1.Compared with Ford s Tara thangka in iconography, Tara of the Polo style in Drathang should have direct relation with the mission of the Atisha at central Tibet in the eleventh century and the Tara thangka should be the works following the model of the Indian Polo images.通过和福特藏《绿度母》唐卡从图像学上进行比较分析,发现扎塘寺壁画中波罗风格绿度母图像与11世纪在卫藏传教的印度高僧阿底峡有直接联系,应是源于以印度波罗图像为范本的作品。
3)Alai marine channel阿赖海峡
4)submarine canyon海底峡谷
1.Impact of submarine canyons on time-depth conversion of deeper intervals and its elimination approach;海底峡谷对深部地层时深转换的影响及其消除方法
2.Topographical features such as the length,the bending level,the mean slope,the profile character and the water depth at the head and the tail of the submarine canyons on the East China Sea Slope were studied based on the multibeam bathymetric data acquired in the East China Sea from 1997 to 2001 and the collection of single-channel seismic profiles with high resolution.利用1997—2001年在东海海域获得的多波束全覆盖测深数据和收集的部分高分辨率单道地震剖面,对东海陆坡海底峡谷的地形要素,如长度、弯曲度、平均坡度、剖面特征、头部和末端的水深等进行了详细的分析和统计。
3.The graded beds have features indicative of gravity flow and turbidite channel deposition,and they are interpreted as representing carbonate submarine canyon system.该沉积体以发育多级别的、典型正粒序沉积韵律为特征,构成生物碎屑灰岩的主要为异地搬运来的生物碎屑,它们具有明显的重力流色彩,是一种浊积水道沉积,将其解释为碳酸盐岩海底峡谷。

1.Distributions of Different Submarine Canyons on the East China Sea Slope and Their Tectonic Response东海陆坡不同类型海底峡谷的分布构造响应
2.Upward-fining channels may occur in a wide range of environments, from submarine canyon to alluvial fan.向上变细的水道可以出现在好多种环境中,从海底峡谷到冲积扇。
4.Morphotectonics and evolution of the Penghu Submarine Canyon in the offshore areas, SW Taiwan (Zheng-I Huang, Ph.D. thesis, 2006).台湾西南海域大地构造形貌及澎湖海底峡谷的演化(黄任亿、博士论文、民国95年)。
5.a bottomless pit, gorge, etc无底的深坑、 峡谷等.
6.pipe line under the ocean英吉利海峡海底输油管
7.There is a dude ranch at the bottom near the camp ground.峡谷底宿营地附近有一个游客庄园。
8.the ocean, forest, valley, cave floor海洋的底、 森林的地面、 谷底、 洞底.
9.Grand Canyon national park does offer mule ride down to the bottom of the canyon, i. e, all the way to the Colorado River.大峡谷国家公园并不提供骡骑到峡谷的底部,科罗拉多河.
10.Deep-sea valleys are the counterparts of the mountain chains.深海里的峡谷相当于陆地上的山脉。
11.A telephone submarine cable is laid across the English Channel.一条电话海底电缆横穿英吉利海峡。
12.A long, steep - sided valley on the ocean floor.海沟一种海底狭长而两边陡峭的山谷
13.Deep bays and sounds, in the shape of river valleys, cut inland on the coasts.深海湾和海峡,呈河谷的形状,在岸边切割内陆。
14.Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid-ocean ridge,constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.海底山脉、海底火山、裂谷、大洋中脊等等,构成了丰富的海底世界。
15.The Grand Canyon Skywalk is an observatory with a glass bottom, allowing visitors to gaze into the spectacular gulf beneath their feet directly.大峡谷空中步道是个底部为玻璃的观景台,使游客能够直接看著「脚下」壮丽的峡谷。
16.The Red Sea is a geologic continuation of the valley.红海就是一个峡谷在地质上的继续发展。
17.The six-point-two-magnitude earthquake was centered beneath the Sunda Strait.这次里氏6.2级地震的震中是巽他海峡的海底。
18.Tunnelling under the English Channel is a big proposition.在英吉利海峡海底凿隧道是一个大问题。

3)Alai marine channel阿赖海峡
4)submarine canyon海底峡谷
1.Impact of submarine canyons on time-depth conversion of deeper intervals and its elimination approach;海底峡谷对深部地层时深转换的影响及其消除方法
2.Topographical features such as the length,the bending level,the mean slope,the profile character and the water depth at the head and the tail of the submarine canyons on the East China Sea Slope were studied based on the multibeam bathymetric data acquired in the East China Sea from 1997 to 2001 and the collection of single-channel seismic profiles with high resolution.利用1997—2001年在东海海域获得的多波束全覆盖测深数据和收集的部分高分辨率单道地震剖面,对东海陆坡海底峡谷的地形要素,如长度、弯曲度、平均坡度、剖面特征、头部和末端的水深等进行了详细的分析和统计。
3.The graded beds have features indicative of gravity flow and turbidite channel deposition,and they are interpreted as representing carbonate submarine canyon system.该沉积体以发育多级别的、典型正粒序沉积韵律为特征,构成生物碎屑灰岩的主要为异地搬运来的生物碎屑,它们具有明显的重力流色彩,是一种浊积水道沉积,将其解释为碳酸盐岩海底峡谷。
5)sea-floor canyon海底峡谷
1.By the SN direction from the top of the bay,it formed a sea-floor canyon,about 800m depth,which is continuous to the .本文根据普里兹湾近岸的中山站附近海域概略水深 ,研究分析了地形基本概况 ,崎岖不平的中山站近海湾部水下地形 ,沿其湾顶部轴线SN向形成了一条绵延弯曲的水深达 80 0m以浅的海底峡谷 ,通往冰盖底部。
6)sea canyon海底峡沟

阿底峡  古印度僧人、佛学家。汉名无极自在,本名月藏,法名燃灯吉祥智。生于巴格浦尔(另说班加尔或比哈尔)。11岁在那烂陀寺从觉贤学习佛学,旋去王舍城跟密教大师阿缚都底波陀学习密法,尔后又去超戒寺从那洛波钻研显密两乘。29岁在菩提伽耶摩底寺(另说奥坦多补梨寺)从戒护受具足戒,学习戒律,又从法护学习显教经典。在1013年阿富汗的穆罕默德·伽塞尼的穆斯林军队最后一次侵入印度前,他去金地岛(今苏门答腊)从法称学习密法,并去锡兰(今斯里兰卡)钻研大小乘经论和密咒。44岁时返印度,出任超戒寺首座(大上座),声名极盛,与宝生寂、觉贤、阿缚都底波陀、动毗波、寂贤等人一起被称为超戒寺八贤。    朗达玛在西藏禁佛以后,佛教陷于危机之中。11世纪西藏阿里地区的统治者绛曲沃(菩提光)派那错携带重金去印度敦请阿底峡赴藏协助振兴佛教。1040年离印至尼泊尔住一年,1042年至阿里。他应意希沃(智光)之请,著《菩提道灯论》,提倡三士道和业果的学说,因而被称为业果学者。此时他应西藏当时大译师仁钦桑布(宝贤)之请至妥顶寺。时仁钦桑布已85岁,交谈之后,极为敬佩,遂请其校正自己所译经典,并听从阿底峡的劝告,建舍闭关修定,直至逝世。    阿底峡住阿里三年,正欲回印,到达尼泊尔边境时,适逢战乱,交通阻断,不得不折回西藏。西藏译师仲敦巴请其到卫地弘法,遂应邀至桑耶寺,译出《摄大乘论》及世亲《摄大乘论释》等多种经论。他在桑耶寺看到大量印度所无的经典,甚为震惊。其后又被请到拉萨聂塘,译出《中观心要释思择焰》,并自著两部解释此论的著作。后至耶巴,译出无著造的《究竟一乘宝性论》。    阿底峡的显密译著收于藏文大藏经丹珠尔中的有百多种。他传播的思想和学说,后来形成噶当派。宗喀巴继承和发展他的学说,创立了格鲁派,传播到甘肃、青海、蒙古等地。