1.Research and Discussion on Chemical Composition and Technics of the early Faience and Glass Artifacts Unearthed from China中国早期釉砂和玻璃制品的化学成分和工艺特点探讨
2.As the precursor of ancient glasses, faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses.釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。

1.colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料
2.Research and Discussion on Chemical Composition and Technics of the early Faience and Glass Artifacts Unearthed from China中国早期釉砂和玻璃制品的化学成分和工艺特点探讨
3.As the precursor of ancient glasses, faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses.釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。
4.Study of four airpolishing powders on enamel surface roughness of teeth in vitro4种喷砂砂粒对牙釉质表面粗糙度影响的对比研究
5.The products of the enterprise sell well in more than ten countries and regions, such as inferior, Europe, The USA, Middle East, etc.主要产品有:陶瓷釉盆、彩盆、质陶瓷盆、砂花盆、瓷酒器,陶瓷杂件等陶瓷工艺品。
6.The products of the enterprise sell well in more than ten countries and regions, such as inferior, Europe, beautiful, Middle East, etc.主要产品有:陶瓷釉盆、彩盆、质陶瓷盆、砂花盆、泥陶瓷盆、瓷杂件、瓷蜡烛等陶瓷工艺品。
7.An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery.外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉
8.Among the types of porcelain found at the site are wares with bluish white, egg-shell white, white, black, and blue-and-white glazes, as well as under-glaze red wares and low temperature fired colored porcelains.在釉色品种上,有青白釉器. 卵白釉器、白釉器、黑釉器、青花、釉里红和低温彩瓷等。
9.Three hundred and eighty yuan for the color-glazed horse.彩釉马要380元。
10.Well, three hundred and eighty yuan for the color-glazed horse,嗯,彩釉马要380元,
11.In addition, the glaze belongs to calcium glaze in which plant ash was added.另外,白瓷釉可能是加有草木灰的钙釉。
12.A painted or printed decoration applied over a glaze.釉上彩绘画在或印在釉上的装饰物
13.Earthenware decorated with colorful, opaque glazes.彩釉饰有彩色、不透明釉料的陶器
14.Shake jar then apply with a glaze fan brush.施用前需将釉浆摇匀,见议用扇笔上釉。
15.Research on the Elements in the Vitreous Glazed Components Used in Ancient Chinese Buildings;清代剥釉琉璃瓦件施釉重烧的再研究
16.Applied or designed for applying over a ceramic glaze.釉上的,釉面的为涂在陶瓷的釉上而应用或设计的
17.Study on Once Fast Firing of Glazed Tile with Formula Design and Property of Body and Glaze;一次烧成釉面砖坯釉配方设计及坯釉性能的研究
18.Designing Glaze Formulation and Glaze Sintering Technology of Ceramic for Vacuum Switch真空开关管管壳制釉中釉的配方设计及烧釉工艺的制定要点

faience and frit釉砂和玻砂
3)gold dust glaze砂金釉
1.The traditional gold dust glaze has more poison during the production and has more soluble lead during the use.砂金釉是一种名贵釉料,因其结晶形态类似于砂金石而得其名,传统砂金釉的生产过程中的毒性及使用过程中的铅溶出量较高。
4)glazing and sanding上釉上砂
1.Analysis was mode on fracture phenomena on trunk of 500 kV outdoor anti-pollution post insulator,which revealed complicated harmful stress on insulator body at pouring glazing and sanding in horizontal position.对500kV户外耐污棒形瓷绝缘子主体杆径开裂现象进行了分析,认为采用卧式淋釉法上釉上砂工艺,坯体受力复杂,对坯体的破坏较严重。
5)aventurine glaze金砂釉
6)aventurine glaze金星砂釉

磁州窑白釉釉下黑彩磁州窑白釉釉下黑彩  见“磁州窑白地黑花”。