1.It is after human began to form their own idea of the subject and distinguish himself from nature that the concept of "God " appears.原始宗教观念和神灵世界的相继出现,为人走向神坛和英雄时代的降临创造了条件。
2.People moved many heroes to the god system and it is true of the Nangtang Taijun Niangniang in the Tai Lake Basin.特别是在南宋时期,人们将许多现世中的英雄也搬上神灵的体系。

1.Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god.神灵附体的狂喜神灵感应引起的狂喜
2.I am afraid of the Great Spirit.我惧怕伟大的神灵
3."God is the supreme spirit!" Abner argued.“上帝是最高的神灵
4.The winds and thunder were spirits themselves;风和雷就是神灵本身;
5.He is adored as a god by the natives,土人崇拜他为神灵
6.the mystery of the Incarnation, of the Eucharist, etc神灵化身、 圣餐等的玄理.
7.spiritual beings. See also Synonyms at birrelevant bmaterial神灵参见同义词birrelevantbmaterial
8.encarnalize divinities赋予神灵以人的形性
9.The clerks of a honest magistrate know Better than to accept bribes, But a temple keeper by virtue of his position gets unsolicited additional gain官清司吏瘦神灵庙祝肥
10.Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.神灵感应直接降于人类心灵或灵魂上的神的指引或影响
11.A jinni in Moslem mythology.妖魔鬼怪穆斯林神话中的一个神灵
12.Gods in charge of different sectors of people's lives are invited in the sound of drums and the bells.在击鼓、摆铃声中,延请各路神灵,请来神灵(俗称"神附体")后,
13.An inferior deity, such as a deified hero.半神地位稍低的神,例如奉若神灵的英雄
14.The Spirit Pedigree with the Same Nature and Different Form: The Relationship between Tibetan Lake God and Water God;同质异形的神灵谱系——藏族湖神与水神关系透视
15.A false god.幽灵,假神虚幻中的神
16."and the dust goes back to the earth as it was, and the spirit goes back to God who gave it."尘土仍归于地,灵仍归于赐灵的神。
17.Talking about Lingchuan with poem;神奇诗话说灵川——灵川县名由来略考
18.prostration of mind and spirit心灵与精神上的疲惫

1.The worship of gods is an important part of the Miao people s spiritual life.神灵崇拜是苗族人民精神世界的一个重要组成部分,对于万物有灵的苗族来说,当他们寻根问祖时,认为枫香树、鸲鹆鸟、盘瓠、蝴蝶妈妈、姜央与他们的祖先有关,便创造了一些祖神的形象。
1.The meanings of "Emperor" changed from the living father, to the ancestor, to the king of human beings and to the spirit.帝的意义经历了一个从在世的父祖到祖先、到人王、到神灵意义的变迁。
2.This article analyses their spirit-worship and the idols through a study of their rituals, customs and festivals.神灵观念在白傣中普遍存在 ,并深刻地影响其社会生产与日常生活。
1.It can be deduced from the image,color,places of origin,habit and characteristics of the FengHuang bird and the close relationship between it and the mankind that,the FengHuang bird in Chinese historical tales is not a jinni imagined by the mankind.从凤凰的形态、色彩、习性、产地及其同人类之间的密切关系可以推知,我国历史传说中的凤凰不是人类想像出来的神灵,不是集合多种飞禽特点的抽象符号,不是鸵鸟,也不是我国本土产长尾雉,而是古代日本的东天红鸡或长尾雉。
1.The pillars that support the mental world of Qu Yuan include the followings: good political ideal,persistent and strong sense of social responsibilities;internal beauty,noble,pure and nice sentiment;deity,the mental dominance of transcendental world.支撑屈原精神世界的支柱主要有:美政———执著而强烈的社会责任感;内美———高洁纯粹的美好情操;神灵———超验世界的精神主宰。
6)Peaceful God安神灵
1.Effect of Peaceful God spread on navel on insomnia and the nursing observation;安神灵敷脐治疗失眠症疗效观察及护理

神灵1.神的总称。 2.魂魄。 3.犹威灵,圣明。 4.神异。