1.All previous dynasties total acceptance of JiangZong can be divided into two obvious different stage:the Tang Dynasty and Tang latter.南朝后期作家江总,历梁、陈、隋三代,生前身后都具有一定的影响。

1.Liangjiang Viceroys and Their Influence to Jiangsu Province s Development in the Proceeding the Qing Dynasty;清前期两江总督及其对江苏发展的影响
2.The Research Into the Culture of Family Decoration Concerned with Two-River Governor-General in Qing Dynasty;从两江总督署看清代建筑小木作文化
3.The Brightest Feature of Party Secretary-general Jiang s Speech on May 31;江总书记“5·31”讲话最鲜亮的特色
4.Man who Makes Brilliant Achievements创造辉煌的人——记德阳市五金交电化工总公司刘前江总经理
5.General Layout Design for Bajiangkou Hydropower Station in the Guijiang River of Guangxi广西桂江巴江口水电站枢纽总体布置方案设计
6.Dynamics of TN and TP in the Backwater Region of the Linjiang River in the Three Gorge Reservoir三峡库区临江河回水区总氮和总磷的动态特征
7.Yangtze Three Gorges Porject Development Corp.长江三峡工程开发总公司
8.China Three Gorges Project Corporation中国长江三峡工程开发总公司
9.President Jiang Zemin Holds Talks With President George Bush江泽民主席与布什总统举行会谈
10.President Jiang, Vice Premier Qian and friends,江泽民主席、钱其琛副总理、各位朋友:
11.On the Campus Layout of the Comprehensive Planning of Anyuan College in Jiangxi Province谈江西省安源学院校园总体规划布局
12.Survey of the ~(90)Sr and β radioactive level in the river江水中~(90)锶和总β放射性水平调查
13.Study on the Debt-to-equity Swap of Changjiang National Shipping (Group) Corporation;长江航运(集团)总公司债转股实施研究
14.Analysis of the Top 50 of Heilongjiang Enterprises in 2007;2007黑龙江企业50强总体情况分析
15.Overall Planning of Meiling National Forest Park in Nanchang City of Jiangxi;江西南昌梅岭国家森林公园总体规划
16.Discuss the Collectivity Planning Idea of Wuxi Urban Farm in Jangsu Province;江苏无锡都市农庄总体规划思路探讨
17.Explound JIANG Ze-min s Thought on Generalizing the Constructive Experience of the Party;试论江泽民关于总结党建经验的思想
18.Summary on the maintenance of Jiangsu Yonggang's 21000m~3/h air separation unit江苏永钢21000m~3/h空分设备检修总结

Jiang Zong江总
1.On Jiang Zong's Performance of the Buddhism Faith and Its Literal Expression论江总的佛教信仰及其文学表现
2.A Study of the Relation between Jiang Zong's Life and Buddhism江总生平与佛教关系考述
3)Governor General of Jiangnan and Jiangxi Provinces两江总督
1.Zhou Fu s Economic Reform Measures in His Term of Governor General of Jiangnan and Jiangxi Provinces;论周馥在两江总督任期的经济改革举措
4)Jiɑng Zong江总(519~594)
5)the total saponins in Hemsleya zhejiangensis浙江雪胆总皂苷
6)Governor of water-control in south of the Yangtze River江南河道总督

江总Jiang Zong江总 南朝陈诗人。字总持。祖籍济阳考城(今河南兰考)。他出身高门,早年即以文学才能被梁武帝赏识,官至太常卿。侯景之乱后,他避难会稽,又转到广州,至陈文帝天嘉四年(563)才被征召回建康,任中书侍郎。陈后主时,官至尚书令,“总当权宰,不持政务,但日与后主游宴后庭”,“由是国政日颓,纲纪不立”(《陈书·江总传》)。隋文帝开皇九年(589)灭陈,江总入隋为上开府,后放回江南,去世于江都(今江苏扬州)。 江总是陈代亡国宰相,后宫“狎客”,宫体艳诗的代表诗人之一,在历史上声名不佳。但随着国家兴亡和个人际遇的变化,他的诗也渐渐洗去浮艳之色,而时有悲凉之音。例如《诒孔中丞奂》的“遇物便今古,何为不惆怅”,《明庆寺》的“市朝沾草露,淮海作桑田;何言望钟岭,更复切秦川”等句,感慨梁代兴亡以及思乡之情,较有真情实感。又如《哭鲁广达》诗:“黄泉虽抱恨,白日自留名;悲君感义死,不作负恩生。”沈德潜《古诗源》评为“不嫌自污,真情可悯”。《南还寻草市宅》对陈亡后的遭遇也颇有感慨之叹。这些诗的风格与宫体艳诗显然不同。又由于他有较高的文学造诣和才能,讲究辞藻和声律,因而对近体,尤其是对七言诗的发展也有所贡献,例如《闺怨》、《宛转歌》的语言和律调已近似初唐七言歌行。 《陈书·江总传》载有集30卷。但今存明代张溥《汉魏六朝百三家集》中所辑《江令君集》仅1卷。 (曹道衡)