1.Text Reconstruction and Gender Narration:Tracing to the Identity Construction of Yuji from the Evolution of Farewell My Concubine;文本重构与性别叙事——从“霸王别姬”故事的演变看虞姬的身份建构
2.The Historical Relation between Yuji and Puban and Her Sad End虞姬与蒲坂历史渊源及其悲戚之归宿
3.Referring to the gender narration theory and combining with text narrative patterns and the gender of the tellers, the paper analyzes the gender and its construction course of Yuji in the stories.本文借助女性主义叙事学的性别叙事理论,结合文本叙述形态与叙述者的性别身份,主要对“霸王别姬”故事中虞姬的身份建构历程进行分析。

1.Later the body was buried by the villagers a little east of the village. This is the site of what is called Yu'Ji'Mu or the Tomb of Lady Yu which we still see in good repair today.后来,虞姬被人安葬在霸离铺村东首,这便是至今保护完好的虞姬墓。
2.Hence the existence of another Tomb of Lady Yu.于是,这里又有一座虞姬墓。
3.That is why people later named it Lady Yu's Pond.后人称这口池塘为“虞姬塘”。
4.Lady Yu was in Xiang Yu's company on all his campaigns.虞姬一直在军中随项羽征战。
5.He lifted the tripod and gained first a wife and second an army. An ingenious explanation, isn't it?一得虞姬,二得精兵,此解独具见地。
6.Among ordinary folks in China, there are many moving stories about Lady Yu.关于虞姬,民间有不少美好的传说。
7.Lady Yu was very intelligent and knew full well what was on Xiang Yu's mind. So one day she took up her own sword and began singing and dancing in response:虞姬体味其意,亦舞剑和歌:
8.The Historical Relation between Yuji and Puban and Her Sad End虞姬与蒲坂历史渊源及其悲戚之归宿
9.Text Reconstruction and Gender Narration:Tracing to the Identity Construction of Yuji from the Evolution of Farewell My Concubine;文本重构与性别叙事——从“霸王别姬”故事的演变看虞姬的身份建构
10.A native of Suzhou, she was reputedly born to distinguished parents. She is said to be a rare beauty, well-educated and full of ambition.据传,虞姬是苏州人,出身名门,姿色倾城,且博览群书,胸怀大志。
11.Walking up to him Lady Yu said in praise, "Sir, you have incomparable muscular strength. With your amazing courage and intelligence, you are the only hope of the country's reunification."虞姬上前称赞: “君大智大勇,臂力过人,国中统一唯君是望。”
12.Carrying the head of his lady with him, Xiang Yu then came within the boundary of today's Dingyuan County where he had Lady Yu's head formally buried.项羽带着虞姬的头颅,直至东城(今定远县境内)才予以安葬。
13.It is said that there used to be in days of old a clear water pond outside the fort where Xiang Yu's beloved woman Lady Yu often came to get water.原先,城外还有一泓清水塘,相传当年项羽的爱妃虞姬常到这里汲水。
14.Examining Feminist Literature and Its Criticism--Case Analysis of the Character of Concubine Yu in "Farewell,Concubine" by Zhang Ailing;女性主义文学及其批评的一种审察——以张爱玲《霸王别姬》中虞姬形象的个案分析为例
15.deceive each other尔虞(诈)我诈(虞)
16.Contribution of Zhang Chao s“Yuchuxunzhi”to the“Yuchu”Genre;论张潮《虞初新志》对“虞初体”的贡献
17.such fraud and theft and robbery;这般尔虞我诈、盗窃抢掠;
18.The race was threatened with extinction.这种族有灭绝之虞。

1.Investigation Report about Ancient Battle Fields of Jin “Attacking Guo by Way of Yu”;晋“假虞伐虢”古战场考察报告
3)YU Chuan虞抟
1.A Preliminary Investigation On Medicinal Plant Resources of Yushan (Ⅱ);虞山药用植物资源研究初报(二)──草本植物类
2.Analysis of vegetation types and woody plants flora in Yushan of Changshu;常熟虞山森林植被类型及木本植物区系分析
3.Evaluation and Development of Tourism Resources in Yushan,Changshu常熟虞山旅游资源评价与开发
1.Study on Ecological Functions of Elaeocarpus decipiens-Earthworm-Poultry in Hilly Land of Shangyu;上虞丘陵山区杜英—蚯蚓—家禽立体生态功能的研究
6)Wu Yu吴虞
1.The Initial Study of Wu Yu sThe Required Readings of Chinese Literature Lovers;吴虞《中国文学爱好者必读书》初探
