顶室贮振动的“鞭击效应”
15.Study on Concreting Sequence Methods about RCC Gravity Dam Construction碾压混凝土坝施工分方法研究
16.Experimental Study on Bracket-Supported Steel Silos;壁支架支承钢筒结构的试验研究
17.The Application Technique and Case Study on W/W Clause;“条款”的应用技巧与案例研究
18.Classification of the Granaries and Purposes of Grain Reserves in Han Dynasty;汉代粮的类型及储粮食用途试论

Warehouse to Warehouse仓至仓
1.Warehouse to Warehouse Clause is one of the clauses that modern insurers, providing insurance for marine cargo transportation, states their insurable responsibility of when to begin and when to end.“”条款是现代海洋货物运输保险人规定其保险责任起讫的一个条款,应用非常广泛。
3)Short Position短仓/淡仓
