1.The Perspective on the Evolution of the Chinese Characters Basic Elements Based on the Shuihudi Bamboo-inscriptions;从睡虎地秦简看汉字基础构形元素的演化
2.Qin Bamboo Slips at Shuihudi in Yunmeng County:Archaeological Meanings;云梦睡虎地秦简的考古学意义
3.Reading the Han Bamboo-slip "Zanglu" Excavated from M77 at Yunmeng Shuihudi Site读云梦睡虎地M77汉简《葬律》

1.The Study of Exchanged Characthers and Folk Characters Used in Bamboo Silps Excavated From Ancient Tombs of Qin Dynasty in Shuihudi;《睡虎地秦墓竹简》通假字、俗字研究
2.The Ghosts and Gods in Rishu·Jiejiu of Shuihudi Qin Bamboo-inscriptions;睡虎地秦简《日书·诘咎》篇中的鬼、神和怪
3.Foreclosure of Qin Tomb s Letters--Reading Notes on Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain;秦简中的赎——睡虎地秦墓竹简研读札记
4.The development of Qin thought and culture reflected by Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips The Way To Be An Official (Li)从睡虎地秦简《为吏之道》看秦思想文化的发展
5.Re-research on the Origin of Clerical Script--Based on the Clerical Script of Qinjian at Shuihudi,Yunmeng;再考隶书所起——以云梦睡虎地秦简隶书为据
6.The Perspective on the Evolution of the Chinese Characters Basic Elements Based on the Shuihudi Bamboo-inscriptions;从睡虎地秦简看汉字基础构形元素的演化
7.Management Regarding Clothes and Textiles in the Qin Dynasty from the Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty Unearthed in Shuifudi;从睡虎地秦简看秦代有关衣布管理的法律
8.Discrimination and Analysis of the Age in "To Be Appointed as Assistantsof Local Government Officials,One Must Be in His Prime" Recorded in the Qin Dynasty Law Unearthed in Shuihudi;睡虎地秦律“除佐必当壮以上”年龄规定辨析
9.On the text for educated officials in Qin & Han Dynasty-An argument of that the Qin bamboo slips found in Shuihudi are the text for lecturing officials;论秦汉的学吏教材——睡虎地秦简为训吏教材说
10.Study on the Popular Faith Which was Recorded in "Rishu" Bamboo Slips睡虎地秦简《日书》所见的秦时民间信仰活动探微
11.Criminal and Punishment of Local Officers in Qin State Reflected in The Bamboo Books of Qin Tomb Found in Sui Hudi;从《睡虎地秦墓竹简》看秦国地方官吏的犯罪与惩罚
12.The notes for the words on Shuihudi Qinmu Zhujian(《睡虎地秦墓竹简》) --And analyses some shortcomings in Hanyu Da Cidian and Hanyu Da Zidian《睡虎地秦墓竹简》词语札记——兼谈《汉语大词典》、《汉语大字典》释义之缺失
13.The Job Crime of Judicial Official in Qin and Han Dynasty;秦汉时期的司法职务犯罪——睡虎地秦简和张家山汉简所见
14.A Study of the Pre-Qin Folk Belief in Prayers for Wealth--Focusing on Rishu Written on the Qin Dynasty Bamboo Strips;先秦民间祈财信仰研究——以睡虎地秦简《日书》为中心
15.The Further Discussion On Wei Law in the Qin Bamboo Slips Unearthed in Shuihudi-Talk about from the legend of Jiang Taigong也谈云梦睡虎地秦简《魏律》——从有关姜太公的经历说起
16.Research On Women's Matrimony and Family Life from the Period of the Warring States to the Western Han Dynasty Based on the Information on Inscriptionson Bamboo Slips战国末期至西汉初年的妇女婚姻家庭生活——以睡虎地秦简和张家山汉简为主要研究对象
17.A floor roughly boarded over.马马虎虎铺起来的地板。
18.He looked at him furiously for an instant.他气虎虎地瞅了他一眼。

the Qin Dynasty Law Unearthed in Shuihudi睡虎地秦律
1.Discrimination and Analysis of the Age in "To Be Appointed as Assistantsof Local Government Officials,One Must Be in His Prime" Recorded in the Qin Dynasty Law Unearthed in Shuihudi;睡虎地秦律“除佐必当壮以上”年龄规定辨析
3)Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips睡虎地秦简
1.The development of Qin thought and culture reflected by Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips The Way To Be An Official (Li);从睡虎地秦简《为吏之道》看秦思想文化的发展
4)Shuihudi bamboo slips of Qin睡虎地秦墓竹简
5)Characters written on bamboo slips of Shuihudi tomb of Qin Dynasty睡虎地秦墓竹簡文字

湖北云梦睡虎地出土的秦毛笔湖北云梦睡虎地出土的秦毛笔  一九七五年,在湖北云梦睡虎地秦墓出土有毛笔,笔杆为竹制,笔毛包扎在竹竿外周,裹以麻丝,并加髹漆。亦有的在竹竿端部凿成一腔,以藏纳笔头,整支毛笔装入一个和它等长的细竹筒中,筒中间两侧,镂有8.5厘米长形空槽,以便取用毛笔,竹筒髹以黑漆户并绘有朱色条纹。