1.There are two special political systems in early Qing Dynasty, namely regent system and senior ministers assistant system.清初经历了叔王摄政、异姓大臣辅政的两种特殊的政治体制。

1.The government, office, or term of a protector.摄政政体摄政王的政府、职务或任期
2.a Regency chair摄政时期样式的椅子
3.the Regency (in Britain)(the period 1810-20,when George,Prince of Wales acted as regent)(英国)摄政时期(1810-1820年,威尔士亲王乔治摄政时期)
4.A person who rules a kingdom during the minority of a sovereign.摄政者在君主未成年时统治国家的人
5.His address is284Regent Street, right?他的住址是摄政者街284号,对吗?
6.The eldest son succeed to the protectorate after his father died他父亲死後,长子继承了摄政职位
7.I enclose the letter which I have written to the Prince Regent under a flying seal.我把写给摄政王的信装入开口信封。
8.The eldest son succeed to the protectorate after his father die.他父亲死後,长子继承了摄政职位。
9.regency policies and appointments that were later rescinded.后来被撤消的摄政制度和任命
10.His address is 248 regent street, right?他的住址是摄政街284号,对吗?
11.Regency architecture, furniture英国摄政时期的建筑风格、 家具.
12.became his protector until the time of his coronation.就成为他的摄政王,直到他加冕时为止。
13.Welcome to the online home of Regent Christian Academy (RCA).欢迎到摄政的基督徒学院(RCA)的网上家。
14.She visited the Regent of Hungary.她拜访了匈牙利的摄政王。
15.We were parading by the Regent Palace.我们那时候正在摄政宫饭店前面游行。
16.In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.在英国, 通常由下一位王位继承人摄政
17.The house itself was full of Regency furniture.这所住宅到处陈列着摄政时期的家具。
18.On the Origin of Regency in Early Modern England (1534-1553);近代早期英国摄政制度的起源(1534-1553)

acting as a regent临朝摄政
3)Zhou Gong's regency周公摄政
4)The Regent摄政主体
