1.Later, many studies attributed the development of identity to personal factors, which made it difficult to explain regression.随后的很多研究都把同一性发展归于个人因素,但这很难解释倒退现象,于是情境因素就被引入到同一性发展中来,现在许多研究者对于影响同一性发展的因素既有情境因素又有个人因素这一点已达成共识,并提出一些理论模型。

1.a retrograde policy, step倒退的政策、 一步.
2.The attendants went out backwards.随从倒退着出了房间。
3.My father stepped back in alarm.父亲惊恐地倒退一步。
4.He backed the car out of the garage.他把车倒退着开出车库。
5.The horse backed into the ditch.马倒退到沟里去了。
6.The frightened dwarf drew back.侏儒吓得往后倒退
7.Our society is going backward.我们的社会在倒退
8.It is dangerous to walk backward.倒退着走是危险的。
9.The Bicycle got in the way of the Backing car.自行车挡到要倒退的车。
10.Rebecca started back a picture of consternation.利蓓加惊得往后倒退
11.Persist in progress and oppose retrogression!坚持进步,反对倒退!
12.He stepped backward from the table.他倒退了几步离开桌子。
13.The Regressive Cycle is used to describle a decline in performance (regression).倒退循环用来描述部属工作表现的下跌(倒退)。
14.As to what degree relations may regress, that depends on the cause of the regression.至于倒退到什么程度,那要看导致倒退的来势如何。
15.I walked backwards down the stairs, carrying the heavy box.我扛著重箱子,倒退地走下楼梯。
16.The steps are easy to trace back.易于将这些步骤倒退回去。
17.reverse round a corner, up a hill, across a side street,etc开车倒退转弯、 上山、 穿过小街等
18.The horse shied at the car.那匹马看到汽车惊得往後倒退

1.The academic circle all agree that Zhuangzi\'s social perspectives were retrogressive,and should be criticized.学界一致认为庄子的社会观是倒退的,应受到批判。
5)backward analysis倒退分析
1.In this p aper, the genetic algorithm is introduced to search the optimized closure state in arch-rib construction, which can be taken as the initial state of backward analysis.由于钢管混凝土拱桥的受力特点,在施工仿真计算中无法找到倒退分析的起点。
6)reverse relation倒退关系

倒退倒退regression  倒退(regression)亦称“退行”、“回归”。精神分析术语,一种潜意识的防御机制,指一个人遭受挫折而无法解脱时,自我会退回到较早期,出现幼稚的语言和举动。它有时表现为回复到个体幼稚时期的习惯和行为方式,有时又表现出采取幼稚而简单的方式来解决所遭受到的挫折问题。从一定意义上说,倒退是一种复归原始的反应倾向。在精神分析治疗中,经常把倒退机制作为了解病人既往史的必要手段。在原始疗法和再生疗法中也往往鼓励病人采用倒退机制。但倒退也常常是病理过程的表现,如瘾症性“童样痴呆”、成年精神分裂症病人的各种幼稚表现等。 (孙延军撰牟丈博审)